I am a Senior Lecturer in Mental Health and the Director of the MSc Mental Health: Psychological Therapies in the Unit of Psychological Medicine at the Centre for Psychiatry & Mental Health, Wolfson Institute of Population Health. I am a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a full member of the Division of Health Psychology (DHP). I hold a PgCAP and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have a MSc in Health Psychology and a PhD in Applied Social Sciences. My PhD explored factors that contribute to patient satisfaction in two European health care systems. I developed a scale that assesses patient health care evaluations, patient satisfaction, expectations, health care experiences, interpersonal qualities of the doctor-patient relationship and health care contextual factors at both micro and macro level; the quality of the doctor-patient relationship was found to be an important determinant of patient satisfaction and medical adherence.
I have worked in academia as a lecturer for many years and my teaching experience includes a range of applied areas, such as counselling, mental health, health psychology and wellbeing, research methods, individual differences and social psychology. In the past, I have also provided consultancy workshops for junior doctors on communication skills. At the start of my career, I received training from the Psychiatric Unit at the University Hospital of Ioannina, Greece on psychological assessment. Outside my teaching role, I am a keen reader of philosophy, history and ancient Greek literature and plays the guitar.
Please click through to see a complete list of Theodora's publications
Outstanding publications
Dallas, T., Baroutsa, M.N, & Dein, S. (2020) The power of the divine: religion, rituals, and healing in Greece. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, (23):8, 718-732.
Kononovas, K. & Dallas, T. (2009). Across-cultural comparison of perceived stress and self-efficacy across Japanese, U.S. and Lithuanian students. Psichologija,39, 59-70.
Dallas, T. (2007). Cross cultural exploration of the factors that contribute to patient satisfaction among British and Greek populations: Towards the development of a three-facet patient satisfaction scale measuring patients ’ health care expectations, patients’ perception of professional competence and the role of health environment. In F.
Anagnostopoulos & E. Karademas (Eds.), Special Issues in Health Psychology: A Greek perspective (pp.279-311), Athens: Livanis Publications.
McMurray, I. & Dallas, T. (2005) Young Parents consultation on housing and related support needs. Luton Primary Care Trust.
Ellis K., McMurray I., Melrose, M., Preston-Shoot, M., Brownlow, C., Chater, A., & Dallas T. (2004) Mapping Needs, Supporting Peoples Programme in Luton: A research report. Bedfordshire County Council.
Dallas, T. & Ertubey, C. (2003) Factor contributing to Patient satisfaction within Hospitals and Private Clinics in Greece, PSYPAG, June Quarterly.
Karypidou, A., Kinman, G., & Dallas, T. (2011). Exploring emotional intelligence in medical professionals: patient and doctor outcomes. University of Bedfordshire Research Conference, 2011.
Dallas, T. & Ertubey, C. (2003) Patient Satisfaction with Medical Encounters: A comparison between Greece and England. 17th EHPS Conference, Kos, Greece, 2003.
Dallas, T. & Ertubey, C. (2003) Factors contributing to Patient satisfaction within Hospitals and Private Clinics in Greece. 6th BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Stafford, 2003.
Dallas, T. & Ertubey. C. (2001) Factors contributing to patient satisfaction in Greek hospitalized patients. 4th BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, St Andrews, Scotland, 2001.
I currently supervise the following PhD:
- Rahul Chaure: Exploratory Research of Distinctive Coping Techniques of Indian Population in Depression and Anxiety in Daily Life Versus Lifelong.