I studied medicine, economics and medical statistics. I joined QMUL in July 2020 where I am currently Professor of Health Services Research in the Global Public Health Unit of the Centre for Public Health and Policy and also Research Mentor at the Bradford Institute for Health Research. Previously I was at the University of York where I was Deputy Vice-Chancellor and then Dean of the Hull York Medical School.
I co-direct the UK Prevention Research Partnership- funded ActEarly consortium which focuses on early life changes to improve the health and opportunities for children living in areas with high levels of child poverty; Bradford, West Yorkshire and Tower Hamlets, London (
I collaborate with the Tower Hamlets Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) (
I am a member of the PREPARE partnership between the King’s Fund and the University of York, supporting policy making by providing fast, responsive analysis for the Department of Health and Social Care (
I chair the panel of the NIHR Population Health Career Scientist Award (PHCSA), a UK-wide initiative to enable senior researchers to make the next step to Reader/Professor level in their host institutions (
I teach on the QMUL MSc in Global Public Health and Policy (
I also chair the NIHR Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Collaboration Advisory Board (
Research Interests:
My research interests are broad and include: analysis of the effectiveness/cost-effectiveness of healthcare and public health interventions, patient safety, health policy, and inequalities in health and resource allocation. I am particularly interested in ‘upstream’ interventions and policies to improve the social determinants of health and reduce health inequalities, working closely with local authorities and community organisations.
I use a range of research methods including evidence synthesis, observational, quasi experimental and experimental designs and qualitative methods.
Please click through to see a complete list of Trevor's publications.
Featured publications
Reece S, Sheldon TA, Dickerson J, Pickett KE ( 2022 ). A review of the effectiveness and experiences of welfare advice services co-located in health settings: A critical narrative systematic review. Social Science & Medicine. 114746 - 114746.
Dickerson J, Kelly B, Lockyer B, Bridges S, Cartwright C, Willan K, Shire K, Crossley K et al. ( 2022 ). 'When will this end? Will it end?' The impact of the March-June 2020 UK COVID-19 lockdown response on mental health: a longitudinal survey of mothers in the Born in Bradford study. BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 1 ) e047748 - e047748.
Fraser LK, Murtagh FEM, Aldridge J, Sheldon T, Gilbody S, Hewitt C ( 2021 ) . Health of mothers of children with a life-limiting condition: A comparative cohort study. Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 106 , ( 10 ) 987 - 993.
Lockyer B, Islam S, Rahman A, Dickerson J, Pickett K, Sheldon T, Wright J, McEachan R et al. ( 2021 ). Understanding COVID-19 misinformation and vaccine hesitancy in context: Findings from a qualitative study involving citizens in Bradford, UK. Health Expectations vol. 24 , ( 4 ) 1158 - 1167.
Sheldon TA, Wright J ( 2020 ). Twin epidemics of covid-19 and non-communicable disease. BMJ: British Medical Journal vol. 369.
Sheldon TA ( 2019 ). Inspecting the inspectors – does external review of health services provide value for money?. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy.
Marincowitz C, Lecky F, Allgar V, Sheldon T ( 2019 ). Evaluation of the impact of the NICE head injury guidelines on inpatient mortality from traumatic brain injury: An interrupted time series analysis. BMJ Open vol. 9 , ( 6 ).
Farrar D, Fairley L, Santorelli G, Tuffnell D, Sheldon TA, Wright J, van Overveld, L & Lawlor, DA. Association between hyperglycaemia and adverse perinatal outcomes in south Asian and white British women: analysis of data from the Born in Bradford cohort. The Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology. 2015;3(10):795-804.
Gilbody S, Lightfoot T, Sheldon TA. Is low folate a risk factor for depression: A meta-analysis and exploration of heterogeneity? J Epidemiol and Community Health. 2007; 61:631-637.
Sari AB, Sheldon TA, Cracknel A, Turnbull A. The sensitivity of the routine system for reporting adverse clinical incidents in NHS hospitals - a retrospective patient case note review. BMJ. 2007; 334:79; doi: 10.1136/bmj.39031.507153.AE
Carr-Hill RA, Sheldon TA, Smith P, Hardman G, Martin S, Peacock S. Allocating resources to health authorities: development of method for small area analysis of use of inpatient services. BMJ. 1994; 309:1046-9.
Imogen Featherstone, NIHR DRF; Developing a multi-component intervention for the prevention and management of delirium in hospices: A targeted behaviour change approach
Samia Abreu, CAPES Brazil; The impact of cash transfer programmes on child socioemotional and cognitive development and the mediating role of the mothers’ control in their living environment.
Sian Reece, NIHR DRF; Co-location of universal welfare advice in health settings for mothers and their families.
Liam Arnull, LISS DTP; Examining the development, implementation, and impact of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression change efforts (SOGIECE), such as conversion therapy, in the UK from 1861 through Critical Historical Sociology.
Aida Hassan, LISS DTP; Political violence and the limits of state-centrism in global health governance: comparative case analysis.