CLSGC announces winner of 2013 Legal Theory Essay Competition

The Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context (CLSGC) at Queen Mary is pleased to announce Ms Karolina Wisniewski as the winner of the 2013 Essay Competition on the theme of ‘Authority in a Transnational Age’. Karolina will be presenting her essay at the Inaugural Meeting of the Network on Transnational Legal and Political Theory, hosted by the CLSGC. The official prize-giving will be held at an evening reception on 8 November 2013.
Karolina is currently enrolled in the combined Juris Doctor (JD) / Master of Arts (MA) in Philosophy program at Osgoode Hall Law School and the Department of Philosophy at York University in Toronto. Prior to her current studies, Karolina completed a Bachelor of Arts at York University, consisting of a major in Philosophy and a minor in Art History. Karolina has also studied at McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada), the University of York (York, United Kingdom) and Monash University (Prato, Italy).
Her research focuses on transnational institutional structure and function in the context of the philosophical debate on global justice, and the implications of these normative questions for substantive issues of international law. At present, she is working on exploring the fields of cosmopolitanism and liberal nationalism, as well as issues relating to the non-coercive dimension of legal force in the international context. Her broader research interests include political, moral and legal philosophy.
Karolina has been invited to present her research at various conferences including the Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership Graduate Conference, the University of Windsor Graduate Philosophy Conference, the Centre for Ethics Graduate Associate Conference at the University of Toronto, and the University of Western Ontario Undergraduate Philosophy Conference. She has been published in Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review and Prometheus: Johns Hopkins Undergraduate Journal in Philosophy. Karolina has been the recipient of numerous scholarships and academic awards, including a Nathanson Centre Graduate Fellowship and a York University Graduate Scholarship.
Karolina works as a Research Fellow for the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice. She is also an Associate Editor with the Osgoode Hall Law Journal, Editor-in-Chief of the Osgoode Hall student newspaper, the Obiter Dicta, and serves as a student member of the York University Tribunal.