Book Interviews

We interview Jack Hodgson about his book, Young Reds in the Big Apple: The New York YPA, 1923–1934
16 March 2025
Our member, Dr. Jack Hodgson (the University of Roehampton), talks about his new book, Young Reds in the Big Apple: The New York YPA, 1923–1934 (Fordham University Press, 2024).
An interview with the editors of the new compilation, International Children's Rights Instruments
2 March 2025
Our members, Prof. Karl Hanson (the University of Geneva, Switzerland), Dr. Ton Liefaard (Leiden University, the Netherlands), Dr. Roberta Ruggiero (the University of Geneva, Switzerland), and Ms. Elena Patrizi (the University of Geneva, Switzerland), as well as their co-editors Dr. Katrien Klep (Leiden University, the Netherlands) and Ms. Lucy Opoka (Leiden University, the Netherlands), talk about their co-edited compilation, International Children’s Rights Instruments (Brill, 2025).
An interview with Tanu Biswas and Toby Rollo about their co-edited volume, Confronting Adultcentrism
23 February 2025
Our members, Dr. Tanu Biswas (University of Stavanger, Norway) and Dr. Toby Rollo (Lakehead University, Canada), talk about their co-edited volume, Confronting Adultcentrism: Childist and Decolonial Interventions in Educational Philosophies and Institutions (a special issue of the journal Childhood & Philosophy, 2024).
Our members, Wouter Vandenhole (University of Antwerp), Gamze Erdem Türkelli (University of Antwerp), and Sara Lembrechts (Ghent University), talk about the second edition of their Commentary on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Edward Elgar, 2024).
Our member, Dr. Laura Tisdall (Newcastle University, UK), and her co-editor, Dr. Maria Cannon (University of Portsmouth, UK), talk about their edited collection, Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z (University of London Press, 2024).
Our members, Prof. Jonathan Todres (Georgia State University, US) and Prof. Ursula Kilkelly (University College Cork, Ireland), talk about their edited collection, Children's Rights and Children's Development: An Integrated Approach (NYU Press, 2025).
Interview with Patrick Joseph Ryan about his book, Childhood and the Law in Canada – The Family/State Relationship
22 December 2024
Our member, Dr. Patrick J. Ryan (King's University College at Western University, Canada), talks about his new book, Childhood and the Law in Canada – The Family/State Relationship (LexisNexis, 2024).
An interview with Tom Disney and Lucy Grimshaw about their edited collection, Care and Coronavirus: Perspectives on Childhood, Youth and Family
7 December 2024
Our member, Dr. Tom Disney, and his co-editor, Dr. Lucy Grimshaw (both from Northumbria University, UK), talk about their edited collection, Care and Coronavirus: Perspectives on Childhood, Youth and Family (Emerald Publishing, 2024).
Interview with Hanan Mousa about her book, Palestinian Memory and Identity in Modern Children’s Literature
17 November 2024
Our member, Dr. Hanan Mousa (Sakhnin College, Israel), talks about her new book, Palestinian Memory and Identity in Modern Children’s Literature (Routledge, 2024).
Interview with Divya Kannan about her book, Contested Childhoods: Caste and Education in Colonial Kerala
13 October 2024
Our member, Dr. Divya Kannan (Shiv Nadar University, India), talks about her new book, Contested Childhoods: Caste and Education in Colonial Kerala (Cambridge University Press 2024).
An interview with Heidi Morrison about her edited collection, Lived Resistance Against the War on Palestinian Children
6 October 2024
Our member, Dr. Heidi Morrison (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, US), talks about her edited collection, Lived Resistance Against the War on Palestinian Children (University of Georgia Press, 2024).
An interview with Utsa Mukherjee about his edited collection, Debating Childhood Masculinities: Rethinking the Interplay of Age, Gender and Social Change
29 September 2024
Our member, Dr. Utsa Mukherjee (Brunel University London, UK), talks about his edited collection, Debating Childhood Masculinities: Rethinking the Interplay of Age, Gender and Social Change (Emerald, 2024).
Interview with Afua Twum-Danso Imoh about her book, Turning Global Rights into Local Realities: Realizing Children’s Rights in Ghana’s Pluralistic Society
15 September 2024
Our member, Dr. Afua Twum-Danso Imoh (University of Bristol, UK), talks about her new book, Turning Global Rights into Local Realities: Realizing Children’s Rights in Ghana’s Pluralistic Society (Bristol University Press, 2024).
Interview with Nicolás Brando about his book, Childhood in Liberal Theory: Equality, Difference and Children’s Rights
2 September 2024
Our member, Dr. Nicolás Brando (University of Liverpool, UK), talks about his new book, Childhood in Liberal Theory: Equality, Difference and Children’s Rights (Oxford University Press, 2024).
Interview with Rebecca Adami about her book, Childism, Intersectionality and the Rights of the Child
25 August 2024
Our member, Dr. Rebecca Adami (Stockholm University, Sweden), talks about her new book, Childism, Intersectionality and the Rights of the Child: The Myth of a Happy Childhood (Routledge, 2024).
An interview with Rebekah Willett and Andy (Xinyu) Zhao about their edited collection, Children, Media, and Pandemic Parenting
18 August 2024
Our member, Prof. Rebekah Willett (University of Wisconsin-Madison, US), and her co-editor, Dr. Andy (Xinyu) Zhao (Deakin University, Australia), talk about their edited collection, Children, Media, and Pandemic Parenting: Family Life in Uncertain Times (Routledge, 2024).
Our member, Prof. Zsuzsa Millei (Tampere University, Finland), and her co-editors, Dr. Nelli Piattoeva (Tampere University, Finland) and Iveta Silova (Arizona State University, US), talk about their edited collection, (An)Archive: Childhood, Memory, and the Cold War (Open Book Publishers, 2024).
Our member, Prof. Judith Bessant (RMIT University, Australia), along with her co-editors, Prof. Philippa Collin (Western Sydney University, Australia) and Dr. Patrick O’Keeffe (RMIT University, Australia), talk about their edited collection, Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth (Edward Elgar, 2024).
Our member, Dr. Kate Pincock, along with her co-editors, Dr. Nicola Jones, Prof. Lorraine van Blerk, and Dr. Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda, talk about their edited collection, Young People in the Global South: Voice, Agency and Citizenship (Routledge, 2024).
Interview with Eithne Nightingale about her book, Child Migrant Voices in Modern Britain: Oral Histories 1930s-Present Day
28 April 2024
Our member, Dr. Eithne Nightingale (UK), talks about her new book, Child Migrant Voices in Modern Britain: Oral Histories 1930s-Present Day (Bloomsbury, 2024).
Our members, Dr. Anandini Dar (BML Munjal University, India) and Dr. Divya Kannan (Shiv Nadar University, India), talk about their edited collection, Childhood and Youth in India: Engagements with Modernity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024).
Our member, Prof. Julie Garlen (Carleton University, Canada), and her co-editor, Neil Ramjewan (University of Toronto, Canada), talk about their edited collection,
Refusing the Limits of Contemporary Childhood: Beyond Innocence (Rowan & Littlefield, 2023).
Interview with Erica Burman about her book, Child as Method: Othering, Interiority and Materialism
3 March 2024
Our member, Prof. Erica Burman (University of Manchester, UK), talks about her new book, Child as Method: Othering, Interiority and Materialism (Routledge, 2024).
Interview with Miranda Sachs about her book, An Age to Work: Working-Class Childhood in Third Republic Paris
6 January 2024
Our member, Dr. Miranda Sachs (Texas State University, US), talks about her new book, An Age to Work: Working-Class Childhood in Third Republic Paris (Oxford University Press, 2023).
An interview with Victoria Cooper and Mimi Tatlow-Golden about their edited collection, An Introduction to Childhood and Youth Studies and Psychology
17 December 2023
Our member, Dr. Victoria Cooper (Open University, UK), and her co-editor, Dr. Mimi Tatlow-Golden (both from the Open University, UK), talk about their edited collection, An Introduction to Childhood and Youth Studies and Psychology (Routledge, 2023).
Interview with Sarada Balagopalan, John Wall, and Karen Wells about their edited collection, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theories in Childhood Studies
10 December 2023
Our members, Prof. John Wall (Rutgers University, US) and Prof. Karen Wells (Birkbeck, University of London, UK), along with their co-editor Prof. Sarada Balagopalan (Rutgers University, US), talk about their edited collection, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theories in Childhood Studies (Bloomsbury, 2023).
Our members, Prof. Deevia Bhana (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) and Dr. Yuwei Xu (University of Nottingham, U.K.), as well as their co-editor Prof. Vina Adriany (Universitas Pendidikan, Indonesia), talk about their edited collection, Gendered and Sexual Norms in Global South Early Childhood Education: Understanding Normative Discourses in Post-Colonial Contexts (Routledge, 2023).
Interview with J. Marshall Beier and Helen Berents about their edited collection, Children, Childhoods, and Global Politics
25 November 2023
Our members, Prof. J. Marshall Beier (McMaster University, Canada) and Dr. Helen Berents (Griffith University, Australia), talk about their edited collection, Children, Childhoods, and Global Politics (Bristol University Press, 2023).
Interview with Kelley Fong about her book, Investigating Families: Motherhood in the Shadow of Child Protective Services
18 November 2023
Our member, Dr. Kelley Fong (University of California, Irvine, US), talks about her new book, Investigating Families: Motherhood in the Shadow of Child Protective Services (Princeton University Press, 2023).
Interview with Manfred Liebel about his book, Childhoods of the Global South: Children’s Rights and Resistance
12 November 2023
Our member, Dr. Manfred Liebel (Germany), talks about his new book (written with Rebecca Budde, Urszula Markowska-Manista, and Philip Meade), Childhoods of the Global South: Children’s Rights and Resistance (Policy Press, 2023).
Interview with Utsa Mukherjee about his edited collection, Childhoods & Leisure: Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues
5 November 2023
Our member, Dr. Utsa Mukherjee (Brunel University London, UK), talks about his edited collection, Childhoods & Leisure: Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
Interview with Kristine Alexander and Simon Sleight about their edited collection, A Cultural History of Youth in the Modern Age
29 October 2023
Our members, Dr. Kristine Alexander (University of Lethbridge, Canada) and Dr. Simon Sleight (King's College London, UK), talk about their edited collection, A Cultural History of Youth in the Modern Age (Bloomsbury, 2022).
Our members, Profs. Rachel Berman and Patrizia Albanese (Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada), along with their co-editor Prof. Xiaobei Chen (Carleton University, Canada), talk about their new collection, Sociological Research and Urban Children and Youth (Emerald, 2023).
Interview with Francesca Meloni about her book, Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality
14 October 2023
Our member, Dr. Francesca Meloni (Kings College London, UK), talks about her new book, Ways of Belonging: Undocumented Youth in the Shadow of Illegality (Rutgers University Press, 2023).
Our members, Prof. Kay Tisdall and Dr. Marlies Kustatscher, talk about their new textbook, co-edited with Prof. Debi Fry, Dr. Kristina Konstantoni, Prof. Kati Maternowska, Ms. Laura Weiner (all from the University of Edinburgh, UK), and Prof. John Davis (University of Strathclyde, UK), Critical Childhood Studies: Global Perspectives (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023).
Interview with Jill Duerr Berrick, Marit Skivenes, and Neil Gilbert about their edited collection, The Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems
23 September 2023
Our members, Prof. Jill Duerr Berrick (U.C. Berkeley, US) and Prof. Marit Skivenes (University of Bergen, Norway), talk about their new volume, co-edited with Prof. Neil Gilbert (U.C. Berkeley, US), The Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems (Oxford University Press, 2023).
Interview with Alan Dettlaff about his book, Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System
13 August 2023
Our member, Prof. Alan Dettlaff (University of Houston, US), talks about his new book, Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System: The Case for Abolition (Oxford University Press, 2023).
Interview with Freeden Blume Oeur about his co-edited volume, Gender Replay: On Kids, Schools, and Feminism
30 July 2023
Our member, Prof. Freeden Blume Oeur (Tufts University, US), talks about his collection, co-edited with Prof. C. J. Pascoe (University of Oregon, US), Gender Replay: On Kids, Schools, and Feminism (New York University Press, 2023).
Our member, Dr Elizabeth Faulkner (Keele University, UK), talks about her new book, The Trafficking of Children: International Law, Modern Slavery, and the Anti-trafficking Machine (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
Our member, Dr Felicity Jensz (University of Münster, Germany), talks about her collection, co-edited with Daniel Gerster (Research Centre for Contemporary History in Hamburg, Germany), Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).
Interview with Felicity Jensz about her book Missionaries and Modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910
18 June 2023
Our member, Dr Felicity Jensz (University of Münster, Germany), talks about her book, Missionaries and Modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910 (Manchester University Press, 2022).
Our member, Dr Franziska Fay (Johannes Gutenberg University Main, Germany), talks about her book, Disputing Discipline: Child Protection, Punishment and Piety in Zanzibar Schools (Rutgers University Press, 2021).
Our member, Dr Catriona Ellis (University of Strathclyde, UK), talks about her new book, Imagining Childhood, Improving Children: The Emergence of an ‘Avuncular’ State in Late Colonial South India (Cambridge University Press, 2023).
Our member, Dr Jesica Siham Fernández (Santa Clara University, US), talks about her book, Growing Up Latinx: Coming of Age in a Time of Contested Citizenship (NYU Press, 2021).
Our member, Rebecca Adami, along with her co-editors Anna Kaldal and Margareta Aspán (all at Stockholm University, Sweden), talk about their edited collection, The Rights of the Child: Legal, Political and Ethical Challenges (Brill, 2023).
Our member, Dr Friederike Kind-Kovács (Dresden University of Technology, Germany), talks about her book, Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War (Indiana University Press, 2022).
Our members, Peter Kelly (Deakin University, Australia) and Peter Kraftl (University of Birmingham, UK), talk about their two co-edited collections (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022):
- Young People and Thinking Technologies for the Anthropocene - co-edited with Rosalyn Black (Deakin University, Australia), Seth Brown (RMIT University, Australia), Anoop Nayak (Newcastle University, UK), and Diego Carbajo Padilla (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain).
- Young People and Stories of/from the Anthropocene - co-edited with Rosalyn Black (Deakin University, Australia), Deborah MacDonald (York University, Canada), Meave Noonan (RMIT University, Australia), Diego Carbajo Padilla (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain), and Ana Sofia Ribeiro (University of Lisbon, Portugal).
Interview with Stephanie Olsen and Heidi Morrison about their anthology, A Cultural History of Youth
9 April 2023
Our members, Stephanie Olsen (Tampere University, Finland) and Heidi Morrison (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, US), talk about their 6-volume anthology, A Cultural History of Youth (Bloomsbury, 2023).
Our member, Dr Mariela Neagu (University of Oxford, UK), talks about her book, Voices from the Silent Cradles: Life Histories of Romania’s Looked-After Children (Policy Press, 2021).
Our members, Karl Hanson (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and Jonathan Josefsson (Linköping University, Sweden), as well as their co-editors Sarada Balogopalan (Rutgers University, US) and Bengt Sandin (Linköping University, Sweden), talk about their edited collection The Politics of Children´s Rights and Representation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) (open access).
Our members, Peter Hopkins and Matthew Benwell (Newcastle University, UK), and their co-editors, Mattias De Backer (KU Leuven, Belgium), Ilse van Liempt (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Robin Finlay (Newcastle University, UK), Elisabeth Kirndörfer (University of Bonn, Germany), Mieke Kox (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), and Kathrin Hörschelmann (University of Bonn, Germany), talk about their new collection, Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space (Bristol University Press, 2023).
Our member John Wall (Rutgers University, US) talks about his edited collection, Exploring Children's Suffrage: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageless Voting (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).
Our member Spyros Spyrou (European University Cyprus) and his co-editors, Anne Trine Kjørholt (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Sharon Bessell (Australian National University), Dympna Devine (University College Dublin, Ireland), and Firouz Gaini (University of the Faroe Islands), talk about their edited collection, Valuing the Past, Sustaining the Future? Exploring Coastal Societies, Childhood(s) and Local Knowledge in Times of Global Transition (MARE Publication Series, Volume 27, Springer Nature, 2022).
Interview with Martin Robb about his book, Men, Masculinities and the Care of Children: Images, Ideas and Identities
25 February 2023
Our member, Dr Martin Robb (Open University, UK), talks about his book, Men, Masculinities and the Care of Children: Images, Ideas and Identities (Routledge, 2020).
Our member, Dr Utsa Mukherjee (Brunel University London, UK), talks about his new book, Race, Class, Parenting and Children’s Leisure: Children’s Leisurescapes and Parenting Cultures in Middle-class British Indian Families (Bristol University Press, 2023).
Interview with Stuart Tannock about his book, Educating for Radical Social Transformation in the Climate Crisis
11 February 2023
Our member, Dr Stuart Tannock (University College London, UK), talks about his book, Educating for Radical Social Transformation in the Climate Crisis (Springer, 2021).
Interview with Karen Malone, Marek Tesar, and Sonja Arndt about their book, Theorising Posthuman Childhood Studies
4 February 2023
Our member, Prof. Marek Tesar (Auckland, New Zealand), along with his co-authors Prof. Karen Malone (Swinburne, Australia) and Dr. Sonja Arndt (Melbourne, Australia), talk about their book, Theorising Posthuman Childhood Studies (Springer, 2020).
Interview with Rosemary Salomone about her book, The Rise of English: Global Politics and the Power of Language
29 January 2023
Our member, Prof. Rosemary Salomone (St. John's, US), talks about her book, The Rise of English: Global Politics and the Power of Language (Oxford University Press, 2021).
Our members Rachel Rosen (University College London, UK) and Sarah Crafter (Open University, UK), and their co-editors Elaine Chase (Oxford, UK), Valentina Glockner (University of Miami, US), and Sayani Mitra (Liverpool, UK), talk about their edited collection, Crisis for Whom? Critical Global Perspectives on Childhood, Care, and Migration // ¿Crisis para quién? Perspectivas críticas internacionales sobre la infancia, el cuidado y la migración (UCL Press, 2023).
Interview with Lauren Hammond, Mary Biddulph, Simon Catling, and John H. McKendrick about their edited collection, Children, Education and Geography
18 December 2022
Our member, Lauren Hammond (University of Edinburgh, UK), and her co-editors Mary Biddulph (formerly University of Nottingham, UK), Simon Catling (Oxford Brookes University, UK), and John H. McKendrick (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK), talk about their edited collection, Children, Education and Geography: Rethinking Intersections (Routledge, 2022).
Interview with Victoria Cooper and Naomi Holford about their co-edited collection, Exploring Childhood and Youth
4 December 2022
Our members, Victoria Cooper and Naomi Holford (Open University, UK), talk about their edited collection, Exploring Childhood and Youth (Routledge, 2021).
Interview with Carlene Firmin, Michelle Lefevre, Nathalie Huegler, and Delphine Peace about their book,
Safeguarding Young People beyond the Family Home
27 November 2022
Our member, Prof. Michelle Lefevre (University of Sussex, UK), and her co-authors, Prof. Carlene Firmin (Durham University, UK), Dr. Nathalie Huegler (University of Sussex, UK), and Delphine Peace (Durham University, UK), talk about their new book, Safeguarding Young People beyond the Family Home: Responding to Extra-Familial Risks and Harms (Policy Press, 2022).
Interview with Georgina Dimopoulos about her book, Decisional Privacy and the Rights of the Child
20 November 2022
Our member, Prof. Georgina Dimopoulos (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia) talks about her book, Decisional Privacy and the Rights of the Child (Routledge, 2022).
Interview with Deevia Bhana about her book, Girls Negotiating Porn in South Africa: Power, Play and Sexuality
23 October 2022
Our member, Prof. Deevia Bhana (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), talks about her new book, Girls Negotiating Porn in South Africa: Power, Play and Sexuality (Routledge, 2022).
Interview with Manfred Liebel about his book, Decolonizing Childhoods: From Exclusion to Dignity
16 October 2022
Our member, Prof. Manfred Liebel (Germany), talks about his book, Decolonizing Childhoods: From Exclusion to Dignity (Policy Press, 2020).
Our members, Julia Gossard (Utah State University, US) and Holly White (Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, US), talk about their co-edited special issue of the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth.
Our member, Prof. Anita Casavantes Bradford (University of California Irvine, US), talks about her new book, Suffer the Little Children: Child Migration and the Geopolitics of Compassion in the United States (University of North Carolina Press, 2021).
Interview with Susan Pearson about her book, The Birth Certificate: An American History
26 September 2022
Our member, Prof. Susan Pearson (Northwestern University, US), talks about her new book, The Birth Certificate: An American History (University of North Carolina Press, 2021).
Our member, Louise Forde (Brunel, UK), and her co-editors, Nessa Lynch (Victoria University of Wellington, Australia) and Yannick van den Brink (Leiden University, Netherlands), talk about their edited collection, Serious Offending by Children: Principles, Practice and Global Perspectives (Routledge, 2022).
Our members, Neil Howard (University of Bath, United Kingdom) and Samuel Okyere (University of Bristol, United Kingdom), talk about their co-edited collection International Child Protection: Towards Politics and Participation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).
Our member, Professor Walter Kohan (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil) talks about his book, Paulo Freire: A Philosophical Biography (Bloomsbury, 2021), with a focus on the role of childhood in politicizing education
Our member, Dr Michael Wyness (University of Warwick, UK) talks about his new book, co-authored with Clara Rübner Jørgensen (University of Birmingham, UK), Kid Power, Inequalities and Intergenerational Relations (Anthem Press, 2021).
Interview with J. Marshall Beier and Jana Tabak about their co-edited collection, Childhoods in Peace and Conflict
28 June 2022
Our members, J. Marshall Beier (McMaster University, Canada) and Jana Tabak(State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), talk about their co-edited collection, Childhoods in Peace and Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
Our member, Dr Hoko Horii (Leiden University, the Netherlands; Kobe University, Japan) talks about her new book, Child Marriage, Rights and Choice: Rethinking Agency in International Human Rights (Routledge, 2021).
Our member, Dr Alice Bradbury (UCL Institute of Education, UK), talks about her new book, Ability, Inequality and Post-Pandemic Schools: Rethinking Contemporary Myths of Meritocracy (Policy Press, 2021).
Interview with Julie Spray about her book, The Children in Child Health
6 June 2022
Our member, Dr Julie Spray (University of Auckland, New Zealand) talks about her new book, The Children in Child Health: Negotiating Young Lives and Health in New Zealand (Rutgers University Press, 2020).
Our member, Alexandra Cox (University of Essex, UK), talks about her new collection (co-edited with Laura Abrams), The Palgrave International Handbook of Youth Imprisonment(Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
Our members, Mona Paré (University of Ottawa, Canada) and Mariëlle Bruning (Leiden University, the Netherlands), talk about their collection (edited with Thierry Moreau and Caroline Siffrein-Blanc), Children’s Access to Justice: A Critical Assessment (Intersentia, 2022).
Our member, Paul Renfro (Florida State University, United States) talks about his new book, Stranger Danger: Family Values, Childhood, and the American Carceral State (Oxford University Press, 2020).
Interview with Simon Flacks about his book, Law, Drugs and the Politics of Childhood
8 May 2022
Our member, Dr Simon Flacks (University of Westminster, United Kingdom) talks about his new book, Law, Drugs and the Politics of Childhood (Routledge, 2021).
Interview with Lisamarie Deblasio about her book, Adoption and Law
19 April 2022
Our member, Dr Lisamarie Deblasio (Plymouth, UK) talks about her new book, Adoption and Law: The Unique Personal Experiences of Birth Mothers in Adoption Proceedings (Routledge, 2021).
Interview with Samantha Davey about her book, A Failure of Proportion
18 April 2022
Our member, Dr Samantha Davey (Essex, UK) talks about her book, A Failure of Proportion: Non-Consensual Adoption in England and Wales (Bloomsbury, 2020).
Interview with Peter Kraftl about his book, After Childhood
10 April 2022
Our member, Prof Peter Kraftl (Birmingham, UK) talks about his book, After Childhood: Re-thinking Environment, Materiality and Media in Children's Lives (Routlege, 2020).
Interview with Jacob Breslow about his book, Ambivalent Childhoods
4 April 2022
Our member, Dr Jacob Breslow (LSE, UK) talks about his new book, Ambivalent Childhoods: Speculative Futures and the Psychic Life of the Child (University of Minnesota Press, 2021).
Interview with Judith Bessant about her book, Making-Up People: Youth, Truth and Politics
16 March 2022
Our member, Prof Judith Bessant (RMIT University, Australia) talks about her new book, Making-Up People: Youth, Truth and Politics (Routledge, 2021).

Childhood and migration - a special blog feature
11 August 2024
Over the past six weeks, we have published twelve blogs on a broad range of issues concerning childhood and migration. The series, edited by our members Adrienne Lee Atterberry and Karina Ruiz, is a collaboration between our network and CCYSC (a network for researchers of children and youth across South Asia and beyond, convened by our members Anandini Dar and Divya Kannan).
Conclusion to the 'Childhood and Migration' blog series
7 August 2024
Over the last few weeks, we have published a series of blogs on the topic of 'childhood and migration,' edited by our members Adrienne Lee Atterberry (Union College, US) and Karina Ruiz (University of California Santa Cruz, US). In this concluding blog, Adrienne and Karina recap the main themes of the series, and identify avenues for future work on the subject.
Windrush Child
5 August 2024
The eleventh installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration' is a poem by Laura Rennie (University of Portsmouth, UK), 'Windrush Child.'
Schools Matter: Migrant Children's Varied Educational Experiences in Suburban Long Island Schools
31 July 2024
In the tenth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' our member Sandra Castro (Adelphi University, US) discusses the vital role of schools and mothers in the academic success and integration of Central American immigrant children living in Long Island, New York.
Central American Children and their Experience of Violence While in Transit Through Mexico
29 July 2024
In the ninth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' Ángel A. Escamilla García (Yale University, US) discusses the journey of Central American children to the US, and in particular their experience of violence while in transit through Mexico.
Childhood and Migration: Support and threats to children’s sense of belonging
24 July 2024
In the eighth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' Jessica Schwittek (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) and Karin Kämpfe (University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany) examine what belonging means for children in the context of migration.
Aging Out: Children in High-Skilled Indian Immigrant Families in the US
22 July 2024
In the seventh installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' our member Rianka Roy (Wake Forest University, US) discusses the challenges faced by US residents who migrated from India and 'aged out' of their legally dependent status.
In the sixth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' Senper Elias Fisseha (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia) discusses food distribution, academic performance, and susceptibility to child labour among refugees in Ethiopia.
In the fifth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' Roshni Nuggehalli, Siddharth K J, and Prakash Bhaware (Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action, India) discuss work trying to facilitate the participation and leadership of children affected by forced evictions and displacement in Mumbai, India.
Keeping child refugees separated from their families is cruel
10 July 2024
In the fourth installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' our member Philip Veerman (Netherlands) discusses his experiences as a health psychologist working with Eritrean child refugees in the Netherlands.
Childhood migration: Separated children's experiences and issues of citizenship in Nepal
8 July 2024
In the third installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' Susan Kay-Flowers (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) discusses the reasons why many children become separated from their parents in Nepal, as well as these children's experiences and the difficulties they face in securing citizenship.
Youth migration and the border of childhood
3 July 2024
In the second installment of our blog series on 'Childhood and Migration,' our member Sarah Walker (University of Bologna, Italy) examines the plight of unaccompanied African children seeking asylum in Italy during a time of increased anti-immigrant political sentiment.
Introduction to our 'Childhood and Migration' blog series
1 July 2024
Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of blogs on the theme of 'childhood and migration,' edited by our members Adrienne Lee Atterberry (Union College, US) and Karina Ruiz (University of California Santa Cruz, US). In this introduction, Adrienne and Karina provide an overview of the series.
Call for Papers: Childhood and Migration Blog Series
12 December 2023
Jointly published by CLPN (the Childhood, Law & Policy Network) and CCYSC (the Critical Childhoods and Youth Studies Collective).
Edited by our members Adrienne Lee Atterberry (Union College, US) and Karina Ruiz (University of California Santa Cruz, US).
Children and work - a special blog feature
5 October 2022
Over the past three weeks, we have published pieces by nine of our members - Neil Howard, Jessica Taft, Rebecca Raby, Elizabeth Dillenburg, Sam Okyere, Omri Grinberg, Peter Kelly, María Florencia Amigó, and Edward van Daalen - on a broad range of issues concerning children and work.
Edward van Daalen on the problems with the campaign to abolish child labour by 2025
20 September 2022
Non-hazardous work can be beneficial for children. But even hazardous child labour cannot be eliminated overnight; instead, it requires creative and localised approaches that take children’s own opinions seriously. The problem, Edward van Daalen argues, is that such pragmatism and innovation are excluded by the dominant public discourse on children’s work.
María Florencia Amigó et al. investigate the impact of climate change on child labour in Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Nepal, and Peru
18 September 2022
The climate crisis has had evident detrimental effects on agricultural production worldwide. Available data does not suggest that climatic shocks will generally lead to either an increase or a decrease in child labour. However, where such events do affect child labour, they are more likely to increase its incidence rather than decrease it.
Peter Kelly outlines new ways to think about young people and the future of work
15 September 2022
The ‘problem’ of young people’s transitions from school to work has been a significant feature of youth policy since the early 1980s, especially in Australia and many other developed economies. In a global economy structured by logics of neo-liberal capitalism, what is the future of work for young people?
Omri Grinberg sheds light on Israel’s reframing of Palestinian child labor
13 September 2022
Israeli state officials have gradually reframed Palestinian child labor as an issue of human trafficking and slavery disconnected from Israel’s military occupation. What does this rhetorical shift entail, and what can it teach us about Israel’s evolving decontextualization and disavowal of its violence?
Sam Okyere discusses what Ghanaian children say about their work – and how policy responses to child labour should change
11 September 2022
There is a wide gap between child protection policies and the lived experiences of working children. Policy makers must listen to these children, address poverty and socioeconomic constraints, and recognize that child labour varies considerably depending on the person and context.
Elizabeth Dillenburg highlights continuities between past and present debates on child labor in the United States
8 September 2022
Faced with an acute labor shortage, US states and employers recently pushed for younger workers to be hired. These recent debates echo themes that emerged in discussions about child labor throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Rebecca Raby investigates what Canadian teenagers think about themselves and their peers participating in early paid work
6 September 2022
Discussions about children’s work often focus on the Global South. Yet, research in Canada offers valuable insights into how young people view and experience early paid work; how these views and experiences are shaped by age, class, race, and gender; and how they are embedded in specific contexts.
Jessica Taft examines Peruvian working children’s views on child work – as well as their broader political vision
5 September 2022
Working children’s movements around the world have tried to gain a voice in the international policy conversation, but they have not been adequately listened to. Ethnographic research with the Peruvian movement of working children sheds important light on what they say and do regarding work, rights, the economy, and politics
Calls to eliminate child labour fail to listen to working children, even though removing children from putatively ‘harmful work’ can cause further harm. How, then, can harm be better understood, contextualised, and addressed?
Children and the climate crisis - a special blog feature
6 May 2022
Over the past two weeks, we have published pieces by seven of our members - Aoife Daly, Spyros Spyrou, Daniella Bendo, Noam Peleg, Tanu Biswas, Peter Kraftl, and Rongedzayi Fambasayi - on a broad range of issues concerning children and the climate crisis.
In a recent judgment on deadly air pollution, South Africa’s High Court described the applicants' invocation of child rights as 'opportunistic and misleading.' Could this indicate that child rights are, in fact, a blind spot of the Court?
Experimental educational activities on the climate change, delivered to non-White schoolboys who were labelled as 'challenging,' raise questions about 'challenging' behaviours and the climate crisis. Who is able to utter or perform a challenge to the climate crisis, and how?
Tanu Biswas Discusses 'Decolonial Childism': Nurturing Diversity for Intergenerational Sustainability
28 April 2022
The aims of education and economy need to be aligned with the larger aim of sustaining life on this planet. Expanding the scope of education - as an intergenerational relationship that gives children access to a diversity of knowledge, choices, and resources - is a direction worth considering.
Noam Peleg Explains Why Australia's Recent Climate Change Court Ruling Is a Setback for Children's Rights
27 April 2022
Australia's Federal Court recently ruled that the country's Environment Minister has no duty of care for future generations when deciding whether to approve the expansion of coal mines. The case was originally brought by eight teenagers and a nun legally acting on their behalf. The judgment leaves children with limited recourse: they can't vote, they are ignored by politicians, and now the Court refuses to scrutinise decisions that primarily affect them.
Bendo, Goodwin De Faria, and Mitchell write on Young Climate Activists During the Covid-19 Pandemic
26 April 2022
Since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, young climate activists have found new ways to bring attention to climate issues. Among other things, they have developed an online toolkit that both educates adults and facilitates the participation of more children in the social movement.
Spyros Spyrou writes on Ethnographic Explorations with Young Climate Activists in Cyprus
25 April 2022
Young climate activists in Cyprus challenge adult notions of the pandemic as exceptional, by drawing attention to the everydayness and continuity of the climate crisis. At the same time, they retain hope, rooted in their willingness and capacity to act collectively to bring about change.
Aoife Daly writes on Access to Justice for Children and Youth in the Climate Crisis
24 April 2022
Children and youth have been driving activism and litigation to combat climate change. But how accessible is climate justice for them?

Watch our webinar: Children and Disability
8 March 2025
This webinar – hosted by the Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN) – brought together three experts to discuss theoretical and practical questions concerning children and disability.
Watch our webinar: Children and Food
17 February 2025
This webinar – hosted by the Childhood, Law & Policy Network (CLPN) – brought together three experts to discuss social discourses and practices surrounding children and food.
'Children and Their Bodies' webinar series
2 November 2024
Sponsored by the Childhood, Law & Policy Network, this webinar series explores social, political, educational, and medical issues concerning children and their bodies. The webinars bring together experts from diverse fields to provide critical insights into these important topics. Attendance is free but registration in advance is required.
Watch our book discussion: Child Migration and the Geopolitics of Compassion
10 April 2024
Our members, Prof. Anita Casavantes Bradford (University of California Irvine, US) and Dr. Francesca Meloni (King’s College London, UK), discussed Anita's book, Suffer the Little Children: Child Migration and the Geopolitics of Compassion in the United States. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Hedi Viterbo (Queen Mary University of London, UK).
Watch our webinar on "Children's Right to Vote: Should the Voting Age Be Lowered/Abolished?"
11 October 2022
On 10 November, 2022, we co-hosted a webinar with Prof John Wall and Dr Christine Huebner on children's right to vote
Erica Burman's talk: Putting "Child as Method" to Work?
26 April 2022
Prof Erica Burman to give the annual lecture of Queen Mary University's Centre for Childhood Cultures on 19 May, 2022.
Watch Hedi Viterbo's talk: Problematising Children’s Rights – Insights from Israel/Palestine
3 April 2022
Dr Hedi Viterbo (CLPN's Director) recently gave a talk at Oxford University, titled 'Problematising Children’s Rights – Insights from Israel/Palestine.' The talk was based on his similarly titled book, Problematizing Law, Rights, and Childhood in Israel/Palestine (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Moderator: our member, Chelsea Wallis.