CCLS co-organises conference on Central Bank Mandates in an Evolving World
21 December 2022
On 1 and 2 December 2022, the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) of Queen Mary University of London and the Legal Directorate of the Bank of England hosted a conference on Central Bank Mandates in an Evolving World.
DeFi: Shadow Banking 2.0?
19 December 2022
On 12 December 2022, Professor Hilary J. Allen’s will discussed her last research paper titled “DeFi: Shadow Banking 2.0?” forthcoming on William & Mary Law Review. Professor Rosa Lastra chaired the event and Professor Emilios Avgouleas was the discussant.
LDI Strategies: The Pensions Regulator on Trial
16 December 2022
The London Financial Regulation Seminar is an inter-collegiate and inter-disciplinary group of experts led by CCLS and our Institute of Banking and Finance under the leadership of Professor Rosa M. Lastra and Daniele D’Alvia.
The Commonwealth funds CARICOM Consumer Protection Project with Queen Mary academic
16 December 2022
Dr Iris Benöhr has recently commenced a consultancy project with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Competition Commission (CCC).
Does Twitter allow free speech to everyone?
16 December 2022
Professor Julia Hörnle speaks to TRT Newsmakers about Elon Musk releasing the The Twitter Files.
Book launch for ‘Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics’
15 December 2022
On Tuesday 13 December 2022, guests were cordially invited to join Malik R. Dahlan, Rosa M. Lastra and Gustavo Rochette to celebrate the launch of their book ‘Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics’.
Preventing Debt Crises
15 December 2022
The financial response to the Covid-19 crisis has driven debt building at an unprecedented speed, which has increased the risk of debt distress and the odds of a new debt crisis cycle. Emerging markets and developing economies are most at risk.
Socioeconomic rights deserve legal protection
12 December 2022
Professor Geraldine Van Bueren has co-authored a letter to the Guardian regarding the new protected social rights proposed by Gordon Brown’s Commission on the UK’s Future.
Professor Lastra delivers the Witteveen Lecture at Erasmus University
8 December 2022
On Wednesday 16 November 2022, Professor Rosa Lastra delivered the annual Witteveen Lecture on 'CBDCs: In Defence of Public Digital Money'.
Leon Y. Xiao named as one of The Game Awards’ Future Class 2022
7 December 2022
He was included among the list of 50 individuals for his research into the regulation of video game loot boxes.
British constitution and Scottish independence
6 December 2022
Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott was a special guest on the TNT Show as an expert on the British constitution and Scottish independence.
Analysis: Ghana overhaul a test for $1 billion World Bank-backed debt
6 December 2022
Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal spoke to Reuters and CNBC Africa about the Ghana overhaul.
Professor Fitzmaurice participates in International Maritime Organization's event commemorating the 40th anniversary of UNCLOS
6 December 2022
The event took place on 28 November 2022 and commemorated the 40 years of cooperation between IMO and United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The Great Legal Bake 2022
1 December 2022
On Thursday 1 December 2022, the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre took part in the annual London Legal Support Trust’s Great Legal Bake. The event is for justice in support of frontline free legal advice services. It is also an opportunity to raise some vital funds to ensure that the most vulnerable and poorest people in our communities can get access to justice.
Queen Mary academics take part in panel on Does Legal Theory Matter to Practice?
28 November 2022
On 18 November, Dr Matthieu Burnay and Professor Nigel Spencer took part in a panel event in Paris for the Double Degree English and French Law.
Queen Mary expert co-edits special issue on ‘Contextual Legal Pedagogy’
25 November 2022
Professor Maks Del Mar has co-edited a special issue of the International Journal of Law in Context on ‘Contextual Legal Pedagogy’ with Kenneth Armstrong and Sally Sheldon.
Global Day of Action for Climate Change 2022
21 November 2022
On Thursday 17 November 2022, the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre participated in the fourth Student Law Clinic Global Annual Day of Action for Climate Justice. The theme this year was fast fashion, and it was “left intentionally broad to give the freedom to take it in whichever way most empowers and excites you”.
The School of Law at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27) in Egypt
17 November 2022
Experts from the School of Law at Queen Mary attended UN Climate Conference known as COP27 in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, along with world leaders, non-government organisations and activists.
Could the Isle of Man try to gain more independence?
14 November 2022
Dr Caroline Morris was interviewed by Isle of Man Today about greater independence for the Crown Dependency.
Queen Mary’s Legal Advice Centre will hold a public event to celebrate the Fourth Global Annual Day of Action for Climate Justice
11 November 2022
An event aimed at helping address fast fashion and its knock-on effects in the areas of labour law and environmental law will take place on Thursday 17 November between 10 am and 3pm. Organised by Queen Mary’s Legal Advice Centre, the event is open to all – members of the public as well as staff and students.
New book: Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics
9 November 2022
The book is edited by Professor Malik R. Dahlan, Professor Rosa María Lastra and Gustavo Rochette and published by Edward Elgar.
Professor Rosa Lastra to deliver the Witteveen Lecture Keynote
9 November 2022
On Wednesday 16 November 2022, Professor Rosa Lastra will hold her keynote in the annual Witteveen Lecture series entitled 'CBDCs: In Defence of Public Digital Money'.
The Cloud Legal Project launched a new Coursera Specialization in ‘Cloud Computing Law’
7 November 2022
The Specialization consists of three Courses that cover the main legal and regulatory implications of using and providing cloud computing services. Find out more about ‘Cloud Computing Law’ on Coursera.
Queen Mary expert contributes to Report with draft legislation on paperless trade
3 November 2022
The report and draft legislation are the result of the Electronic Trade Documents project carried out by The Law Commission of England and Wales for the UK Government.
Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre Host Delegates from the Legal Aid Clinic at Hugh Wooding Law School, Trinidad and Tobago
28 October 2022
Between the 17-21 October, the Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre (QMLAC) welcomed two exchange students from the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and Tobago.
Universities can foster more deliberative democracy — starting by empowering students
18 October 2022
Dr Jeffrey Kennedy, Lecturer in Criminal Law at Queen Mary University of London, has co-written for The Conversation on "mini-publics" and accessing meaningful, deliberative civic education.
The Bruce Willis Deepfake Is Everyone’s Problem
17 October 2022
Professor Johanna Gibson comments on the Bruce Willis Deepfake for Wired.
Dr Arnold-Dwyer chairs panel discussion on climate and environmental goals and insurance
17 October 2022
On 11 October, Dr Franziska Arnold-Dwyer chaired a panel discussion on 'Translating climate and environmental aspirations into insurance reality' at the annual British Insurance Law Association Conference at Lloyd's.
The study, involving researchers from Queen Mary University of London and the University of Bristol, is critical in the face of an industry that is growing and evolving at a rapid pace.
Professor Eric Heinze discusses‘What do judges need to know about hate speech?’
7 October 2022
The panel event was hosted by Asser Institute.
Winner of ‘Lawyers and Sustainability’ essay prize announced at special CCLS roundtable
5 October 2022
On 26 September 2022, Dr Franziska Arnold-Dwyer and Dr Katrien Morbee organized a roundtable on ‘Soft Law, Hard Law, Crime? How to push the climate change agenda’, sponsored by the Society of Legal Scholars.
The Times letters to editor
26 September 2022
Geraldine Van Bueren, Professor Emerita in Queen Mary’s School of Law, argues that now is the time to revive and expand the medieval right to food.
Dr Hedi Viterbo wins APSA Human Rights book award
22 September 2022
This is the second award given to Dr Viterbo for his book, Problematizing Law, Rights, and Childhood in Israel/Palestine, published by Cambridge University Press.
Professor Eric Heinze delivers a guest lecture on ‘Human Rights and Free Speech’
21 September 2022
The lecture was organised by the Ethical Society of North Winchester.
Professor Jonathan Griffiths is new Head of the Department of Law from September 2022
20 September 2022
The School of Law welcomed Professor Jonathan Griffiths as the new Head of the Department, with effect from the beginning of September 2022.
Google's court setback is good news for landmark EU tech rules
15 September 2022
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris was featured in Reuters and the Daily Mail.
Professor Eric Heinze spoke at a conference on 21st Century Antisemitism
15 September 2022
Professor Eric Heinze took part in a panel at the Fažana Media Festival
13 September 2022
The Centre for Commerical Law Studies appoints new Director from September 2022, Professor Ioannis Kokkoris
8 September 2022
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris succeeds Professor Ian Walden, who has been at the helm of The Centre for Commercial Law Studies for the last four years, steering the centre through the difficulty of a pandemic adapting to a new online teaching mode to our widespread international cohort and being a key part of celebrating our forty-year anniversary.
The School of Law at Queen Mary welcomes two new Global Professorial Fellows
7 September 2022
The two new Fellows will ensure the further development of an international research culture at Queen Mary during their 3-year term.
Shashi Tharoor is Right About British Racism, But Wrong in Comparing Rishi Sunak With Sonia Gandhi
6 September 2022
Dr Prakash Shah has written and opinion piece for News 18 Shashi Tharoor's comments about racism and the recent Conservative leader elections.
Professor Noam Shemtov to speak at an events on Artificial Intelligence in September
2 September 2022
Professor Shemtov is due to speak as an expert in patent law and AI at two events.
Professor Eric Heinze discusses free speech at NEIU
30 August 2022
Don't Pay UK organisers warn people they need to 'understand the risks' of boycotting energy bills
25 August 2022
Dr Garry Gabison was featured in LADBible discussing the calls for a boycott of energy bills.
Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice taught on United Nations International Law Fellowship Programme
24 August 2022
The Fellowship Programme provides high-quality training by prominent international law scholars and practitioners on a broad range of core topics of international law.
Lord Browne Essay Prize 2021/22
24 August 2022
We are delighted to announce the winners of the Lord Browne Energy and Climate Change Law Essay Prize for 2021/22.
Study claims country-wide loot box ban isn’t “practically achievable”
11 August 2022
Leon Y. Xiao's research on loot box regulation was featured in NME.
Ukraine faces key test on debt freeze plan in bid to avoid messy default
11 August 2022
Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal was featured in the Daily Mail discussing Ukraine's debt.
First beneficiary of ‘The Mishcon de Reya Scholarship’, in association with Queen Mary University of London, announced
10 August 2022
Mishcon de Reya has announced the first beneficiary of ‘The Mishcon de Reya Scholarship’, in association with the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London.
Law undergraduate awarded prestigious Freshfields Stephen Lawrence Scholarship
25 July 2022
Tyron Denton, one of our law undergraduate students, was recently awarded a prestigious 2022 scholarship. He shares his experience of the Scheme and why eligible students should also work with their university contact for the scheme to apply.
Experts warn NFTs used for money laundering and wash trading
15 July 2022
Dr Saskia Hufnagel appeared on Australia's ABC Radio National Breakfast Show discussing her research on Financial Crime and Non-Fungible Tokens.
EU’s frontex tripped in its plan for ‘intrusive’ surveillance of migrants
7 July 2022
Dr Niovi Vavoula speaks to Balkan Insights about the PeDRA programme.
Russian debt default: experts explain what it means for Russia and for global financial markets
4 July 2022
Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal writes for the Conversation Russia’s recent default on its foreign debt.
Queen Mary team won the Games Industry Law Summit international mooting competition
4 July 2022
On 6 May 2022, the Queen Mary team composed of LLM students Avi Bhandari, Abhinav Kumar, and Juan Alberto Pulido Lock, attained the first place in the Legal Challenge V.
Oxford based law firm White & Black has announced that it will be sponsoring an annual prize for best essay in LLM European and US Law of Patents for students studying at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London.
Why UK approach to replacing the Human Rights Act is just as worrying as the replacement itself
29 June 2022
Queen Mary's Professor of Human Rights Law, Merris Amos, has written for the Conversation about plans to replace the 1998 Act with a new UK Bill.
Russia slides towards default as payment deadline expires
27 June 2022
Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal was featured in the media discusses Russia getting closer to default.
These submissions are made on behalf of victims of image-based sexual abuse (or "revenge porn"), and form part of a project that we have been working on with Mishcon de Reya LLP to consider how the Online Safety Bill can be drafted so as to best protect such victims.
Maks Del Mar’s book, Artefacts of Legal Inquiry, wins the IVR’s Commendation for Excellence
22 June 2022
Professor Maks Del Mar’s book, Artefacts of Legal Inquiry, has been awarded the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy’s Commendation for Excellence in the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.
Dr Noam Gur co-organises the UK-IVR Annual Conference 2022
22 June 2022
The UK-IVR Annual Conference (‘Law, Rationality and Practical Reason: Ancient and Contemporary Perspectives’), co-organised by Dr Noam Gur and his colleagues on the UK-IVR executive, took place on 10 - 11 June 2022.
Letter: Regulate stablecoins in the same way as bank deposits
16 June 2022
Professor Rosa María Lastra has written in the Financial Times about the call for stablecoins to be regulated in the same manner as money market funds.
Queen Mary academics and graduate discuss intellectual property law in the Financial Times
16 June 2022
Professor Duncan Matthews, Professor Noam Shemtov and graduate Olga Gurgula discuss critical issues in the world of IP law in the FT’s 'special reports' on IP series, including Ukraine medicine IP waivers.
Leon Xiao receives a grant to investigate loot boxes in Belgium and China
9 June 2022
Leon received a grant of £3,000 from the Academic Forum for the Study of Gambling (AFSG).
The event was held on 20 May 2022 by the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London.
Queen Mary School of Law alum standing in the next General Election (GE15) in Malaysia
13 May 2022
Siti Kasim, who graduated from Queen Mary School of Law with an LLB in 1995, is standing in as a candidate in the Batu constituency.
87% of Queen Mary School of Law research outputs rated 3* and 4*
12 May 2022
According to the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF), 87% of the School of Law’s research was rated 3* (internationally renowned) or 4* (world leading).
CCLS to hold their first ever Giving Day from 8-9 June - Save the date
8 May 2022
Join us in supporting our first ever Giving Day and give the future leaders in law the opportunity to thrive. Be among our early supporters to help increase our challenge funding gifts to ensure our Giving Day is a huge success.
How will Musk’s plans for Twitter hold up against Europe’s new tech regulations?
4 May 2022
Professor Eric Heinze speaks to Marketplace Tech about European Union’s new Digital Services Act.
Queen Mary launches student essay competition on ‘Lawyers and Sustainability’
3 May 2022
The Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London is pleased to announce our essay competition ‘Lawyers and Sustainability’, sponsored by the Society of Legal Scholars and supported by Clifford Chance LLP.
Queen Mary climbs in international subject rankings for law
21 April 2022
The rankings were compiled by the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022.
Professor Rosa Lastra delivered the 4th Edinburgh Fintech Law Lecture
20 April 2022
On 7 April 2022, the Edinburgh Centre for Commercial Law hosted the 4th Edinburgh Fintech Law Lecture, with Professor Lastra talking about ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the case for public money’. The event was chaired by Lady Wolffe.
Rwanda asylum seekers: UK government criticised over 'cruel' plan
19 April 2022
Dr Niovi Vavoula and Professor Elspeth Guild featured in the media discussing the latest plans.
Dr Hedi Viterbo wins Socio-Legal Studies Association Early Career Book Prize
14 April 2022
Dr Viterbo won this award for his book, Problematizing Law, Rights, and Childhood in Israel/Palestine, published by Cambridge University Press
Facebook struggles with hate speech around Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
11 April 2022
Professor Eric Heinze argues there is no right way to regulate hate speech on social networks.
Dr Jeffery Kennedy speaks to The Beaver about The Democracy Review at LSE
10 April 2022
The Democracy Review is the LSE Student Union’s programme to reform the structure of the SU and how it operates to make it more representative and inclusive of students at LSE.
Unexplained wealth orders: how is the British law changing and will it stop dirty money circulating in London?
4 April 2022
Áine Clancy, PhD Candidate in the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London has written for The Conversation on the changes in law to prevent the spread of dirty money.
Why we need to challenge Russia’s human shields narrative
4 April 2022
Professor Neve Gordon has co-written for Al Jazeera on the current customary legal consensus whereby the human shields provisions can be used to justify the killing of civilians.
New laws to curb power of Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook
28 March 2022
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris was featured in the Times discussing what this means for Big Tech.
Call for Papers: Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and Alternative Payments: Regulating the “Wild West”
25 March 2022
A conference will be held 13-14 October 2022 exploring the issues around Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and Alternative Payments and the organisers are accepting submission of abstracts.
qLegal voted top for innovation at Queen Mary Festival of Education
22 March 2022
qLegal staff and students were delighted to participate in the Queen Mary Festival of Education 2022, to showcase their innovative approach to clinical legal education and celebrate students’ success.
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris edits Research Handbooks
21 March 2022
Professor Kokkoris is General Editor of a Research Handbook on Competition Enforcement that will be published later this year by Edward Elgar.
Regulating content won’t make the internet safer - we have to change the business models
18 March 2022
Julia Hörnle, Professor of Internet Law at Queen Mary University of London, has penned an article for The Conversation looking at the online safety bill.
Professor Neve Gordon co-authors an article on the history of hospital bombing
18 March 2022
‘Mariupol, Ukraine and the Crime of Hospital Bombing’ looks into their justification through the shielding argument, and the color line.
Professor Maxi Scherer has been appointed as co-chair of the International Bar Association (IBA)’s Investment Arbitration Subcommittee. With 3000 members worldwide, the IBA Arbitration Committee focuses on laws, practice and procedures relating to the arbitration of transnational disputes.
Professor Rosa Lastra invited to be a Member of a UNIDROIT Working Group
10 March 2022
The Working Group is part of an International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) project on Bank Insolvency.
Professor Penny Green named a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
4 March 2022
Professor Green was awarded a fellowship in recognition for her contribution to social sciences.
Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre hosted a remote panel discussion on ‘The Promise and Perils of Algorithms in Public Administration’
28 February 2022
The event, held on 3 February 2022, considered the way in which Artificial Intelligence is increasingly shaping the way we are governed and how these systems, known as 'ADS' (algorithmic decision systems), often rely on the analysis of large amounts of personal data to infer correlations or, more generally, to derive information deemed useful to making decisions, particularly in the context of immigration and access to social welfare.
Greece accused of violating European citizen rights and forcing people fleeing persecution back across the border in landmark legal case
24 February 2022
An unprecedented legal application has been submitted at the European Court of Human Rights, challenging the racially motivated pushback of a French citizen from EU territory. Prof Violeta Moreno-Lax, from the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London, is providing legal representation alongside a team of international lawyers.
Considering buying a smart device? To protect your security, ask yourself these five questions
22 February 2022
Iain Nash, PhD candidate, writes on cybersecurity for The Conversation.
Paris Postgraduate Debate Team
22 February 2022
As one of the extra-curricular activities proposed by Queen Mary in Paris, postgraduate students have the opportunity to represent Queen Mary University of London in debates against military officers studying at the École de Guerre (EDG).
UK Financial Conduct Authority chief faces backlash over reforms
21 February 2022
Dr Costanza Russo featured in the Financial Times commenting on the perception of the FCA.
qLegal releases Annual Report 2020-21
17 February 2022
The qLegal team is delighted to have released their Annual Report for 2020-21. The year was marked by significant growth and successes, both in the unprecedented number of students joining qLegal programmes and as an organisation consolidating our offerings and partnerships.
Global Antitrust Review 2020 and 2021 published
16 February 2022
The Institute for Competition and Consumers published the latest reviews with Dr Eda Sahin, and Queen Mary LLM graduates Necla Sumer Ozdemir and Ritika Sood, as editors.
The International Architecture for Sovereign Debt Restructuring
9 February 2022
The Sovereign Debt Forum (SDF) was part of the IMF-African Training Institute Course "Debt Sustainability and Debt Restructuring (DSDR)”, which took place from 31 January - 3 February 2022.
Jeantet becomes a Partner of the Queen Mary University of London's Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS)
8 February 2022
Jeantet has signed a three-year partnership with the Queen Mary University of London's Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) to work with students throughout their academic studies.
Big Tech Acquisitions Won’t Stop, but It Won’t Be Business as Usual
4 February 2022
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris was interviewed by PYMNTS.com on the regulation of Big Tech.
Professor Rosa Lastra pens paper on communication in monetary policy
1 February 2022
Professor Lastra has been invited to discuss her paper at the Preparatory Meeting of the Monetary Dialogue between the European Parliament and the European Central Bank.
Illumina Faces Battle to Save Grail Deal From EU Veto
27 January 2022
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris comments on the deal for Bloomberg.
Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas took part in the Think7 Inception Conference
26 January 2022
The conference was held in the context of Germany’s G7 Presidency in 2022.
A human right to nature: The people suing governments for environmental damage
25 January 2022
Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice speaks to Science Focus about the trend of giving nature its own rights.
Professor Neve Gordon runner up for International Ethics Section Book Award 2022
25 January 2022
Professor Gordon, along with co-author Dr Nicola Perugini, were named runners up for their book “Human Shields: A History of People in the Line of Fire”.
Professor Maks Del Mar to deliver Inaugural UK IVR MacCormick Lecture
20 January 2022
The title of Professor Del Mar’s lecture is ‘Reading Neil MacCormick’, and is based on his Leverhulme Trust and British Academy funded research into the life and work of Neil MacCormick.
Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas to present his most recent book at Kadir Has University Faculty of Law, Istanbul, Turkey
20 January 2022
His most recent book titled Climate Clubs for a Sustainable Future: The role of international trade and investment law.
New book from Alexander Herman looks at the return of cultural artefacts
19 January 2022
‘Restitution - The Return of Cultural Artefacts’, published by Lund Humphries, is 'the first balanced, up-to-date and accessible overview of the complex issues surrounding the restitution of cultural property'.
A data ‘black hole’: Europol ordered to delete vast store of personal data
11 January 2022
Dr Niovi Vavoula speaks to the Guardian about how this 'new legislation is actually an effort to game the system'.
Professor Roger Cotterrell awarded prestigious Dennis Leslie Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory
7 January 2022
Roger Cotterrell, Anniversary Professor of Legal Theory at Queen Mary University of London, has been awarded the Dennis Leslie Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory 2021.
Global Antitrust Review Issue 15 - call for submissions
5 January 2021
The GAR welcomes contributions dealing with competition law and policy in all jurisdictions, as well as those addressing competition policy issues at regional and international levels.