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Institute of Banking and Finance Law

The Central Bank of the Future: Opportunities and Challenges

Professor Rosa Lastra will give a keynote speech at the OeNB and SUERF Annual Economic Conference 2024, 10-11 June 2024.

Professor Rosa Lastra profile image

The conference is organised by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) and SUERF – The European Money and Finance Forum and will focus on The Central Bank of the Future: Opportunities and Challenges.

Central banks are currently facing big challenges. Their various business areas are undergoing fundamental structural changes. The conference will address questions such as:

  • How should monetary policy strategies and communication adapt, in the light of the recent unanticipated surge of inflation and heightened uncertainty?
  • What impact from increased inflation on price and wage-setting?
  • How to deal with persistent high uncertainty – how is monetary transmission affected, what role for central bankers as risk managers?
  • What monetary policy toolkit for the post-GFC post-covid polycrisis environment?

Professor Rosa Lastra, Sir John Lubbock Chair in Banking Law at Queen Mary University of London, will give a keynote on 'Mission creep, democratic accountability and central bank independence'.

Register for the conference and view the full programme.



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