What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.
Financial information which is not listed in the Publication Scheme may not be available if it is not in the financial, business or research interests of Queen Mary University of London to release it.
Funding / income
Information on the sources of funding and income, such as Funding Council grants, tuition fees, endowment, rents and investment income (including investment strategy)
- Finance website
- Tuition fees
- Capital Expenditure Policy [PDF 211KB]
- Queen Mary receives funding from the Office for Students and UK Research and Innovation
- Managed Investment Portfolio
- The endowment investment portfolio is managed in accordance with the QMUL Investment Policy [PDF 71KB]
- A schedule of the managed Endowment Investment Portfolio at 31 July 2024 [XLS 22KB]
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Finance & Investment committee minutes
Financial audit reports
Queen Mary University of London’s financial statements include a report from the independent auditors each year.
Capital programme
Information on major plans for capital expenditure are reported at Finance & Investment Committee
Financial regulations and procedures
Staff allowances and expenses
Staff pay and grading structures
Information on pay and grading structures is available from Human Resources.
Register of suppliers
Procurement and tender procedures and reports
- Information on procurement policy is included in Financial Regulations
- Procurement
- Purchasing website (internal only)
- Details of contracts that exceed £25,000 are available on the Procurement website
Research funding
- Joint Research Management Office
- Research Board (disbanded)