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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Professor Trevor Sheldon, DSc FMedSci


Professor of Health Services Research & Interim Deputy Institute Director

Centre: Centre for Public Health & Policy



I studied medicine, economics and medical statistics. I joined QMUL in July 2020 where I am currently Professor of Health Services Research in the Global Public Health Unit of the Centre for Public Health and Policy and also Research Mentor at the Bradford Institute for Health Research. Previously I was at the University of York where I was Deputy Vice-Chancellor and then Dean of the Hull York Medical School.

I co-direct the UK Prevention Research Partnership- funded ActEarly consortium which focuses on early life changes to improve the health and opportunities for children living in areas with high levels of child poverty; Bradford, West Yorkshire and Tower Hamlets, London (

I collaborate with the Tower Hamlets Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) (

I am a member of the PREPARE partnership between the King’s Fund and the University of York, supporting policy making by providing fast, responsive analysis for the Department of Health and Social Care (

I chair the panel of the NIHR Population Health Career Scientist Award (PHCSA), a UK-wide initiative to enable senior researchers to make the next step to Reader/Professor level in their host institutions (

I teach on the QMUL MSc in Global Public Health and Policy (

I also chair the NIHR Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Collaboration Advisory Board (

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