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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Ruth Taylor , BSc.(Hons Psychology); MBChB, MRC Psych, MSc (Psych), MSc (Epid), PhD

Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 2032
Room Number: 2.07 Old Anatomy Building


Dr Taylor trained in psychiatry in Manchester and then as a senior trainee at the Maudsley and the Institute of Psychiatry where she completed her PhD.  Her PhD research was a study of factors predicting persistence of medically unexplained symptoms in primary care.  Dr Taylor runs a liaison psychiatry clinic at the Royal London and has both a clinical and research interest in somatisation and medically unexplained symptom syndromes, Together with a dermatology colleague Dr Taylor has established and runs an innovative psychodermatology clinic at the Royal London Hospital.  The clinic is involved in clinical research in psychodermatology particularly looking at treatment approaches for patients with unexplained dermopathy.  Dr Taylor is co chair of the UK Association of Psychodermatology which seeks to promote understanding of the interface area between psychiatry and dermatology and improve services for patients, and training for staff as well as stimulating research in this field.

Dr Taylor is also involved in research in medical education.  She is part of a collaborative project with a group of colleagues which is developing and evaluating a training package to teach medical students skills in psychiatric interviewing.   

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