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Centre for Commercial Law Studies

Dr Daniele D'Alvia, PhD (London), LLM (London), MSc (Milan), GDL (London), MA (Rome)


Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law



Daniele D’Alvia is a Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law at CCLS – Queen Mary University of London, and an Associate Researcher at the European Banking Institute in Frankfurt. Prior to joining Queen Mary University of London, he was the Ronnie Warrington Scholar in Comparative Law at Birkbeck College, University of London, and he was the Module Convener of Business Law at Bayes Business School, City University of London, former Cass.

He is an internationally recognised expert on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, Corporate Finance Law, and Investment Banking Law. A pioneer in SPAC studies in law, author of the first book on SPACs ever published by Routledge in 2021, and award-winner of the Colin B. Picker Prize by the American Society of Comparative law.

At CCLS – Queen Mary University of London, he teaches in the areas of Corporate Finance Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Investement Banking Law, International Finance and International Financial Regulation.

He has authored law review articles, books, and edited collections addressing issues ranging from payment systems, mobile payments, and CBDC to financial stability treats stemming from fintech and mutual or pension funds. His research is eclectic, and it takes into account issues concerning financial history as well as sociology and comparative law methodologies.

He is frequently mentioned on financial newspapers or interviewed on matters related to financial regulation, private equity and SPACs. He is also a Bloomberg Contributor in New York City.

He is an Italian Qualified Lawyer, and he has worked at international law firms such as Bonelli Erede, Dewey&Leboeuf LLP, and Deloitte LLP where he assisted clients in relation to M&As transactions, bond issuance, and IPOs. He has also worked for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in London in the Criminal Investigation Unit, and he has acted as consultant at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

He has been a visiting researcher in leading Universities and Institutions such as the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College University of Oxford, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), the University of Warwick, ESCP Business School, and SOLE 24 ORE Business School.

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