Professor Rosa Lastra voted ‘Postgraduate Supervisor of the Year’ in QM Student Union Awards

Rosa Maria Lastra, Professor in International Financial and Monetary Law, has been voted ‘Postgraduate Supervisor of the Year’ by students in the Queen Mary Student Union Education Awards 2013.
Professor Lastra received her award at a ceremony held in Drapers Hall on Friday 15 March. The QMSU Education Awards bring together the SU’s Course Rep Awards and the Teaching and Learning Awards for the first time to celebrate all of the good work in teaching and learning that is taking place across the university.
The Student Led Teaching Awards, which are awards for academic staff as nominated by students, received over 200 nominations and included awards for Employability Enhancement, Assessment and Feedback, Learning Resources, Course Rep Champion, Support Staff Member of the Year and Teacher of the Year, as well as Postgraduate Supervisor of the Year. Professor Peter McOwan, Vice Principal for External Affairs and Public Engagement, and Professor Susan Dilly, Vice Principal of Teaching and Learning, gave speeches and presented awards to the recipients.
Professor Susan Dilly, Vice Principal for Teaching and Learning, commented on the Awards: "It was great that the categories, nominations and voting for the awards were entirely student led for the first time. The Education Awards gave us the chance to celebrate QM's community approach to enhancing the student experience. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the contributions of our teaching staff and our course reps together."
For more information and a full list of award winners: QM Intranet