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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

Dr Simpson Wong


Lecturer in Mental Health



I am a Lecturer in Mental Health and a Co-director of the MSc Mental Health: Cultural Psychology and Psychiatry, based at the Unit of Psychological Medicine in the Centre of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Wolfson Institute for Population Health.

I completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Hong Kong. After working as a mental health worker for the Salvation Army, I did an MPhil study investigating the cognitive deficits of developmental dyslexia. During my DPhil study at the University of Oxford, I conducted a longitudinal twin study, examining the roles of genes and environment on language and cognitive development. In the last decade, I completed 28 theoretical and applied projects covering a range of areas, including behavioural and molecular genetics, mindfulness, virtual reality, comic/graphic novel reading, bilingualism, physical health, etc. In particular, I am interested in studying the cognitive and social development in children with special educational needs, such as ADHD, Autism, Developmental Language Disorder, and Dyslexia. 

More recently, I have obtained a Master of Counselling (Monash) and a CertTESOL (Trinity) and have been applying my knowledge and skills to improve mental health in schools and the community.

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