News from the School of Law 2011
Extradition Review Debate - Podcast
9 December 2011
PhD funding for 2012 announced
30 November 2011
Over £575,000 funding for postgraduate legal research at Queen Mary.
Future of UK Extradition Law podcast
28 November 2011
Data protection law creates cloud of uncertainty for cloud computing
21 November 2011
Legendary rock music guru talks IP to Queen Mary law students
15 November 2011
Human Rights Charity Comes to Queen Mary
8 November 2011
Honour for champion of legal rights
8 November 2011
Professor Andrew Le Sueur in China and Hong Kong
3 November 2011
Law Working Papers Series - new papers
2 November 2011
Law Working Papers Series - New Papers
4 October 2011
Law Administrator awarded Queen Mary Medal
3 October 2011
Summer Graduation and Law Prize Winners 2011
24 August 2011
School of Law excels in National Student Survey
19 August 2011
Queen Mary is 4th in UK for Law
19 July 2011
CCLS Alumni Bulletin - Spring 2011
19 May 2011
New Intellectual Property Journal launched by Queen Mary
13 April 2011
LLM in Intellectual Property, MSc Management of Intellectual Property, Certificate in Intellectual Property
Queen Mary and Oxford Academics Launch New Law Blog
12 April 2011
George Hinde Moot Competition 2011
11 April 2011
Dr Julia Hörnle joins Authority for Television On-Demand
14 March 2011
Queen Mary Student wins University of London's Georg Schwarzenberger Prize for Best Performance in LLM International Law
28 February 2011
Elisabeth Lees is one of three joint winners for 2010-2011 of the University of London’s Georg Schwarzenburger Prize for the best performance on the LLM in International Law. Many congratulations to Elisabeth, who now practises in Grand Cayman.
Dr Duncan Matthews' new book published 'Intellectual Property, Human Rights And Development The Role of NGOs and Social Movements'
23 February 2011
Dr Duncan Matthews' new book 'Intellectual Property, Human Rights And Development The Role of NGOs and Social Movements' is published by Edward Elgar.
The Global Arbitration Review (GAR) is a leading arbitration journal. It has shortlisted five groups for the Sustained Contribution to Best Practice Award, BA committee on arbitration, ICC Institute, OGEMID, UNCITRAL working group and the School of International Arbitration at Queen Mary, University of London. The winner will be announced on 3 March 2011.
Dr Guido Westkamp's new book 'Privacy and Publicity' is published
14 February 2011
You can order Dr Guido Westkamp's 'Privacy & Publicity' book from
Dr Rafael Leal-Arcas has been invited to speak on "Variable Geometry in Climate Change Negotiations: The Role of the Asia Pacific Region,"
10 February 2011
Dr Rafael Leal-Arcas has been invited to speak on "Variable Geometry in Climate Change Negotiations: The Role of the Asia Pacific Region," as a Panelist at the conference Contemporary International Law Issues in the Asia Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges, Grand Formosa Regent, Taipei, Taiwan, 29 May - 1 June 2011.
Dr Phoebe Okowa appointed as Hauser Global Visiting Professor at New York University
8 February 2011
Dr Phoebe Okowa has been appointed a Hauser Global Visiting Professor at New York University, School of Law for autumn 2011. During her tenure she will teach a course on disputed topics in international law of armed conflict and international criminal law. In addition she will continue research for her book on Sovereignty Contests and the Protection of Natural Resources in Conflict Zones.
Dr Duncan Matthews' research paper on “Patents in the Global Economy”, commissioned by the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy (SABIP) as independent evidence for UK government policy has been published by the Intellectual Property Office.
Dr Duncan Matthews appointed to the IPO Trade and Development Expert Advisory Group
27 January 2011
Dr Duncan Matthews was appointed to the Intellectual Property Office Trade and Development Expert Advisory Group in January 2011.
Queen Mary LLM student wins major award for top thesis in International Tax Law
25 January 2011
The John Avery Jones Thesis 2010 prize was awarded to Gauthier Cruysmans who studied on the LLM in Tax Law programme at the School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London.
New papers in the Queen Mary, Law Working Papers series
4 January 2011