LLM, Diploma and Certificate Modules
On this page you can find the full list of modules available on the LLM and Diploma programmes at Queen Mary University of London.
Module availability
At Queen Mary, we’re proud to deliver over 200 Postgraduate Law modules providing a large selection of module options for our students.
A specialised LLM programme requires students to complete 180 credits, including any dissertation. To expand your knowledge further, it may be possible to choose up to 60 credits from another LLM programme whilst still qualifying for your chosen degree.
However, do bear in mind that not all modules listed will be available in one year and may have restrictions or other conditions depending on your programme. Please see the individual module descriptions for more information.
Full details of module availability and the semesters they are to be taught will be made available at induction.
- SOLM001 Securities Regulation
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets
- SOLM005 International Finance Law
- SOLM006 International Finance Law Applied
- SOLM007 Banking Law International
- SOLM008 Banking and FinTech Law
- SOLM009 Corporate Finance Law
- SOLM010 Mergers and Acquisitions
- SOLM011 Law and Ethics in Business and Finance
- SOLM012 Corporate Governance and Responsibility in Finance
- SOLM013 Bank Insolvency and Resolution
- SOLM014 Sovereign Debt Restructuring
- SOLM016 Islamic Finance and Commercial Law
- SOLM139 Insurance Regulation
- SOLM191 Legal Aspects of Financing Development
- SOLM194 International Economic Law
- SOLM199 Law of Economic Crime: Proceeds of Crime
- SOLM200 Law of Economic Crime: Corruption
- SOLM223 Compliance in Global Markets
- SOLM224 Compliance Systems in Practice
- SOLM230 Art and Money
- SOLM234 Accounting for Lawyers
- SOLM235 Derivatives in a Legal Context
- SOLM236 Risk Management in Law
- SOLM237 Law and Finance in Practice
- SOLM245 EU Financial and Monetary Law
- SOLM246 International Financial Regulation
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM269 Sustainability and the Corporation
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM306 Law of International Financial Institutions
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM001 Securities Regulation
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets
- SOLM005 International Finance Law
- SOLM006 International Finance Law Applied
- SOLM007 Banking Law International
- SOLM008 Banking and FinTech Law
- SOLM010 Mergers and Acquisitions
- SOLM012 Corporate Governance and Responsibility in Finance
- SOLM016 Islamic Finance and Commercial Law
- SOLM017 Corporate Rescue and Crossborder Insolvency
- SOLM018 Principles of Regulation
- SOLM019 International Commercial Law
- SOLM021 Company Law: Corporate Finance and Management Issues
- SOLM023 Corporate Governance: Operation and Practice
- SOLM024 Comparative Contract Law
- SOLM026 Animal Law, Media and Culture
- SOLM011 Law and Ethics in Business and Finance
- SOLM015 Elements of Islamic Law
- SOLM020 Company Law: Foundational and Constiutional Issues
- SOLM022 Corporate Governance: Foundational and Theoretical
- SOLM025 Animal Law, Welfare and Trade
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM029 Chinese Business Law
- SOLM030 Multinational Enterprises: Business and Legal Organisation
- SOLM031 Multinational Enterprises: Social Issues
- SOLM033 US Federal Law Constitutional Law: Select Issues
- SOLM034 US State Law and Practice
- SOLM035 EU Trade Law
- SOLM036 Transnational Problems in Commercial Contracts
- SOLM038 Strategic Decision Making for Lawyers
- SOLM040 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Theory and Context
- SOLM041 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Selected Issues
- SOLM045 International Commercial Litigation
- SOLM046 Commercial Conflict of Laws
- SOLM049 Ethics in International Arbitration
- SOLM051 EU Competition Law and Practice
- SOLM053 International Merger Control: Special Topics
- SOLM054 International Competition Law
- SOLM055 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM057 Cartels, Collusion and Competition Law
- SOLM059 Competition Enforcement: From Investigation to Sanctions
- SOLM075 International and Comparative Copyright Law
- SOLM078 Licensing Intellectual Property
- SOLM079 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Art and Culture
- SOLM080 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Business and Law
- SOLM081 Design and Intellectual Property: EU and United States
- SOLM082 International and Comparative Law of Unfair Competition
- SOLM083 The Law of Registered Trade Marks
- SOLM084 Global Intellectual Property Law
- SOLM085 Interactive Entertainment Law
- SOLM087 The Business of Film
- SOLM089 Music Industry Contracts
- SOLM090 Intellectual Property and the Creative Industries
- SOLM092 Commercialisation of Intellectual Property
- SOLM096 Trade Secrets
- SOLM106 Competition and Regulation in EU Healthcare Markets
- SOLM118 Principles of Taxation
- SOLM119 International Tax Law
- SOLM120 International Tax Law in Practice
- SOLM121 Tax System Design and Policy in Emerging and Developing Economies
- SOLM122 Taxation of Individuals
- SOLM123 US International Taxation
- SOLM125 UK Business Taxation
- SOLM127 EU Tax Law
- SOLM128 Indirect Taxation
- SOLM129 Transfer Pricing
- SOLM130 Tax and Technology
- SOLM138 General Principles of Insurance Law
- SOLM139 Insurance Regulation
- SOLM140 Insurance Contracts
- SOLM142 Charterparties: Law and Practice
- SOLM143 Carriage of Goods
- SOLM144 Marine Insurance Law
- SOLM148 Legal Aspects of Paperless Trade
- SOLM151 Public International and European Air Transport Law
- SOLM152 Private International and European Air Transport Law
- SOLM153 Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs
- SOLM161 International and Comparative Petroleum Law and Contracts
- SOLM162 International Energy Transactions
- SOLM191 Legal Aspects of Financing Development
- SOLM192 WTO Law: Fundamental Principles
- SOLM193 WTO Law Domestic Regulations and Trade Remedies
- SOLM194 International Economic Law
- SOLM199 Law of Economic Crime: Proceeds of Crime
- SOLM200 Law of Economic Crime: Corruption
- SOLM206 IT Transactions
- SOLM210 Information Security and the Law
- SOLM211 Cyberspace: Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM212 Illegal Speech, Censorship and Digital Rights: Social Media vs “Old” Media
- SOLM213 Entrepreneurship Law Clinic
- SOLM216 Media Law: Reputation Management
- SOLM219 E-Commerce Transactions
- SOLM220 E-Commerce Regulation
- SOLM224 Compliance Systems in Practice
- SOLM226 Art and Governance
- SOLM235 Derivatives in a Legal Context
- SOLM236 Risk Management in Law
- SOLM238 Esports Law
- SOLM239 Interactive Entertainment Transactions
- SOLM244 Globalisation and the Law
- SOLM246 International Financial Regulation
- SOLM247 Comparative Corporate Law
- SOLM248 EU Competition Law
- SOLM249 International Merger Control: The Jurisdictions
- SOLM250 Advocacy and Mooting (Aviation or Shipping)
- SOLM255 Reinsurance Law and International Risk Transfer
- SOLM256 International Commercial Arbitration
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM265 Media Regulation
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM267 Trade, Environment and IPRs
- SOLM269 Sustainability and the Corporation
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM275 Taxation and Trade
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM277 Comparative Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
- SOLM278 Energy and Climate Change
- SOLM279 Climate Change Law, Economics and Policy
- SOLM284 Seminar on AI Regulation, Rights and Responsibilities
- SOLM290 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM291 International Law of Patents
- SOLM292 European Law of Patents
- SOLM297 Competition Law in the Digital Era
- SOLM300 International Arbitration: Skills and Advocacy
- SOLM302 IP Protection in the Software Sector
- SOLM303 EU Digital Copyright Law
- SOLM304 The Law of Theatre and the Performing Arts
- SOLM307 Public Legal Education for Start-Ups
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM311 Consumer law for the digital age
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM035 EU Trade Law
- SOLM051 EU Competition Law and Practice
- SOLM053 International Merger Control: Special Topics
- SOLM054 International Competition Law
- SOLM055 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM056 Competition and the State: EU State Aid Law
- SOLM057 Cartels, Collusion and Competition Law
- SOLM058 Economics of Competition Law
- SOLM059 Competition Enforcement: From Investigation to Sanctions
- SOLM094 Competition Law, Intellectual Property and Innovation
- SOLM224 Compliance Systems in Practice
- SOLM248 EU Competition Law
- SOLM249 International Merger Control: The Jurisdictions
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM290 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM297 Competition Law in the Digital Era
- SOLM308 Legal Design
The program comprises 120 compulsory credits:
- SOLM179 Common Law Reasoning
- SOLM288 Common Law from Theory to Practice
- SOLM920 Dissertation in Common Law
You can then choose 60 credits of modules from the entire LLM programme. Examples of modules you might like to choose include:
- SOLM024 Comparative Contract Law
- SOLM103 Law's Relations: Autonomy, Consent and Confidentiality
- SOLM181 Critical Jurisprudence
- SOLM187 Law and Authority in a Global Context
- SOLM201 Crime and Punishment in England
- SOLM257 Law and Civil Disobedience
- SOLM262 Climate Justice
- SOLM268 Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law
- SOLM289 Law is Plural: comparative law, legal pluralism, decoloniality
- SOLM312 Philosophy of Human Rights
- SOLM019 International Commercial Law
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM038 Strategic Decision Making for Lawyers
- SOLM039 Negotiation Theory and Practice
- SOLM040 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Theory and Context
- SOLM041 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Selected Issues
- SOLM042 International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM043 International Arbitration Law and Practice: Theory and Context
- SOLM044 International Arbitration Law and Practice: Applicable Law and Procedures
- SOLM045 International Commercial Litigation
- SOLM046 Commercial Conflict of Laws
- SOLM047 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Foundations, Jurisdiction and Procedure
- SOLM048 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Agreements and Substantive Protection
- SOLM049 Ethics in International Arbitration
- SOLM145 Maritime Arbitration
- SOLM163 International Arbitration and Energy
- SOLM189 International Investment Law
- SOLM190 Foreign Investments and Public Policy
- SOLM192 WTO Law: Fundamental Principles
- SOLM193 WTO Law Domestic Regulations and Trade Remedies
- SOLM211 Cyberspace: Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM228 Art Disputes and Their Resolution
- SOLM241 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM277 Comparative Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
- SOLM295 International Sports Arbitration
- SOLM300 International Arbitration: Skills and Advocacy
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM071 Terrorism and Human Rights: Constitutional Perspectives
- SOLM104 Mental Health Law: Capacity to Consent and Best Interests
- SOLM110 Mental Health Law: Compulsory Detention and Treatment
- SOLM114 Principles of International Criminal Law
- SOLM115 Enforcement of International Criminal Law
- SOLM175 Terrorism, Migration and Human Rights
- SOLM177 Migration and Asylum Law Through Practice
- SOLM199 Law of Economic Crime: Proceeds of Crime
- SOLM200 Law of Economic Crime: Corruption
- SOLM201 Punishment in England 1750-1950
- SOLM202 Policing in Local and Global Contexts
- SOLM203 Comparative Criminal Justice
- SOLM204 Criminal Justice and Surveillance Technologies
- SOLM205 EU Criminal Law
- SOLM207 Cybercrime: Substantive Offences
- SOLM208 Cybercrime: Forensic Investigations
- SOLM222 International and Comparative Data Protection Law
- SOLM240 Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights and Migration
- SOLM260 Corporate Violence
- SOLM261 State Crime
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM281 Researching Powerful Organisations
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM030 Multinational Enterprises: Business and Legal Organisation
- SOLM031 Multinational Enterprises: Social Issues
- SOLM042 International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM047 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Foundations, Jurisdiction and Procedure
- SOLM048 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Agreements and Substantive Protection
- SOLM133 Concepts in Natural Resources Law: Biodiversity, Human Rights and Trade
- SOLM134 International Environmental Law
- SOLM135 EU Environmental law
- SOLM136 Climate Change Law
- SOLM146 International Regulation of Shipping
- SOLM155 Energy Law Principles
- SOLM156 Energy Economics Legal Perspective
- SOLM157 International Energy Law and Ethics
- SOLM158 United States Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
- SOLM161 International and Comparative Petroleum Law and Contracts
- SOLM162 International Energy Transactions
- SOLM163 International Arbitration and Energy
- SOLM164 EU Energy Law
- SOLM165 Current Issues in International Energy Regulation
- SOLM166 Mining and Natural Resources Law
- SOLM167 Renewable Energy Law
- SOLM168 Nuclear Energy Law
- SOLM243 Trade, Climate Change and Energy EU and International Perspectives
- SOLM251 Exploitation of Energy Resources in Disputed Areas
- SOLM254 International Natural Resources Law
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM278 Energy and Climate Change
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM279 Climate Change Law, Economics and Policy
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM309 Select Public International Law Issues in Energy
- SOLM310 Electricity Law and Regulation
- SOLM018 Principles of Regulation
- SOLM131 International Law of the Sea
- SOLM133 Concepts in Natural Resources Law: Biodiversity, Human Rights and Trade
- SOLM134 International Environmental Law
- SOLM135 EU Environmental law
- SOLM136 Climate Change Law
- SOLM137 Water Law
- SOLM146 International Regulation of Shipping
- SOLM149 Law of the Sea: Navigational Freedoms and Practice
- SOLM156 Energy Economics: A Legal Perspective
- SOLM157 International Energy Law and Ethics
- SOLM158 United States Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
- SOLM164 EU Energy Law
- SOLM167 Renewable Energy Law
- SOLM168 Nuclear Energy Law
- SOLM241 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
- SOLM251 Exploitation of Energy Resources in Disputed Areas
- SOLM252 Energy Decommissioning and Waste Management in International Law
- SOLM254 International Natural Resources Law
- SOLM262 Climate Justice
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM281 Researching Powerful Organisations
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM309 Select Public International Law Issues in Energy
- SOLM063 Human Rights of Women: Feminist Legal Theory
- SOLM064 Human Rights of Women: Legal Framework and Issues
- SOLM065 International and Comparative Social Rights
- SOLM069 International Human Rights Law: History, Theory and Politics
- SOLM070 International Human Rights Law: Law, Practice and Institutions
- SOLM071 Terrorism & Human Rights: Constitutional Perspectives
- SOLM074 Secession and Self-Determination in International Law
- SOLM103 Law's Relations: Autonomy, Consent and Confidentiality
- SOLM104 Mental Health Law: Capacity to Consent and Best Interests
- SOLM107 Law's Bodies: Donation, Reproduction and Dying
- SOLM110 Mental Health Law: Compulsory Detention and Treatment
- SOLM112 Use of Force in International Law
- SOLM113 Conduct of Hostilities in International Law
- SOLM114 Principles of International Criminal Law
- SOLM115 Enforcement of International Criminal Law
- SOLM171 International Refugee Law
- SOLM173 Ethics of Migration and Asylum
- SOLM174 Comparative Immigration Law
- SOLM175 Terrorism, Migration and Human Rights
- SOLM177 Migration and Asylum Law through Practice
- SOLM205 EU Criminal Law
- SOLM212 Illegal Speech, Censorship and Digital Rights: Social Media vs “Old” Media
- SOLM216 Media Law: Reputation Management
- SOLM227 Art and Cultural Values
- SOLM240 Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights and Migration
- SOLM242 EU Immigration law
- SOLM260 Corporate Violence
- SOLM261 State Crime
- SOLM262 Climate Justice
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM264 International Migration Law
- SOLM265 Media Regulation
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM270 International Child Law
- SOLM271 Children, Law and Society
- SOLM272 Cultural Diversity and Law
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM282 Human Rights and Public Health
- SOLM283 Minority and Group Rights: International and Comparative Perspectives
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM312 Philosophy of Human Rights
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets
- SOLM014 Sovereign Debt Restructuring
- SOLM025 Animal Law, Welfare and Trade
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM030 Multinational Enterprises: Business and Legal Organisation
- SOLM031 Multinational Enterprises: Social Issues
- SOLM035 EU Trade Law
- SOLM047 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Foundations, Jurisdiction and Procedure
- SOLM048 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Agreements and Substantive Protection
- SOLM054 International Competition Law
- SOLM055 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM084 Global Intellectual Property Law
- SOLM119 International Tax Law
- SOLM120 International Tax Law in Practice
- SOLM189 International Investment Law
- SOLM190 Foreign Investments and Public Policy
- SOLM191 Legal Aspects of Financing Development
- SOLM192 WTO Law: Fundamental Principles
- SOLM193 WTO Law Domestic Regulations and Trade Remedies
- SOLM194 International Economic Law
- SOLM243 Trade, Climate change and Energy EU and International Perspectives
- SOLM244 Globalisation and the Law
- SOLM245 EU Financial and Monetary Law
- SOLM246 International Financial Regulation
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM275 Taxation and Trade
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM279 Climate Change Law, Economics and Policy
- SOLM287 The EU and international law: EU external economic relations
- SOLM290 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM306 Law of International Financial Institutions
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM025 Animal Law, Welfare and Trade
- SOLM026 Animal Law, Media and Culture
- SOLM075 International and Comparative Copyright Law
- SOLM078 Licensing Intellectual Property
- SOLM079 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Art and Culture
- SOLM080 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Business and Law
- SOLM081 Design and Intellectual Property: EU and United States
- SOLM082 International and Comparative Law of Unfair Competition
- SOLM083 The Law of Registered Trade Marks
- SOLM084 Global Intellectual Property Law
- SOLM085 Interactive Entertainment Law
- SOLM086 The Law of Film
- SOLM087 The Business of Film
- SOLM088 Law of Geographical Indications
- SOLM089 Music Industry Contracts
- SOLM090 Intellectual Property and the Creative Industries
- SOLM092 Commercialisation of IP
- SOLM093 Intellectual Property and the Life Sciences
- SOLM094 Competition Law, Intellectual Property and Innovation
- SOLM095 Intellectual Property Law in China
- SOLM096 Trade Secrets
- SOLM098 Law and Practice of the Unified Patent Court
- SOLM130 Tax and Technology
- SOLM238 Esports Law
- SOLM239 Interactive Entertainment Transactions
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM267 Trade, Environment and IPRs
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM280 IP Protection in the Software Sector
- SOLM291 International Law of Patents
- SOLM292 European Law of Patents
- SOLM293 Economics of Intellectual Property
- SOLM294 Advanced Topics in European Trade Mark Law
- SOLM301 Advanced US Trademark Law
- SOLM302 Intellectual Property Protection in the Software Sector
- SOLM303 EU Digital Copyright Law
- SOLM304 The Law of Theatre and the Performing Arts
- SOLM307 Public Legal Education for Start-Ups
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM309 Select Public International Law Issues in Energy
- SOLM311 Consumer law for the digital age
- SOLM001 Securities Regulation
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets
- SOLM005 International Finance Law
- SOLM006 International Finance Law Applied
- SOLM010 Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As)
- SOLM011 Law and Ethics in Business and Finance
- SOLM012 Corporate Governance and Responsibility in Finance
- SOLM015 Elements of Islamic Law
- SOLM016 Islamic Finance and Commercial Law
- SOLM017 Corporate Rescue and Crossborder Insolvency
- SOLM018 Principles of Regulation
- SOLM019 International Commercial Law
- SOLM020 Company Law: Foundational and Constitutional Issues
- SOLM021 Company Law: Corporate Finance and Management Issues
- SOLM022 Corporate Governance: Foundational and Theoretical
- SOLM023 Corporate Governance Operation and Practice
- SOLM024 Comparative Contract Law
- SOLM025 Animal Law, Welfare and Trade
- SOLM026 Animal Law, Media and Culture
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM029 Chinese Business Law
- SOLM030 Multinational Enterprises: Business and Legal Organisation
- SOLM031 Multinational Enterprises: Social Issues
- SOLM033 US Federal Constitutional Law: Select Issues
- SOLM034 US State Law and Practice
- SOLM035 EU Trade Law
- SOLM036 Transnational Problems in Commercial Contracts
- SOLM038 Strategic Decision Making for Lawyers
- SOLM040 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Theory and Context
- SOLM041 Alternative Dispute Resolution: Selected Issues
- SOLM045 International Commercial Litigation
- SOLM046 Commercial Conflicts of Laws
- SOLM047 Investement Treaty Arbitration: Foundations, Jurisdiction and Procedure
- SOLM049 Ethics in International Arbitration
- SOLM051 European Union Competition Law and Practice
- SOLM053 International Merger Control: Special Topics
- SOLM054 International Competition Law
- SOLM055 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM060 Competition law in the Cyberspace
- SOLM075 International and Comparative Copyright Law
- SOLM079 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Art and Culture
- SOLM080 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Business and Law
- SOLM081 Design and Intellectual Property: European Union and United States
- SOLM082 International and Comparative Law of Unfair Competition
- SOLM083 The Law of Registered Trademarks
- SOLM085 Interactive Entertainment Law
- SOLM086 The Law of Film
- SOLM095 Intellectual Property Law in China
- SOLM106 Competition and Regulation in EU Healthcare Markets
- SOLM118 Principles of Taxation
- SOLM119 International Tax Law
- SOLM120 International Tax Law in Practice
- SOLM121 Tax System Design and Policy in Emerging and Developing Economies
- SOLM122 Taxation of Individuals
- SOLM123 US International Taxation
- SOLM125 UK Business Taxation
- SOLM127 EU Tax Law
- SOLM128 Indirect Taxation
- SOLM129 Transfer Pricing
- SOLM130 Tax and Technology
- SOLM138 General Principles of Insurance Law
- SOLM139 Insurance Regulation
- SOLM140 Insurance Contracts
- SOLM142 Charterparties: Law and Practice
- SOLM148 Legal Aspects of Paperless Trade
- SOLM151 Public International and European Air Transport Law
- SOLM152 Private International and European Air Transport Law
- SOLM153 Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs
- SOLM155 Energy Law Principles
- SOLM158 United States Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
- SOLM161 International and Comparative Petroleum Law and Contracts
- SOLM162 International Energy Transactions
- SOLM189 International Investment Law
- SOLM190 Foreign Investments and Public Policy
- SOLM192 WTO Law: Fundamental Principles
- SOLM193 WTO Law: Domestic Regulations and Trade Remedies
- SOLM194 International Economic Law
- SOLM199 Law of Economic Crime Proceeds of Crime
- SOLM200 Law of Economic Crime: Corruption
- SOLM206 IT Transactions
- SOLM210 Information Security and the Law
- SOLM213 Entrepreneurship Law Clinic
- SOLM219 E-Commerce Transactions
- SOLM220 E-Commerce Regulation
- SOLM225 Art Transactions
- SOLM224 Compliance Systems in Practice
- SOLM233 US Federal Law: Select Advocacy Issues
- SOLM235 Derivatives in a Legal Context
- SOLM236 Risk Management in Law
- SOLM244 Globalisation and the Law
- SOLM245 EU Financial and Monetary Law
- SOLM246 International Financial Regulation
- SOLM247 Comparative Corporate Law
- SOLM248 EU Competition Law
- SOLM249 International Merger Control: The Jurisdictions
- SOLM255 Reinsurance Law and International Risk Transfer
- SOLM256 International Commercial Arbitration
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM269 Sustainability and the Corporation
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM275 Taxation and Trade
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM277 Comparative Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
- SOLM279 Climate Change Law, Economics and Policy
- SOLM280 IP Protection in the Software Sector
- SOLM284 Seminar on AI Regulation, Rights and Responsibilities
- SOLM290 Comparative Competition Law
- SOLM291 International Law of Patents
- SOLM292 European Law of Patents
- SOLM297 Competition Law in the Digital Era
- SOLM303 EU Digital Copyright Law
- SOLM307 Public Legal Education for Start-Ups
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM311 Consumer law for the digital age
- SOLM142 Charterparties: Law and Practice
- SOLM143 Carriage of Goods
- SOLM144 Marine Insurance Law
- SOLM145 Maritime Arbitration
- SOLM146 International Regulation of Shipping
- SOLM147 Wet Shipping Law
- SOLM148 Legal Aspects of Paperless Trade
- SOLM149 Law of the Sea: Navigational Freedoms and Practice
- SOLM150 Admiralty
- SOLM151 Public International & European Air Transport Law
- SOLM152 Private International & European Air Transport Law
- SOLM153 Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs
- SOLM154 Maritime Conflict of Laws
- SOLM250 Advocacy and Mooting (Aviation or Shipping)
- SOLM253 Seafarers Law
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM308 Legal Design
Please note that the modules shown here are subject to change. For information on modules offered by the School of Economics and Finance, please consult the module directory.
Compulsory modules
- CCLF001 - Law and Economics
- CCLF002 - Advanced Law and Economics
- CCLF003 - Dissertation in Law and Economics (10,000 words)
Optional modules
A further 90 credits from the optional law and/or economic modules.
Please note: not all modules will be available in one year. Semesters will be made available closer to induction.
See the full list of optional modules:
- ECOM015 Corporate Finance
- ECOM053 Quantitative Methods in Finance
- ECOM118 Practical Valuation
- ECOM105 Valuation
- ECOM035 International Finance
- ECOM038 Behavioural Finance
- ECOM058 Principles of Accounting
- ECOM095 Mergers and Acquisitions
- ECOM120 Strategy, Leadership and Management of Investment Banks
- ECOM137 China and Global Financial Markets
- SOLM001 Securities Regulation
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets
- SOLM007 Banking Law International
- SOLM008 Banking and FinTech Law
- SOLM010 Mergers and Acquisitions
- SOLM011 Law and Ethics in Business and Finance
- SOLM018 Principles of Regulation
- SOLM019 International Commercial Law
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM029 Chinese Business Law
- SOLM035 EU Trade Law
- SOLM051 EU Competition Law and Practice
- SOLM053 International Merger Control: Special Topics
- SOLM054 International Competition Law
- SOLM057 Cartels, Collusion and Competition Law
- SOLM059 Competition Enforcement: From Investigation to Sanctions
- SOLM082 International and Comparative Law of Unfair Competition
- SOLM134 International Environmental Law
- SOLM136 Climate Change Law
- SOLM137 Water Law
- SOLM138 General Principles of Insurance Law
- SOLM139 Insurance Regulation
- SOLM155 Energy Law Principles
- SOLM157 International Energy Law and Ethics
- SOLM158 United States Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
- SOLM167 Renewable Energy Law
- SOLM168 Nuclear Energy Law
- SOLM207 Cybercrime: Substantive Offences
- SOLM208 Cybercrime: Forensic Investigations
- SOLM209 EU Data Protection Law
- SOLM210 Information Security and the Law
- SOLM211 Cyberspace: Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM219 E-Commerce Transactions
- SOLM224 Compliance Systems in Practice
- SOLM248 EU Competition Law
- SOLM259 Law and Economics of Regulation and Compliance
- SOLM222 International and Comparative Data Protection Law
- SOLM223 Compliance in Global Markets
- SOLM246 International Financial Regulation
- SOLM258 Regulation and Compliance Clinic
- SOLM243 Trade, Climate Change and Energy EU and International Perspectives
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM285 Data Protection Law and Compliance
- SOLM305 Telecommunications Law
- SOLM306 Law of International Financial Institutions
- SOLM027 Transnational Law and Governance in Practice
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM047 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Foundations, Jurisdiction and Procedure
- SOLM048 Investment Treaty Arbitration: Agreements and Substantive Protection
- SOLM065 International and Comparative Social Rights
- SOLM069 International Human Rights Law: History, Theory and Politics
- SOLM070 International Human Rights Law: Law, Practice and Institutions
- SOLM071 Terrorism & Human Rights: Constitutional Perspectives
- SOLM074 Secession and Self-Determination in International Law
- SOLM088 Law of Geographical Indications
- SOLM112 Use of Force in International Law
- SOLM113 Conduct of Hostilities in International Law
- SOLM114 Principles of International Criminal Law
- SOLM115 Enforcement of International Criminal Law
- SOLM116 Fundamental Questions in the Law of Treaties
- SOLM117 Special Areas in the Law of Treaties
- SOLM119 International Tax Law
- SOLM120 International Tax Law in Practice
- SOLM131 International Law of the Sea
- SOLM133 Concepts in Natural Resources Law: Biodiversity, Human Rights and Trade
- SOLM134 International Environmental Law
- SOLM136 Climate Change Law
- SOLM137 Water Law
- SOLM146 International Regulation of Shipping
- SOLM149 Law of the Sea: Navigational Freedoms and Practice
- SOLM151 Public International & European Air Transport Law
- SOLM152 Private International & European Air Transport Law
- SOLM157 International Energy Law and Ethics
- SOLM171 International Refugee Law
- SOLM175 Terrorism, Migration and Human Rights
- SOLM177 Migration and Asylum Law Through Practice
- SOLM189 International Investment Law
- SOLM190 Foreign Investments and Public Policy
- SOLM191 Legal Aspects of Financing Development
- SOLM192 WTO Law: Fundamental Principles
- SOLM193 WTO Law Domestic Regulations and Trade Remedies
- SOLM194 International Economic Law
- SOLM198 Crimes of the Powerful: State Crime
- SOLM207 Cybercrime: Substantive Offences
- SOLM208 Cybercrime: Forensic Investigations
- SOLM211 Cyberspace: Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM240 Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights and Migration
- SOLM241 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
- SOLM243 Trade, Climate change and Energy EU and International Perspectives
- SOLM251 Exploitation of Energy Resources in Disputed Areas
- SOLM254 International Natural Resources Law
- SOLM261 State Crime
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM264 International Migration Law
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM270 International Child Law
- SOLM271 Children, Law and Society
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM281 Researching Powerful Organisations
- SOLM282 Human Rights and Public Health
- SOLM283 Minority and Group Rights: International and Comparative Perspectives
- SOLM287 The EU and international law: EU external economic relations
- SOLM296 Outer Space Law
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM309 Select Public International Law Issues in Energy
This information is subject to change
Compulsory Modules
SOLM926 Dissertation (5,000-word essay)
- SOLM011 Law and Ethics and Business and Finance
- SOLM018 Principles of Regulation
- SOLM224 Compliance Systems in Practice
- SOLM258 Regulation and Compliance Clinic
- SOLM259 Law and Economics of Regulation and Compliance
- SOLM926 Specialist case study (50% of dissertation)
Elective modules
In addition to compulsory modules students will take electives from the following specialisations.
Financial and Insurance Regulation
- SOLM001 Securities Regulation
- SOLM002 EU Financial and Monetary Law
- SOLM003 Regulation of Financial Markets
- SOLM007 Banking Law International
- SOLM012 Corporate Governance and responsibility in Finance
- SOLM016 Islamic Finance and Commercial Law
- SOLM019 International Commercial Law
- SOLM139 Insurance Regulation
- SOLM223 Compliance in the Global Markets
- SOLM245 EU Financial and Monetary Law
- SOLM306 Law of International Financial Institutions
Data Protection and Information Security
- SOLM035 EU Trade Law
- SOLM075 International and Comparative Copyright Law
- SOLM081 Design and Intellectual Property: EU and United States
- SOLM083 The Law of Registered Trade Marks
- SOLM096 Trade Secrets
- SOLM207 Cybercrime: Substantive Offences
- SOLM209 EU Data Protection Law
- SOLM208 Cybercrime: Forensic Investigations
- SOLM210 Information Security and the Law
- SOLM285 Data Protection Law Compliance and Practice
- SOLM211 Cyberspace: Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
Business and Trade Regulation
- SOLM010 Mergers and Acquisitions
- SOLM029 Chinese Business Law
- SOLM051 EU Competition Law and Practice
- SOLM053 International Merger Control: Special Topics
- SOLM054 International Competition Law
- SOLM057 Cartels, Collusion and Competition Law
- SOLM059 Competition Enforcement: From Investigation to Sanctions
- SOLM082 International and Comparative Law of Unfair Competition
- SOLM137 Water Law
- SOLM138 General Principles of Insurance Law
- SOLM139 Insurance Regulation
- SOLM140 Insurance Contracts
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
Energy and Environmental Regulation
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM134 International Environmental Law
- SOLM136 Climate Change Law
- SOLM157 International Energy Law and Ethics
- SOLM158 United States Energy Law, Regulation and Policy
- SOLM164 EU Energy Law
- SOLM167 Renewable Energy Law
- SOLM168 Nuclear Energy Law
- SOLM243 Trade, Climate Change and Energy EU and International Perspectives
Online Learning modules
- CCDM008 Online Banking and Financial Services
- CCDM014 Privacy and Data Protection Law
- CCDM015 Advanced IP Issues: Digital Rights Management
- CCDM018 Internet Content Regulation
- CCDM019 Information Security and the Law
- CCDM021 European Telecommunications Law
- CCDM028 Online Media Regulation
- CCDM031 Information and Communications Technology and Competition Law
- CCDM039 Internet Governance
- CCDM043 Cloud Computing
See our Online Learning module page for more information about these modules.
- SOLM118 Principles of Taxation
- SOLM119 International Tax Law
- SOLM120 International Tax Law in Practice
- SOLM121 Tax System Design and Policy in Emerging and Developing Economies
- SOLM122 Taxation of Individuals
- SOLM123 US International Taxation
- SOLM124 UK Tax Law
- SOLM125 UK Business Taxation
- SOLM126 UK Tax Avoidance
- SOLM127 EU Tax Law
- SOLM128 Indirect Taxation
- SOLM129 Transfer Pricing
- SOLM130 Tax and Technology
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM275 Taxation and Trade
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM286 Tax Administration and Procedure
- SOLM308 Legal Design
- SOLM026 Animal Law, Media and Culture
- SOLM028 Transnational Law and Governance Applied
- SOLM060 Competition Law in the Cyberspace
- SOLM075 International and Comparative Copyright Law
- SOLM079 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Art and Culture
- SOLM080 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Business and Law
- SOLM084 Global Intellectual Property Law
- SOLM085 Interactive Entertainment Law
- SOLM086 The Law of Film
- SOLM087 The Business of Film
- SOLM089 Music Industry Contracts
- SOLM090 Intellectual Property and the Creative Industries
- SOLM206 IT Transactions
- SOLM207 Cybercrime: Substantive Offences
- SOLM208 Cybercrime: Forensic Investigations
- SOLM209 EU Data Protection Law
- SOLM210 Information Security and the Law
- SOLM211 Cyberspace: Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
- SOLM212 Illegal Speech, Censorship and Digital Rights: Social Media vs “Old” Media
- SOLM213 Entrepreneurship Law Clinic
- SOLM216 Media Law: Reputation Management
- SOLM219 E-Commerce Transactions
- SOLM220 E-Commerce Regulation
- SOLM221 AI, Robotics and the Law
- SOLM222 International and Comparative Data Protection Law
- SOLM229 Art and Intellectual Property
- SOLM238 Esports Law
- SOLM239 Interactive Entertainment Transactions
- SOLM263 International Economic Law Clinic
- SOLM266 Research Seminar
- SOLM265 Media Regulation
- SOLM273 Legal Tech
- SOLM274 Public Affairs Advocacy
- SOLM276 Advocacy in Commercial Disputes
- SOLM284 Seminar on AI Regulation, Rights and Responsibilities
- SOLM285 Data Protection Law Compliance and Practice
- SOLM296 Outer Space Law
- SOLM297 Competition Law in the Digital Era
- SOLM303 EU Digital Copyright Law
- SOLM305 Telecommunications Law
- SOLM307 Public Legal Education for Start-Ups
- SOLM308 Legal Design
If you apply for the Laws LLM your final degree certificate will show Master of Laws. If you wish your degree to show expertise in a specific area of law then you should apply for one of our specialised LLM programmes.
On the Laws LLM you select credits of taught modules from the majority of available LLM modules.
Note: Not all of the modules listed will be available in any one year and semesters listed can be subject to change. Any modules not available in the forthcoming academic session will be marked as soon as this information is confirmed by teaching academics. Modules 225-230 are only available on the Art, Business and Law and specific LLM programmes.
Certain combinations of modules may be restricted or required – see the individual module description for more details. These are also subject to change but will be confirmed prior to module selection.
90 credits of compulsory modules:
- SOLM313 Fashion, Law and Social Justice
- SOLM315 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Culture and Art
- SOLM316 Intellectual Property and Fashion: Innovation and Technology
- SOLM314 Fashion Enterprise: Ethics, Business and Law
And a selection of 30 credits from the following electives:
- SOLM318 Fashion, Law and Sustainability (15 credits) - Semester 2
- SOLM321 Fashion Transactions and Licensing (15 credits) - Semester 3
- SOLM935 - Dissertation in Fashion Law (30)
And a further 60 credits of free choice of LLM modules (which may include Fashion electives or any modules from any other programmes).
*This course is subject to approval.