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School of Law

Matteo Di Rienzo


PhD Student



Thesis title

Regulatory arbitrage in financial-like insurance products: investment opportunity, regulatory loophole or need for recharacterization?


Summary of research

The research project is focused on unit-linked products, a category of insurance-based investment products, for high net worth and ultra-high net worth clients. The more favourable discipline applicable to unit-linked products and, more in general, life insurance products makes them an attractive alternative to pure financial products.

The research provides an in depth analysis of the legal framework applicable to policyholders and insurance undertakings, and examines the impact of the peculiar characteristics of such products on capital requirements.

Due to the increased mobility of policyholders across jurisdictions and the ongoing reforms aimed at achieving an increased tax harmonization between countries, international tax aspects are considered with emphasis on the regime applicable to insurance undertakings.


Matteo received a degree in law from the University of Teramo (Italy) in 2010 with a dissertation on the “Unidroit Model Law on Leasing”, and a Master Degree in Corporate and Commercial Law from Queen Mary University in 2013 with a dissertation on "Tax Warranties and Indemnities in UK and Cross-Border Transactions”.

He served as an associate in the London office of NCTM LLP, a leading Italian law firm and as senior counsel in the Dublin office of Assicurazioni Generali (now Utmost).

Matteo is a solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, and a non-practising solicitor in Ireland. He is also is a qualified lawyer admitted to the Italian Bar Association.

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