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Legal Advice Centre

Resources for secondary school students and sixth form students

The law on image-based sexual abuse can be complicated and overwhelming.  Our students create interactive workshops for secondary aged students on the illegality of this behaviour as part of our project, SPITE for Schools.

If you would like to book our students to deliver a session as part of our SPITE for Schools project then please contact us on

We appreciate that you may prefer to run sessions yourselves so our students have designed and shared a number of session resources which can be downloaded.  Each will have a lesson plan and the relevant resources (for example, slides and / or handouts). They are designed to be stand-alone sessions rather than a series and each lesson plan indicates the year group it is aimed at.

All these sessions have downloadable materials which are shared with the Creative Commons licence: CC BY ND.

SPITE workshop 1 – Scenarios

SPITE workshops 2 – Should it be a Crime?

These workshops have been created by different undergraduate law students at QMUL (April 2024). We are grateful to the following students: Hana Yehya, Cristina Grow, Alina Liebholz, Georgia Hawthorne and Ayah Derraz

Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre Students Justinne Shoshana Leibovici, Abhishek Sinh Jhala and Efstratia-Konstantina Rokkou have produced a video for the SPITE project. The video shows an example of image based sexual abuse and the law around sharing intimate images.

If you are teaching young people about stop and search you may be interested in this short video created by Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre students Rowan Hall, Linda Dusic and Emily O’Hanlon in April 2021.  This is shared with the following Creative Commons licence: CC BY ND.

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