Professor Rosa María Lastra

Sir John Lubbock Chair in Banking Law
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8070
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Qualifications: LLB & MA (Valladolid), LLM (Harvard, Fulbright Fellow), PhD (Madrid, with research stay at the LSE)
Professor Dr Rosa María Lastra is the Sir John Lubbock Chair in Banking Law and Chair of the Institute of Banking and Finance Law the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London. She is a Vice-Chair of the Monetary Committee of the International Law Association (MOCOMILA), founding member of the European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee (ESFRC), research associate of the Financial Markets Group of the London School of Economics and Political Science, member of the European Banking Institute (EBI), member of the European Law Institute (ELI), member of the Sovereign Debt Scoping Forum of the FMLC (Financial Markets Law Committee), member of the International Insolvency Institute, member of the British Insurance Law Association, member of SUERF (the European Money and Finance Forum) and member of PRIME. She has served as a consultant to the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, United Nations (UNCTAD) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. She is a member of two expert panels of the European Parliament: the Monetary Panel since 2015 and the Banking Union (Resolution) Panel since 2016. She is a member of Unidroit’s Working Group on Bank Insolvency since 2021. She has contributed as expert witness in international arbitration cases.
From November 2008 to June 2009 she acted as Specialist Adviser to the European Union Committee [Sub-Committee A] of the House of Lords regarding its Inquiry into EU Financial Regulation and responses to the financial crisis. In 2021, Professor Lastra acted as specialist adviser to the House of Lords in an inquiry on the Quantitative Easing (QE) programme of the Bank of England, conducted by the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee (ECAM) chaired by Lord Forsyth of Drumlean [The QE inquiry terms of reference are available online]. In 2023, Professor Lastra she acted Specialist Adviser to the House of Lords to assist their Economics Affairs Committee, chaired by Lord Bridges of Headley, in its inquiry into The Bank of England: how is independence working? The report was published in November 2023 and can be found in the Parliament website.
Since 2022 Professor Lastra has been working in close collaboration with the IMF’s Legal Department in examining key legal issues on a topic—climate—at the forefront of the IMF’s agenda; the collaboration builds on a long-lasting intellectual partnership covering several legislative developments, initiatives, and policy proposals (including on legal issues related to Brexit, bank insolvency and resolution, public debt, central banking, digitalisation, and bank regulation).
Prior to coming to London, she was Assistant Professor of International Banking at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs in New York (1993-1996). From January 1992 to September 1993 she was a consultant in the Legal Department of the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC From 2008 to 2010 she was a Visiting Professor of the University of Stockholm. Professor Lastra is Co-Director of the Sovereign Debt Forum, a collaboration between Georgetown and Queen Mary, and has acted as Principal Investigator in the Legal and Economic Conceptions of Money project funded by the ESRC under the Rebuilding Macroeconomics network (NIESR). She is Co-Director of the Queen Mary-UNIDROIT Institute of Transnational Commercial Law.
She studied at Valladolid University, Madrid University, London School of Economics and Political Science and Harvard Law School (Fulbright Fellow). Her publications include numerous articles in internationally refereed journals and several books: Research Handbook on Law and Ethics in Banking and Finance (Elgar, co-edited with Costanza Russo and William Blair, 2019), Research Handbook on Central Banking (Elgar, 2018, co-edited with Peter Conti-Brown), International Financial and Monetary Law (Oxford University Press, 2015, authored), Sovereign Debt Management (OUP, 2014, co-edited with Lee Buchheit), The Rule of Law in Monetary Affairs (Cambridge University Press, 2014, co-edited), International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs, (OUP, 2012, co-edited with Thomas Cottier and John Jackson), Cross-Border Bank Insolvency (OUP, 2011, edited), Legal Foundation of International Monetary Stability (OUP, 2006, authored), The Reform of the International Financial Architecture (Kluwer, 2001, edited), Bank Failures and Bank Insolvency Law in Economies in Transition (Kluwer, 1999, co-edited) and Central Banking and Banking Regulation (LSE, 1996, authored).
Postgraduate Teaching
Professor Rosa María Lastra is module convenor for:
- SOLM002 EU Financial and Monetary Law (Sem 1)
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets (Sem 1)
- SOLM004 International Financial Regulation (Sem 2)
She also teaches on the following modules:
- SOLM191 Legal Aspects of Financing Development (Sem 2)
- SOLM194 International Economic Law (Sem 1)
- SOLM157 International Energy Law and Ethics (Sem 1).
She also teaches on the LLM in Paris programme.
Financial law and regulation, central banking, international banking, international monetary law, law reform in emerging economies, law and economics, EU financial law, commercial law, banking law, sovereign debt, international economic law, bank resolution and insolvency and financial crisis management.
ESRC-funded Project 'Legal and Economic Conceptions of Money' (2019 - 2020)
This Project, administered by Queen Mary University of London's Centre for Commercial Law Studies, is funded by the ESRC under the Macro-Economic Finance Hub of “Rebuilding Macroeconomics”, a large collaborative Project at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. The research group comprises Principal Investigator Professor Rosa Lastra (Sir John Lubbock Chair in Banking Law, QMUL CCLS) and Co-Investigators Dr Jason Grant Allen (Senior Fellow, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society), Dr David Andolfatto (Senior Vice President, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank), Mr Simon Gleeson (Partner, Clifford Chance), Dr Michael Kumhof (Senior Research Advisor, Bank of England), and Professor Saule T. Omarova (Beth & Marc Goldberg Professor of Law, Cornell University). It will run from September 2019 to August 2020.
Lawyers and economists seem to approach money orthogonally—economists taking a more functional approach that includes a broader range of phenomena within the definition, lawyers emphasising legal tender status and the chattel characteristics of the conventional, core form of money—banknotes and coins. But there is commonality between legal and economic conceptions of money, too. Legal treatises over the past decade or two have given more importance to economic notions of monetary “aggregates” and the fact that things like commercial bank deposits—bi-lateral obligations between a bank and a customer—seem to function like money.
“Law and economics” is not a one-way street, either; law makes important contributions to economic conceptions of money. Some economists approach money as a spontaneous creation of private market forces. Law provides the essential micro-transactional apparatus that such theories assume. Others stress the role of state organs in the creation and maintenance of a money system, especially in the modern context. Law in turn provides the essential constitutional framework that such theories assume. In all cases, legal theory might provide important impulses that will assist macro-economists revising conventional theories and approaches to understanding money in light of technological change in our century. In particular, law highlights the need for a granular view of what is actually happening in e.g. payment with a banknote (change of property in a chattel), with bank deposits (e.g. destruction of one liability, creation of a new one possibly with a new bank), or with “virtual currency” (currently under debate). It highlights the importance of the legally-constructed notion of the monetary unit and promises to help organise and rank the classical functions of “money” as a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account.
Authored Books
- International Financial and Monetary Law, second edition of Legal Foundations of International Monetary Stability, Oxford University Press, Oxford, January 2015, 688 pages, ISBN 978-0-19-967109-0
- Legal Foundations of International Monetary Stability, Oxford University Press, Oxford, June 2006, 547+lii pages, ISBN: 0199269343.
- Central Banking and Banking Regulation, Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics, London, September 1996, 329 + viii pages, ISBN: 0753007258
Central Banking and Banking Regulation has been translated into Portuguese by Dan M. Kraft and published in Brazil by Editora del Rey under the title of Banco Central e Regulamentação Bancária in March 2000 (ISBN 85-7308-320-4).
Edited Books
- Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics (co-edited with Malik R. Dahlan, Rosa M. Lastra and Gustavo Rochette), Edward Elgar, 2022, 558 pp, ISBN: 978 1 83910 082 6
- Research Handbook on Central Banking (co-edited, Elgar, 2018)
- Sovereign Debt Management, (co-edited with Lee Buchheit), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, 487 + lvi pages, ISBN: 978-0-19-967110-6
- The Rule of Law in Monetary Affairs, World Trade Forum (co-edited with Thomas Cottier, Christian Tietje and Lucia Satragno), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014, 614 + xix pages, ISBN: 978-1-107-06363-1
- International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs, (co-edited with John Jackson and Thomas Cottier), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 472 + xiv pages, ISBN: 978-0-19-9668199
- Cross-Border Bank Insolvency, Oxford University Press, Oxford, February 2011, 489 + xl pages, ISBN: 978-0-19-957707-1.
- The Reform of the International Financial Architecture, Kluwer Law International, London, January 2001, 370 + xxvi pages, ISBN: 9041198024
- Bank Failures and Bank Insolvency Law in Economies in Transition (co-edited with Henry Schiffman), Kluwer Law International, London, April 1999, 333 + xvi pages, ISBN: 9041197141.
Refereed Articles
Lastra, “Do We Need a World Financial Organization?” Journal of International Economic Law, Vol .17, No. 4, December 2014, pp.787–805
- Lastra, “Banking Union and Single Market: Conflict or Companionship?” Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2013, pp. 1189-1223
- Lastra, “Defining forward-looking judgement-based supervision”, Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 14, No. 3/4, July 2013, pp. 221-227
- Lastra and Jean-Victor Louis, 'European Economic and Monetary Union', Yearbook of European Law, (2013), pp. 1–150
- R. M. Lastra. Evolution of the European Central Bank, Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. 35, Issue 5 (June 2012), pp. 1260-1281
- Lastra, 'Systemic Risk, SIFIs and Financial Stability', Capital Markets Law Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2011, pp.197-213
- Journal of International Economic Law -'The Quest for International Law in Financial Regulation and Monetary Affairs', Volume 13 Issue 3:
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Article with Geoffrey Wood on The Crisis of 2007-2009: Nature, Causes and Reactions, J Int Economic Law (2010) 13(3)pp. 531-550
- Article with Charles Goodhart on Border Problems J Int Economic Law (2010) 13(3) pp 705-718
- Article with Luis Garicano on Towards a New Architecture for Financial Stability: Seven Principles J Int Economic Law (2010) 13(3) pp 597-621
- Lastra, and Rym Ayadi, “Proposals for reforming deposit guarantee schemes in Europe”, Journal of Banking Regulation volume 11, number 3, June 2010, pp 210-222
- Lastra, 'Central Bank Independence and Financial Stability', Estabilidad Financiera No. 18, Banco de España, May 2010, pp. 49-66
- Lastra and Andrew Campbell, 'Revisiting the Lender of Last Resort', Banking and Finance Law Review, Vol. 24, No. 3, June 2009
- Lastra, Gillian Garcia and Maria Nieto, 'Bankruptcy and Reorganization Procedures for cross-border banks in the EU: Towards an Integrated approach to the reform of the EU safety net', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2009
- Lastra, 'Northern Rock, UK Bank Insolvency and Cross-Border Insolvency', Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 9, No. 3, May 2008, pp. 165-186
- Lastra and Lee Buchheit, 'Lending into Arrears - a Policy Adrift', The International Lawyer, Vol. 41, No. 3, Fall 2007, pp. 939-955
- Risk-based Capital Requirements and their Impact upon the Banking Industry: Basel II and CAD III [2004] 12(3) Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 225-239, ISSN: 1358-1988
- The Governance Structure for Financial Supervision and Regulation in Europe [2003] 10(1) Columbia Journal of European Law 49-68, ISSN: 1076-6715
- Cross-Border Bank Insolvency: Legal Implications in the Case of Banks Operating in Different Jurisdictions in Latin America [2003] 6(1) Journal of International Economic Law 79-110, ISSN: 1369-3034
- IMF Conditionality [2002] 4(2) Journal of International Banking Regulation 167-182, ISSN: 1465-4830.
Book Chapters
- Lastra, “Systemic Risk and Macro-prudential Supervision”, Chapter 11 in Oxford Handbook of Financial Regulation (ed. by Eilis, Ferrán, Jennifer Hill and Niamh Moloney), OUP, 2015, pp. 309-33
- Lastra, “Macro Prudential Supervision, Systemic Risk and Insurance Companies”, Chapter 3 in Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation (ed. by Andromachi Georgosouli and Miriam Goldby) published by Routledge/INFORMA, Lloyd’s Insurance Law Library series, 2015, pp 23-31
- Lastra, “Financial Institutions and Accountability Mechanisms”, [Chapter 2] in Building Responsive and Responsible Financial Regulators in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis (ed. by Pablo Iglesias Rodríguez), Intersentia, Cambridge – Antwerp – Portland, 2015, pp. 31-43
- Lastra, “Global financial architecture and human rights”, [Chapter 9] in Making Sovereign Financing & Human Rights Work (ed. by Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky & Jernej Letnar Černič), Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2014, pp. 129-138
- Lastra, “Regulatory Responses to the Financial Crisis”, book chapter [Chapter 6] in Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees (ed. by J. Raymond LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh), Elgar, 2013, pp. 75-89
- Lastra. “Modelos de Regulación en el Derecho Comparado: Organización de la Supervisión por Funciones twin peaks y Organización por Sectores Supervisados: Reunión o Separación de Funciones en el Banco Central” book chapter [Chapter 5] in Derecho de la Regulación Bancaria (ed. by Santiago Muñoz Machado and Juan Manuel Vega Serrano), Iustel, 2013, pp. 261-284. ISBN 978-84-9890-231-0
- Lastra and Charles Goodhart, ‘The Boundary Problems in Financial Regulation’, [Chapter 17] in Research Handbook on International Banking and Governance (ed. by James R. Barth, Clas Wilhborg and Chen Lin), Elgar, 2012, pp. 321-331
- Lastra, ‘Money Laundering and Financial Regulation’ in Money Laundering (ed. by Jan Kleineman and Lars Gorton), Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, Jure, 2012, pp. 35-43
- Lastra and Rodrigo Olivares Caminal, 'From Consolidated Supervision to Consolidated Resolution', book chapter [Chapter 17] in Managing Risk in the Financial System, John Raymond LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh (eds), 2011, pp. 308-332
- Lastra, 'The Role of the IMF as a Global Financial Authority', book chapter in European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL), edited by Christoph Herrman and Jörg Philipp Terhechte, Springer, Vol 2 (2011), pp. 121-136
- Lastra and Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, 'Cross-Border Insolvency: The Case of Financial Conglomerates' chapter 17 in Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution edited by Raymond LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal and Dalvinder Singh, Informa, London, 2009, pp.269-289
- Lastra, 'Northern Rock and Banking Law Reform in the UK', in The Failure of Northern Rock: a Multi-Dimensional Study, edited by Franco Bruni and David Llewellyn, SUERF Studies 2009/1, SUERF, Vienna, pp. 131-154
- Lastra, Rosa and Fabian Amtenbrink, 'Securing Democratic Accountability of Financial Regulatory Agencies - A theoretical framework', book chapter in Mitigating Risk in the Context of Safety and Security. How Relevant is a Rational Approach? Edited by RV de Mulder (rotterdam: Erasmus School of Law and Research School for Safety and Security (OMV) 2008, pp 115-132, ISBN 987-90-5677-0686-6
- Lastra, 'Cross Border Resolution of Banking Crises', Douglas D Evanoff, John Raymond LaBrosse and George G Kaufman (eds.), Book chapter in International Financial Instability: Global Banking and National Regulation, Vol. 2, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd, 2007, pp. 311-330
- Regulating European Securities Markets: Beyond the Lamfalussy Report, in M. Andenas and Y. Avreginos (Editors), Financial Markets in Europe: Towards a Single Regulator?, London: Kluwer Law International, 2003, 211-222, ISBN: 9041121595
- Comparative Aspects of Depositor Protection Schemes: Comparative (Co-author with D. Arner) in D. Arner and J. Lin (Editors), Financial Regulation: A Guide to Structural Reform, Hong Kong: Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2003, 463-478, ISBN: 9626611979
- Cross-Border Trade in Banking Services, in G. Alpa and F. Capriglione (Editors), Diritto Bancario Comunitario: Le Leggi Commentate, Turin: UTET, 2002, 433-455, ISBN: 8802059209
- Cross-Border Trade in Financial Services, in I. Fletcher, M. Cremona and L. Mistelis (Editors), Foundations and Perspectives of International Trade Law, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2001, 428-436, ISBN: 0421741007
- Public Accountability in the Financial Sector (Co-author with H. Shams), in E. Ferran and C. Goodhart (Editors), Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2001, 165-188, ISBN: 1841132799
- Central Bank Independence in Ordinary and Extraordinary Times (Co-author with G. Miller), in Jan Kleineman (Editor), Central Bank Independence: The Economic Foundations, the Constitutional Implications and Democratic Accountability, Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik, 2001, 31-50, ISBN: 9139006867
- The Bretton Woods Institutions in the XXIst Century, in R. Lastra (Editor), The Reform of the International Financial Architecture, London: Kluwer Law International, 2001, 67-90, ISBN: 9041198024.
Other Selected Publications
- The Governance Structure for Financial Regulation in Europe, London: LSE Financial Markets Group, 2001
- Lastra and Gabriel Gari, 'Assessing the Lamfalussy process: successes and failures' Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBFL), July-Aug 2009, pp. 379-383
- Lastra, 'Financial Law Reform in Emerging Economies', Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, Issue 8, July 2008, pp. 413-421
- How Much Accountability for Central Banks and Supervisors? [2001] 12(2) Central Banking 69-75, ISSN: 0960-6319
- Central Banking and Banking Regulation, London: Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics, 1996, 329, ISBN: 0753007258.
Public Engagement
Since 2016 Professor Lastra has been a member of the Banking Union (Resolution) Expert Panel of the European Parliament. On 4 November 2015 the European Parliament awarded the Framework Service Contract No P/A/ECON-BU/FWC/2015-057 – Lot 2 – Resolution of Banks to a consortium led by Queen Mary University of London (of which she is the team leader). The Framework Service Contract was signed on 13 January 2016. As part of the contract Professor Lastra and others submitted a report in November 2016 on "The different legal and operational structures of banking groups in the euro area, and their impact on banks' resolvability". In addition the paper was published on ECON homepage – Banking Resolution – Hearings and Exchanges of Views – Hearing on 5 December 2016 with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board.
Since 2015 she has been member of the Monetary Expert Panel of the European Parliament. On 28 January 2015 the European Parliament awarded the Framework Service Contract No IP/A/ECONMD/FWC/2014-026 to a consortium (of which I am a core team member) led by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). As part of this EU grant, I coordinated a briefing paper on the “Interaction between monetary policy and bank regulation” which the ECON Committee of the European Parliament officially requested in July 2015 in view of the Monetary Dialogue of 23 September 2015 with ECB President Mario Draghi. I also contributed to a report on “The Uncertainty after the Brexit vote: Economic effects and legal aspects” as per the EP’s request ahead of the Monetary Dialogue of 28 November 2016 with ECB President Mario Draghi.
Media and public appearances
- Professor Lastra spoke at the renewal of the CCLS and International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) partnership, 15 February 2023
- Professor Lastra held a book launch for the ‘Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics’, 13 December 2022
- Professor Lastra chaired the seminar discussion on "Should Private Sector Debt Relief be part of the Exit Strategy?", 14 May
- Professor Lastra chaired a panel in the Central Banking Conference organised by NIESR on 20 March
- Invited to speak at an expert panel on “Money, Money, Money” at Clifford Chance, chaired by FT editor Patrick Jenkins on May 1 2019.
- Organized a conference on Brexit on April 1st, 2019 at the LSE, together with Harald Benink
- Co-organized an event on sovereign wealth funds and regional development banks together with BIICL on 25th March 2019 at CCLS
- Chaired a panel discussion in the Harvard Law School - French Treasury Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century in Paris on 20 March 2019
- Invited to speak at the 5th Conference on the Banking Union on the Future of EU and UK financial services post Brexit, in Frankfurt on 22 November 2018.
- Invited contribute to UNCTAD’s Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development held from the 7-9 November 2018in the Palais de Nations (UN) in Geneva and to join a high-level expert panel on Debt vulnerability in least developed economies, discussing the impact of soft law in this area.
- Invited to speak at the International Monetary Fund on Brexit and financial services on 24 October 2018.
- Invited to teach on Central Banking before and after the crisis at Georgetown University in October 2018.
- Invited to speak at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on Brexit and financial services on 29 October 2018.
- Invited to speak on “Financial Services Failure” at the BILA conference on “Too Big to Fail”, Lloyd’s, London, 2 July 2018.
- Invited to speak on “General Principles in EU Banking Law and Monetary Union” at the workshop “Constructing Legal Orders: The General Principles of EU Law”, organized by the University of Leicester (Centre for European Law and Internationalisation), 29 June 2018.
- Invited to speak on “International Monetary Stability as a Common Concern of Humankind at the World Trade Institute Conference, “Towards a Principle of Common Concern in Global Law”, Bern, Switzerland, 22 June 2018.
- Invited to speak at the EBA-TARN conference on “Financial Regulation, the Banking Union and the European Banking Authority: Lessons for the Future”, London, 18 June 2018.
- Invited to talk at the CIRSF Annual International Conference on “Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector in the EU and Worldwide – 2018 and Beyond”, co-organized with the Banco de Portugal and Portuguese Supervisory Agencies in Lisbon on 6 June 2018.
- Co-organized the spring meeting of MOCOMILA (Committee of International Monetary Law of the International Law Association) in Barcelona on 18 May 2018 and chaired one of the sessions.
- Invited to give the first public lecture to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Malta, “Recent Regulatory Developments Impacting Central Banking” in Malta on 11 May 2018.
- Invited to speak (SAFE Policy Lecture) on “Populism and Central Bank Independence” in Goethe University (House of Finance), Frankfurt on 26 April 2018.
- Co-organized the Oxford-CCLS-Unidroit International Conference on “Development Finance in Emerging Markets: Challenges, Innovations and Results” with Sir Roy Goode, Patrick Trostle and others, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford, April 13-15, 2018. Contributed also to the panel on the role of central banks and international financial institutions in development finance.
- Invited to speak on “Populism and Central Bank Independence” Cambridge University (CRASSH Seminar Series) on 21 March 2018,
- Guest Lecturer at Brunel University (Banking and Finance Workshops) on ‘Law, Finance and Financial Regulation’, 7 March 2018.
- Organized a special lecture on Sovereign Wealth Funds taught by Tom Fearnley, Investment Director at the Norwegian Financial Ministry, Norwegian Government Pension Fund, which took place at CCLS, London, 2 February 2018.
- Organized a special lecture on Sovereign Wealth Funds taught by Tom Fearnley, Investment Director at the Norwegian Financial Ministry, Norwegian Government Pension Fund, which took place at CCLS, London, 2 February 2018.
- Invited to lecture on “Principles of Financial Regulation” in the University of Valladolid (Spain) on 18 January 2018.
- Invited to speak on Banking Regulation in Europe and the USA at “Encuentro del Sector Bancario” organized by the Center for International Finance of IESE and Ernst & Young at IESE, Madrid, on 13 December 2017.
- Invited to speak at the European Parliament training session on the Future of European Monetary Union and the Institutional Design of Banking Union in Brussels, on 7 December 2017.
- Invited to speak on the role of soft law in promoting responsible sovereign lending and borrowing at the 11th UNCTAD International Debt Management Conference in Geneva on 14 Nov. 2017.
- Invited to speak on “The Rational of Financial Regulation” at the Institute of International Monetary Research (IIMR) Annual Conference in London on 7 November 2017.
- Invited to talk on “Debt and Human Rights” at the Interdisciplinary Sovereign Debt Research and Management Conference (DebtCon) organized by Georgetown University Law Center and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva on 5 October 2017.
- Invited to teach a lecture on “Brexit” at the Georgetown University Summer Law School in London on 11 July 2017.
- Organized an international conference on “Accountability” with the Legal Directorate of the Bank of England on July 6 and 7, 2017. This was the Fifth Annual CCLS-Bank of England Conference, held at the Bank of England and organized this time with MOCOMILA. It convened an elite group of general counsels, lawyers, regulators, academics, practitioners, economists and policy experts.
- Invited to speak on “The Challenges of Central Bank Accountability” on 30 June 2017 as part of the Webinar series on central banking organized by the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
- Presented a paper on “The Winners and Losers of Globalization: Implications for Law and Finance” at the ATLAS AGORA (PhD) conference held at QMUL on 28 June 2017.
- Presented a paper (with Charles Goodhart) on “Populism and Central Bank Independence” at the London Financial Regulation Seminar, LSE, on 22 May 2017. Subsequently I presented this paper at a policy meeting convened by the OMFIF and CCLS on 23 June 2017.
- Invited by Harvard Law School and the European Central Bank (ECB) to chair and speak at a panel on Central bank independence from the Legislative, Judicial and Executive in the “Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Europe and the United States” held at the ECB in Frankfurt on 30 March 2017.
- Invited to chair a panel discussion on “Models for Sustainable Economic Growth” at the conference on Global Capital Markets organized by Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, on 23 March 2017.
- 6 January 2017 - She was quoted in BBC article 'Brexit: Will EU bodies be staying in London or going?'
- 17 January 2017 - She was invited to lecture on “Principles of Financial Regulation” in the University of Valladolid (Spain).
- 3 November 2016 - She was invited to speak on “Central Bank Independence” at a Seminar on “The Brave New World of Central Banking” organized by the University of Lucerne, Switzerland
- 2 November 2016 - She was invited to speak on “The Legal Underpinnings of the International Monetary System” at a conference organized by CCBS, Bank of England
- 27 October 2016 - She was invited to give a talk on the legal and financial implications of Brexit both Great Britain and the European Union at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York
- 25 October 2016 - She was invited to teach Georgetown University Law Center in Washington DC. Her seminar on “Monetary Law and Regulation: Limitations of the Current Framework” is part of the course on 'Law and Policy of International Economic Regulation'.
- 25 October 2016 - She was invited to contribute to a panel to discuss 'Law in a Globalized World: Coordination of Regulatory Regimes', co-organised by The Embassy of Switzerland and Georgetown University Law Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC.
- 24 October 2016 - She was invited to speak on the to speak at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 'Economic and Financial Governance in Europe After Brexit', Washington DC
- 6 October 2016 - She was invited to speak “How to fill the international law lacunae in sovereign insolvency in EU law?” at the ECB Legal Workshop on Legal Environment for Government Debt Restructuring, European Central Bank, Frankfurt
- 16 September 2016 - She organized a conference on “Economic and Political Governance in Europe after Brexit” with the European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, at CCLS, London
- 20 - 21 June - She will co-host the two-day conference on Central Banking in its institutional context [PDF 200KB]
- 28 April 2016 - She was invited to speak on “Gaps in Governance: the Banking Union” at a conference organized at the European University Institute on “Filling the Gaps in Governance: the Case of Europe”, Florence (Italy), 28 April 2016.
- 11 February 2016 - She was invited to give a special presentation at the International Monetary Fund. The presentation, titled 'Legal Underpinnings of the International Monetary and Financial System: The Key Role of the IMF', will draw on her latest book, 'International Financial and Monetary Law' (OUP, 2016), and will 'be discussing issues pertaining to the impact of the global financial crisis upon the international monetary and financial system, the European banking union and developments in the Eurozone, and the relevance of Fund law and central banking law in the pursuit of monetary and financial stability'.
- 10 February 2016 - She was invited to participate in a high level international conference on conference overview [PDF] [PDF 181KB] organised by the Committee of Capital Markets Regulation.
- 8 November 2015 - She was quoted in the Financial Times article 'Central banks: Peak independence'
- 16 September 2015 - She was quoted in the Financial Times article 'Overseeing the Bank of England: who will guard the guardians?'
- 4 August 2015 - She was quoted in the Financial Times article 'Central banks face tricky balancing act'
- 15 July 2015 - She was invited to provide oral evidence to the House of Lords (Select Committee on the European Union, Financial affairs Sub-Committee) as part of an expert panel of witnesses participating in a seminar to discuss the current crisis in Greece.
- 28 January 2015 - She is a member of the Monetary Expert Panel of the European Parliament. The European Parliament awarded the Framework Contract No IP/A/ECONMD/FWC/2014-026 to a consortium (of which she is a core team member) led by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). As part of this EU grant, she coordinated a briefing paper on the “Interaction between monetary policy and bank regulation” which the ECON Committee of the European Parliament officially requested in July 2015 in view of the Monetary Dialogue of 23 September 2015 with ECB President Mario Draghi.
- 11 December 2014 - She was invited to address the Legislative Committee (LEGCO) of the European Central Bank (ECB) to discuss the separation between the monetary policy and the supervisory responsibilities of the ECB and the provision of emergency liquidity assistance in the Single Supervisory Mechanism.
- October 2014 - She was invited to submit written evidence to the House of Lords’ European Union Committee – EU Economic and Financial Affairs Sub-Committee – with regard to its inquiry reviewing the EU Financial Regulatory Framework.
- September 2014 - She was invited to submit written evidence to the Treasury Committee in response to the letter by its Chairman, Andrew Tyrie MP (dated 23 July 2014) with regard to the Government’s secondary legislation on the ring fence.
- 25 September 2014 - Invited to speak at the European Commission (title to be announced)
- 2 July 2014 - Invited to lecture at a special seminar organised by Banco de Espana in Madrid on 'Banking Union: SSM, SRM and the missing pillar'.
- 16 May 2014 - Organised a conference in association with the Bank of England Legal Directorate on 'Financial and Monetary Law', held at the Bank of England Conference Centre, London. This conference convened an elite group of general counsel and other senior lawyers from central banks, regulators and international organisations, senior academics from the US, Europe and UK, and leading practitioners, together with economists and policy experts.
- 5 May 2014 - Speaker on 'Home and Host Country Responsibilities in the Single Supervisory Mechanism' at a meeting of the CEPS Task Force on ECB Banking Supervision and Beyond, CEPS, Brussels.
- 25 April 2014 - Speaker at a conference on 'Sovereign Debt Restructuring: the Road Ahead', organised by the Bank of England and the United Nations (Finance for Development Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs), held at the Bank of England
- 21 January 2014 - Contributed to a roundtable discussion organised on the Single Resolution Mechanism organised by NicolasVerón (Bruegel), Brussels.
- 14 January 2014 - Delivered inaugural lecture of the LLM in Paris programme on the topic of 'Banking Union: will it solve the next crisis'.
- 15 November 2013 - Organised jointly with the Legal Committee (LEGCO) of the European Central Bank and MOCOMILA a conference at the ECB on ‘The Future of Banking Regulation and Supervision in the EU’, and contributed a paper on “SSM and the Single Market”, Frankfurt.
- 7 November 2013 - Invited to teach a seminar on “The Evolving Role of Central Banks” in Oxford University, Law and Finance Seminar Series.
- 4 October 2013 - Organised jointly with senior legal staff of the Bank of England and the Prudential Regulatory Authority a meeting with the General Counsel of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to discuss monetary and financial stability after the financial crisis, London.
- 2-3 October 2013 - Keynote Speaker at the Bank for International Settlements, BIS Central Bank Legal Experts Meeting, “Sovereign Debt Crisis and Central Banks - Legal Aspects”, Basel, Switzerland.
- 19 September 2013 - Organised jointly with Banco de España the academic sessions of the MOCOMILA meeting in Madrid and contributed as a speaker on “Banking Union and Single Market”.
- 11 September 2013 - Speaker on “Supranational Supervision: Banking Union and Single Market” at the Central Banking Seminar, Cambridge University.
- 27 June 2013 - Contributed - as chair of one of the sessions - to the CCLS Roundtable on ‘Systemic Risk and the Future of Insurance Regulation’, held at Lloyd’s.
- 14 June 2013 - Invited to talk on “The Responses to the Eurozone Crisis” at a conference on ‘Evolution of Monetary Law & Policy’ at the University of Glasgow.
- 26 April 2013 - Invited to present a paper on ‘Banking Union and Single Market: Conflict or Companionship’ at the conference organised by ERA in association with the Irish Presidency of the EU on ‘The European Banking Union: a Turning Point’, Dublin.
- View the e-Presentation for this paper [requires registration and payment by credit card]
- March 2013 - Visiting Professor, Global Law Programme, Universidad de Navarra (Spain), March 2013.
- 18 January 2013 - Invited to talk on “Defining forward looking, judgment based supervision” at the Bank of England, Centre for Central Banking Studies Event, “The Future of Regulatory Data Analytics”.
- 29 October - 2 November 2012 - Invited to talk on “Central Bank Independence and Accountability” at the Central Banking Seminar organised by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York.
- 22 December 2012 - She was featured on BBC's In the Balance radio broadcast on the 'Banking black hole' discussing how best to navigate away from the huge debts faced by many European banks, and how to deal with banks that have broken the law.
- 18 June 2012 - Financial Services Board - Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes
- 18 May 2012 - We need an international monetary system which facilitates international trade
- 23 March 2011 - Inaugural lecture: The Quest for International Financial Regulation
- 1-2 December 2022 - co-organised a conference on "Central Bank Mandates in an Evolving World", hosted by Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) of Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the Legal Directorate of the Bank of England.
- 28 October 2015 - Invited to speak on European Banking Union (“La Unión Bancaria Europea. Luces y sombras del nuevo pilar de la estabilidad financiera en Europa”) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
- 8 September 2015 - Invited to speak on “The ECB, Monetary policy and Banking Supervision” at the 2nd Law and Monetary Theory Conference - Sheffield University.
- 9 September 2015 - Invited to speak on “Financial stability – some difficulties in identifying and containing systemic risk” at the Banking Law Symposium organized by CCLS.
- 4 September 2015 - Invited to speak on “Monetary Stability and Financial Stability – EBC Mandate” at the conference organized by the Bundesbank to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of MOCOMILA, in Berlin.
- 1 September 2015 - Invited to speak on “Supervisory Discretion and the Domain of Monetary Policy: Challenges for the ECB” at the ECB Legal Conference, “From Monetary Union to Banking Union: new Opportunities for European Integration”, European Central Bank, Frankfurt.
- 2 July 2015 - Invited to speak on “Structural Reforms: a Comparative Perspective” at the Structural Reform of Banking Symposium, organized by the University of Liverpool in London.
- 10 June 2015 - Organized together with Charles Goodhart (and chaired one of the sessions) a conference on Bank Structural Reforms (London Financial Regulation Seminar) held at the LSE, London.
- 19 May 2015 - Invited to speak at Slaughter & May on EU Banking Union.
- 15 May 2015 - Organised the third Annual CCLS - Bank of England conference on Financial and Monetary Law together with Jonathan Grant, David Bholat and Charles Randel, which was followed by the book launch of International Financial and Monetary Law.
Member of the Institute of International Financial Law
Member of the Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context (CLSGC)
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