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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Alan Underwood, DClinPsy, MSc, Pg Cert, BSc(Hons), CPsychol


Lecturer in Forensic Mental Health, Centre for Psychiatry



Dr Alan Underwood is a Lecturer for the MSc programme in Forensic Psychology & Mental Health, which is accredited by the BPS. He is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and completed his doctoral training at University College London.

Clinically, Alan has worked in both medium and low secure mental health settings in the North London Forensic Service.  He is currently employed as a clinical psychologist within the National Stalking Clinic (NSC) and a multiagency project the Stalking Threat Assessment Centre (STAC) which aims to improve the assessment, management and to reduce the offending of those engaged in stalking. He has experience in conducting specialist assessments including the Stalking Risk Profile, the Stalking Assessment and Management tool (SAM) and is an approved trainer of the Screening tool for Stalking and Harassment (SASH). He has experience in the administration and interpretation of standardised psychometric instruments, for both clinical and court purposes and in the assessment and treatment of mentally disordered offenders in hospital and community settings. 

He has also provided consultation to the National Crime Agency as part of the suicide prevention working group which focused on online CSE offenders which resulted in the development of national processes and guidance.

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