News from the School of Law 2014
QMUL School of Law ranked ninth in UK for 3* and 4* research
22 December 2014
The School of Law at Queen Mary University of London is ninth in the UK for 3* and 4* research, according to the results of the Research Excellence Framework (REF).
Professor Eric Heinze comments on Senate CIA torture report release
11 December 2014
Corporate Finance Law Module Guest Lectures
5 December 2014
Our groaning global energy system leaves us all vulnerable
4 December 2014
In this article, Rafael Leal-Arcas, of QMUL’s Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), argues that our system of global energy governance is ad hoc and in need of reform.
QMUL co-organises annual arbitration conference in Paris
27 November 2014
Dr Gabriel Gari to speak at 2014 ICTSID - WTI conference
22 November 2014
Professor Catherine Rogers' new book 'Ethics in International Arbitration'
21 November 2014
Professor Catherine Rogers writes the first treatise to analyse the ambiguities and conflicting rules present in international arbitration.
QMUL Partners with Chinese University of Hong Kong for new Arbitration Survey in China
20 November 2014
The School of International Arbitration (SIA) at Queen Mary University of London is to partner with the Chinese University of Hong Kong to carry out a survey on 'Chinese Corporate Attitudes to Arbitration'.
Professor Seán McConville calls for Royal Commission on the penal system
18 November 2014
Our penal system is dangerously dysfunctional and only a Royal Commission can fix it, according to a new report from from Professor Seán McConville and Sir Louis Blom-Cooper.
Two prestigious appointments for QMUL's Shazia Choudhry
14 November 2014
Shazia Choudhry, Reader in Law at Queen Mary University of London, has been appointed Specialist Legal Adviser to the Joint Committee on Human Rights.
qLegal: 'Summing up' Web Summit 2014
12 November 2014
qLegal, Queen Mary University of London's free legal advice service for tech start-up companies and entrepreneurs, attended Web Summit on 4-6 November 2014 in Dublin. Web Summit is a technology-industry conference, centered on IT, attracting over 22,000 attendees from 109 countries.
Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas published on the New Statesman blog
12 November 2014
Opting out of European Arrest Warrant will make Britain less safe, says Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas
6 November 2014
Britain risks becoming a safe haven for fugitives if it opts out of the European Arrest Warrant, according to Valsamis Mitsilegas, Head of Department of Law and Professor of European Criminal Law at Queen Mary University of London.
qLegal Participates in Cambridge Wireless DS14
31 October 2014
QMUL publishes archive dedicated to life and works of Professor Sir Neil MacCormick
30 October 2014
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have published a digital archive dedicated to the life and works of Professor Sir Neil MacCormick (1941-2009), one of the twentieth century’s most important jurists.
QMUL undergraduate law student published by Your Middle East
29 October 2014
2014 Intellectual Property Annual Prize winners
16 October 2014
Dr Gabriel Gari invited to join E15 Initiative
1 October 2014
Dr Maxi Scherer invited to speak at the 2014 ICC Symposium
26 September 2014
CCLS conference included in the Bank of England's Quarterly Bulletin
25 September 2014
Professor Rosemary Hunter to give lecture on judicial diversity at UCL
24 September 2014
Events Schedule: Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context
24 September 2014
The Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context (CLSGC), Queen Mary University of London's home for multidisciplinary research into the global dimensions of law and society, recently announced its events schedule for the upcoming 2014-2015 academic year. Below are some highlighted events:
QMUL LLM Student wins International Bar Association scholarship
23 September 2014
Omolola Agbaje-Williams, an LLM student in Intellectual Property Law at Queen Mary, was the recent recipient of a scholarship from the International Bar Association following her winning application in the Intellectual Property and Technology Section.
QMUL team reach final four in Oxford University's Price Media Law International Moot Court Competition
23 September 2014
A team of six LLM students representing Queen Mary University of London navigated their way to a place in the final four of the Price Media International Moot Court Competition held at the Faculty of Law at Oxford University. The competition was held from the 1-4 April and consisted of 35 teams from around the world.
qLegal awarded £90,000 to expand free legal advice programme for entrepreneurs
15 September 2014
The Legal Advice Centre (LAC) at Queen Mary University of London has received a grant of £90,000 to expand qLegal, a community initiative which provides free legal advice to entrepreneurs and technology start-ups.
Dr Del Mar edits new three-volume series on Contemporary Legal Theory
12 September 2014
Jonathan Griffiths to speak at ALAI Congress in Brussels
9 September 2014
Professor Lastra and Dr Russo to present at Banking Law Conference
8 September 2014
International State Crime Initiative shortlisted for Times Higher Education Award
4 September 2014
The International State Crime Initiative has been shortlisted for Outstanding ICT Initiative of the Year in the Times Higher Education Awards.
Dr Russo to speak at 24th Economic Forum in Poland
2 September 2014
Law Summer Graduation 2014
24 July 2014
Law students from Queen Mary University of London were awarded their degrees at the graduation ceremony on 14 July 2014. The 2014 results for law were excellent, with 82 per cent of students graduating with a 2:1 or above.
Shazia Choudhry: 16-year-old twins 'join ISIS'
15 July 2014
Chinese patent office delegates visit London
15 July 2014
Queen Mary University of London students win OUP and BPP National Mooting Competition
11 July 2014
Law students from Queen Mary University of London demonstrated their advocacy skills to win a national moot court competition.
Videos from the Conference on Caste: Critiquing Colonial and Contemporary Constructions
10 July 2014
Academics and community leaders came together to discuss the issue of caste at a one-day conference held in April 2014. The issue of caste was explored in the context of the caste discrimination legislation now on the statute book in the UK via the Equality Act 2010.
Report urges for less reliance on imprisonment as punishment
3 July 2014
A law expert from Queen Mary University of London is among the writers of a new report, which is urging for less reliance on imprisonment as a form of punishment in the UK.
Launch of the Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Centre
1 July 2014
Computer scientists at the University of Cambridge Computer Lab and lawyers in the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London are collaborating on research in cloud computing at in a new virtual research centre.
Internship Opportunities with ZUL RAFIQUE and partners in Malaysia
24 June 2014
QMUL alumnus Tan Sri Dato' Cecil WM Abraham is offering two Queen Mary law students the opportunity to do a two-week internship at ZUL RAFIQUE & partners (ZRp) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
How does online dispute resolution empower consumers?
16 June 2014
Online dispute resolution (ODR) offers an invaluable means of access to justice for consumers who have a dispute with a business, but are deterred by the costs and barriers involved from going to court.
qLegal to run events in London Technology Week 2014
16 June 2014
Queen Mary's free legal advice service for digital start-ups is to take part in London's first ever Technology week from 16 - 20 June 2014.
qLegal takes part in NYC Brooklyn Law event 'From Bleak House to Geek House'
11 June 2014
Experience from Queen Mary’s free legal advice service for digital start-ups was shared at a legal entrepreneurship event in New York.
Newham pupils take law into their own hands at Queen Mary
2 June 2014
Pupils at two Newham schools will have the chance to recreate ‘live’ court scenes, acting as judges, barristers, solicitors and witnesses, following the successful trial-run of a Queen Mary University of London School of Law initiative.
Campaign launches to end sexual violence in war zones
28 May 2014
Leading female campaigners, human rights lawyers – including Queen Mary University of London’s Professor Geraldine Van Bueren QC – and UNICEF UK joined the Foreign Secretary William Hague this week to discuss how to drive forward international action to end the rape and abuse of children in war zones.
Queen Mary LLM students compete in Oxford International Intellectual Property Moot
2 May 2014
Three LLM Students represented Queen Mary University of London at the 12th annual Intellectual Property Moot Competition at Oxford on 20 - 22 March 2014. The Queen Mary team was Filip Kufrin, Michael Laws and Severine Riviere Naidoo.
LLM students take part in Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Competition
25 April 2014
Queen Mary LLM students achieved a top 10 position in an international arbitration moot competition.
Dr Moreno-Lax speaks on migrant protection in Indonesia
23 April 2014
The 9th Annual EU Tax Students Conference
9 April 2014
'European Union Taxation: Latest Insights and Debates' the ninth annual Tax Students Conference took place on 13-14 March 2014. Each year the event, hosted by the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London, provides an opportunity for LLM students and early career scholars to establish links with other tax law scholars and professionals from across the world.
Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas advises House of Lords on EU Public Prosecutor proposals
9 April 2014
The House of Lords Justice, Institutions and Consumer Protection EU Sub-Committee launched its new inquiry into the role of the proposed new European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) on Wednesday 26 March.
Queen Mary Law Research Seminar Series Awards 2014
9 April 2014
Queen Mary LLM students publish case law to global Competition Law database
8 April 2014
Nine case law comments from seven students have been published by the e-Competitions Bulletin so far in 2014, the highest number since the university partnered with the Bulletin in 2007-8. The scheme was coordinated this year by PhD student Eda Sahin.
Dr Scherer gives presentation at Sorbonne Law School
8 April 2014
Queen Mary Law Society Negotiation Competition Final 2014
3 April 2014
The final of the Queen Mary Law Society negotiation competition took place on 17 March 2014 at Macfarlanes LLP in London. The competition, which aims to enhance negotiation skills, is run by the student law society and is open to Queen Mary University of London undergraduate students.
Queen Mary's Undergraduate Moot Competition - George Hinde Moot 2014
31 March 2014
Queen Mary's annual moot competition the 'George Hinde Moot' gives undergraduate students a challenging insight into advocacy and the Bar as they present legal arguments under court room conditions. The four students who competed in the 2014 final on Thursday 20 March were Joseph Broadsmith, Hannah Paige Fry, Gillian Hocking and Devon Wright. Hannah Paige Fry won the moot competition and Gillian Hocking was awarded the first year cup.
Dr Del Mar to speak on legal reasoning in Edinburgh
26 March 2014
Dr Prakash Shah to speak at The City Hindus Network
26 March 2014
Law PhD students benefit as Queen Mary joins the Association of Transnational Law Schools
19 March 2014
Six PhD students from Queen Mary University of London will join doctoral students from across the globe to take part in workshops designed to foster the study of legal issues in a global context.
Law students providing advice to Silicon Roundabout
17 March 2014
Two Queen Mary law professors appointed members of the Academy of Social Sciences
17 March 2014
Professor Peter Alldridge and Professor Roger Cotterrell were among 28 academics to be appointed members of the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) this year, in recognition of their outstanding and sustained contribution to social sciences in the UK and beyond.
School of Law shortlisted for national pro bono award
11 March 2014
The School of Law at Queen Mary University of London is in the running for a top national award for its voluntary work with communities, charities and businesses in east London.
LLM in Medical Law students chosen to write for BioNews
11 March 2014
Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts elects QML Law alumna
10 March 2014
A graduate of Queen Mary University of London’s School of Law has been awarded the prestigious honour of being elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts.
Professor Eric Heinze - Are we really wedded to gay rights?
6 March 2014
For British gay rights campaigners, 2014 already looks like a year to remember. England and Wales will join the small club of nations that allow same-sex couples to marry. Meanwhile, the Sochi winter Olympics have sparked global outrage against Russian homophobia. Surely reasons to celebrate?
Professor Philip Rawlings: Flood insurance: murky waters?
4 March 2014
Floods reinforce the impression of harried communities at the mercy of nature and abandoned by government, emergency services and insurers. Insurance companies are the bad guys, right? It’s not that straightforward.
Dr Gabriel Gari to speak at the World Trade Institute
21 February 2014
Student-led Law and Business Journal launches at Queen Mary
20 February 2014
qLegal launches at Google Campus
20 February 2014
Arbitration Award for top lecture of 2013
19 February 2014
London Technology Week reports on the launch of qLegal
17 February 2014
qLegal Toolkits Published
17 February 2014
Professor Richard Ashcroft comments on smoking and mental illness
12 February 2014
Insurance Law and the City, Jonathan Moss, DWF Fishburns
28 January 2014
Pro Bono Society unites with local sixth form for competition
28 January 2014
6th Issue of the Global Antitrust Review is published
28 January 2014
Dr Maxi Scherer to speak at arbitration conference in New York
28 January 2014
Dr Maks Del Mar invited to join two editorial boards
22 January 2014
Student-led legal service for Tech City entrepreneurs launches
13 January 2014