QMplus disruption - Tuesday 15 and Thursday 17 September
15 September 2020
QMplus planned downtime: 8-8.30pm on Tuesday 15 September and 7-10pm on Thursday 17 September.
Your feedback matters: update and changes following IT needs survey
4 September 2020
IT Services ran a survey over the summer to get a greater understanding of how they can support you to learn in a blended learning environment.
QTaster career insights - autumn applications close Sunday 6 September
3 September 2020
Gain insight into companies who are both well-known and new to you, learn about the day-to-day culture, their internship and graduate application processes and e-meet their employees!
Student update: new occupational health provider - transfer of files
24 July 2020
From 1 August, the University's occupational health service will be moved to a new external provider. We explain here how this will affect how your personal data is used and stored.
2020 National Student Survey results: a message from the Vice-Principal (Education) and the Vice President Education
15 July 2020
Professor Stephanie Marshall, the Vice-Principal for Education, and Annika Ramos, the Vice President Education for the Queen Mary Students' Union, have written to all students about this year's National Student Survey results.
Money and your mental health
13 July 2020
Managing our money is not just a practical issue, as there are many ways it can impact our emotional and mental wellbeing.
Queen Mary Bursary
13 July 2020
Queen Mary University of London has a package of bursaries to assist undergraduate students.
Financial Assistance Fund 2020/21
13 July 2020
If you are facing financial difficulties the Financial Assistance Fund could help with a grant.
Get a student bank account
13 July 2020
You might be offered a whole host of goodies, such as a free railcard or shopping voucher, if you open a student account.
How can I save money?
13 July 2020
Living in London can be expensive but there are many simple things you can do to help you save money.