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Mile End Institute

MEI Blog Archive, 2015 to 2019

Brexit shows how a tiny party can have big consequences
3 December 2019

Nigel Farage’s pro-Brexit parties forced the much bigger Conservative Party to live up to its rhetoric. 

The nature of ‘Corbynomics’ – and four key questions it faces
3 December 2019

Nick Garland and Colm Murphy share their thoughts following a Mile End Institute panel on 'Corbynomics'. 

For the U.K.'s Jewish Voters, an Upside Down Choice in the upcoming General Election
26 November 2019

Professor Tim Bale has noted how British Jews are "clearly very worried about Jeremy Corbyn and the direction of the Labour Party". In an article written by Thomas K. Grose for U.S. News

Supreme Court ruling will stop another parliament shutdown, says Professor Peter Hennessy
25 September 2019

Professor Hennessy said that Boris Johnson had “acted with immense insensitivity as well as illegality in advising the Queen to approve an order in council proroguing parliament”.

Labour conference: Jeremy Corbyn battles it out with members over Brexit
23 September 2019

Tim Bale, Professor of Politics from Queen Mary University of London has written an opinion piece for The Conversation about Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party and their stance on Brexit. He argues that Corbyn – supposedly a very different leader of the Labour Party and one who promised to be guided by its members – will probably get away with ignoring them when it comes to Brexit.

Co-Director of the MEI, Dr. Robert Saunders, shared his views on the suspension of Parliament on Twitter
28 August 2019

Dr Robert Saunders, Senior Lecturer in Modern British History, shared his views on the suspension of Parliament on Twitter.

In conversation with Chris Skidmore MP
8 July 2019

Speaking at the Mile End Institute, Chris Skidmore, the Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, shared his vision for higher education after Brexit. 

How the Tories became a Brexit death cult in thrall to Boris Johnson
28 June 2019

There is evidence that post-referendum ‘entryism’ has helped drive the Conservatives into ultra-Brexiteer territory. 

UK Parliament The Brexit referendum and the British constitution
30 May 2019

Robert Saunders, a historian at Queen Mary University of London spoke to The Economist about the British Constitution. 

Are referendums the future of British democracy?
26 February 2019

The 2016 Brexit referendum is having a profound impact on how the UK is governed yet for other countries referendums are a regular aspect of the political process. Queen Mary’s Mile End Institute hosted a panel discussion on 25 February to explore this topic.

Nearly three quarters of MPs think Theresa May has done a poor job of negotiating Brexit
9 January 2019

The latest survey shows that the House of Commons has become even more polarised on Brexit. Tim Bale, Professor of Politics at Queen Mary, believes this will make the Prime Minister’s job even more difficult.

New poll shows that most members of the Conservative Party would choose no deal over Theresa May’s Brexit plan
4 January 2019

The survey of political party members, led by Professor Tim Bale from Queen Mary University of London, has shed new light on grassroots views on Brexit.

Labour remain popular in the capital whilst nearly a third of Londoners state that they would never vote Conservative, according to new poll
11 December 2018

Nearly half of Londoners would vote Labour in a future general election according to a new poll conducted for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London.

Londoners would overwhelmingly vote to remain in the EU rather than leave under terms of Theresa May’s deal, according to new poll
10 December 2018

More than half of Londoners (54 per cent) would vote to remain the EU according to the latest poll conducted for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London.

What does Brexit mean for Black and Asian Britain?
30 October 2018

Where does race and ethnicity play out in the Brexit debate? These issues were explored during the latest event held by the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London.

The IPPR’s Industrial Strategy: Historical Echoes and Contemporary Silences
13 September 2018

Much deserved praise has been showered on the Institute of Public Policy Research’s final report from the Commission on Economic Justice. Published at the start of September, its advocacy for decentralisation, wealth taxation and an active state has captured imaginations.

Mayor of London drops in popularity
10 September 2018

Increasingly fewer Londoners believe that the Mayor of London, Labour’s Sadiq Khan, is doing a good job, according to the latest poll conducted for the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London.

Crisis and Reinvention: the State of the Left
8 February 2018

A well-attended Mile End Institute event – Crisis and Reinvention: the State of the Left – emphasised both the challenges and opportunities facing the Labour Party. Karl Pike, PhD Candidate at Queen Mary University of London, looks back on presentations given by Professor Andrew Hindmoor, Dr Monica Poletti and Dr Patrick Diamond.

Brexiteer defends questioning Treasury’s forecasts
2 February 2018

Speaking at the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London last night, Jacob Rees-Mogg, North East Somerset MP and leading Brexiteer, defended raising claims that Treasury officials are trying to influence policy around Brexit.

"I am most deeply hurt"
1 February 2018

Using 'real time', Matthew Bailey and Nigel Fletcher explore what happened to the Labour party after the untimely death of Hugh Gaitskell.

Uncovered letters reveal how Gaitskell’s grieving widow was left ‘shocked’ and ‘deeply hurt’ by PM Macmillan’s speech
1 February 2018

Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan deeply offended the widow of the deceased Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell just days after the politician’s untimely death 55 years ago. A letter in which Mrs Gaitskell describes herself as “deeply hurt” has been discovered in the National Archives and is being published for the first time.

New report on Brexit and public opinion reveals divisions both between and within parties
31 January 2018

A values divide is emerging which could dramatically impact on politics in the years to come, a comprehensive report on Brexit and public opinion reveals.


Survey of MPs reveals Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn face significant political challenges over Brexit
22 January 2018

Corbyn face significant challenges within their own parliamentary parties over Brexit, a new survey of MPs has found.

Universities Minister Sam Gyimah backs review of tuition fees
19 January 2018

The new Universities Minister Sam Gyimah has said that a review of student tuition fees is on the way. He was speaking at the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London, in his first public appearance since his appointment to the role.

Survey of Britain's party members reveals glaring contrasts between Tories and other parties
4 January 2018

A survey of the country’s party members has revealed glaring contrasts between rank and file Tories and their Labour, Lib Dem and SNP counterparts.

All change for Labour?
26 November 2017

‘The Summer That Changed Everything’, the recent BBC documentary following Labour MPs and activists during June's general election, presented longstanding tensions and some emerging and intriguing questions regarding the party's future. Karl Pike, PhD candidate at Queen Mary University of London, looks into tensions in the Labour party and asks if Momentum could be a new 'New Left.'

Parliament must act speedily to contain sexual harassment scandal, says John Bercow
10 November 2017

The sexual harassment scandal in British politics has the potential to be as serious as the 2009 expenses scandal, said the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow.

Reversing Brexit would be catastrophic for politics, says Lisa Nandy
25 October 2017

Remainers need to drop the idea of reversing Brexit, according to Lisa Nandy MP. Speaking to Professor Philip Cowley at QMUL’s Mile End Institute, she the consequences of a reversal would be catastrophic.

UK risks Brexit disaster without lengthy transition period, says Neil Kinnock
4 October 2017

Brexit will be an unmitigated disaster for the UK if the government fails to ensure a substantial transition period, according to the former leader of the Labour Party Lord Kinnock. 

Helen McCarthy, author of ‘Women of the World, The Rise of the Female Diplomat’: Exclusive Interview
30 August 2017

Women weren’t permitted to become UK diplomats until 1946, and until 1973 they had to quit if they got married. Liz Heron interviews Helen McCarthy, an expert on the struggle for gender equality in this most traditional and recalcitrant corner of government.

Legislation at Westminster – and how parliament matters more than many people think
24 August 2017

The Westminster parliament is famous throughout the world, but often presented as relatively non-influential when it comes to making the law. Meg Russell and Daniel Gover's new book 'Legislation at Westminster' is the most detailed study of the British legislative process for over 40 years, and challenges these assumptions. Here the authors summarise their findings on how different groups of actors at Westminster exercise subtle and interconnected influence, contributing to what they dub 'six faces of parliamentary power'.

Brexit – the big uncertainty
18 July 2017

It has been twelve months since the United Kingdom (UK) went to the polls and made the decision to leave the European Union (EU) – one that came as a shock both to many Brits as well as to the rest of the world. Since then, we have witnessed one of the most tumultuous periods in British politics, culminating in an unforced early election in which the governing Conservative Party not only failed to increase its majority in the manner most observers expected but actually lost that majority, forcing it into a controversial deal with the Democratic Unionist Party from Northern Ireland. Partly as a result, we are still no nearer to knowing how negotiations between the EU and the UK will pan out, and what their relationship will look like once the UK finally leaves. Keshia Jacotine (Monash University) and Tim Bale (Queen Mary University of London) look at what lies ahead, and what might be the impact of Brexit (and any resulting pivot by the UK back towards its Commonwealth partners) on New Zealand’s relationships with the UK and the EU.

EU referendum: one year on. The political parties
28 June 2017

As far as the UK’s political parties were concerned, last summer’s EU referendum was a bit like one of those tag-team wrestling matches you see on TV. Although the bout began with everyone thinking they knew who was on which side, by the end of it no-one in the ring – nor, for that matter, in the audience – was sure anymore. Tim Bale, Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London, looks at political parties from the UK's EU referendum to the general election.

The Tory party is more useless than nasty
22 June 2017

Tim Bale, Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London, writes on May's predicamentat as an inevitable consequence of the flawed way the Conservative Party chooses its leaders.

Was it the Labour doorstep or the Labour smartphone that swung it for Jeremy?
20 June 2017

Although we need more research before we can categorically confirm that it was ‘the young wot swung it for Labour’ at the General Election, it looks more than possible. And, although their support for Jeremy Corbyn was rooted in more than just tech-savvy campaigning, we can’t afford to dismiss its role in converting youthful enthusiasm into actual votes on the day. Tim Bale, Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London and Deputy Director it the Mile End Institute, looks at online and offline campaigning and wonders whether we've been too quick to dismiss the impact of 'clicktivism'.

EVEL won’t worry the new government – but the West Lothian question may well do
19 June 2017

Following the election result some pundits have suggested that English votes for English laws might be an obstacle to the government, given its reliance on support from non-English MPs, whilst others have suggested the procedures might provide the government with an enhanced English majority. In this post Daniel Gover and Michael Kenny explain that neither of these possibilities is likely to occur. However, the territorial balance of the new Commons could cause the West Lothian question to come back to the fore – though not solely in relation to England.

Corbyn’s outsider triumph resonates with Labour’s history—and its internal battles
14 June 2017

Karl Pike, a PhD Candidate at Queen Mary University of London, discusses Labour's internal tension between those who believe in its outsider status, and those who wish to compromise in pursuit of power.

Strange Bedfellows? The ideological migration of UKIP voters to Labour in the 2017 General Election
13 June 2017

At 10pm on Thursday 8 June, British voters faced yet another political shock. Despite an overwhelming 21 percent lead (YouGov), the Conservatives failed to win enough seats to form a majority government. David Jeffery and Keshia Jacotine discuss the results of the UK general election.


"Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century" Book Launch
6 June 2017

On June 1st, QMUL's Mile End Institute was pleased to play host to the launch of a new book by its Deputy Director, Tim Bale.  Jointly edited with Elin H. Allern from the University of Oslo, Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century is published by Oxford University Press and focuses on the relationship between the two sides of the labour movement in twelve countries in four continents.

Polling London SM Polling London release date: Thursday 1 June
30 May 2017

On Thursday 1 June The Mile End Institute will release the results of our latest Polling London survey. 

Applications open for MEI studentships
22 May 2017

The Mile End Institute is offering three bursaries for students from East London from the Schools of History and Politics & IR for the academic year 2017-2018.

Tories do not represent black and minority voters, according to London-based focus group
13 May 2017

Black and ethnic minority voters say the Conservative party are only for “rich, white people”, according to a London-based focus group from QMUL’s Mile End Institute, HuffPost UK, and Edelman.

Constitutional experts criticise government’s review of English Votes for English Laws
5 April 2017

Constitutional experts from the Mile End Institute at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have criticised the government’s review of ‘English Votes for English Laws' (EVEL), published last week.

Report highlights how universities can enrich their neighbourhoods
4 April 2017

Universities can enrich their own neighbourhoods by developing long-term partnerships with community organisations, according to a new report by researchers at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Tories narrow gap on Labour in London while Lib Dems double support
31 March 2017

The Labour Party's support in London has declined by nine points in a year, according to polling commissioned by the Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Just one in five Londoners think Britain will be better off after Brexit
30 March 2017

Londoners are gloomy about the prospects for post-Brexit Britain and 48 per cent expect the country to be economically worse off, according to polling commissioned by the Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

Jeremy Corbyn will close the gap on Theresa May within six months, says Diane Abbott
30 March 2017

Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott MP has said that people should judge Jeremy Corbyn in six months, by which time she expects Labour’s poor poll ratings to have improved.

Nick Clegg and Philip Cowley Germans were ready to offer Theresa May a deal on freedom of movement, says Nick Clegg
30 January 2017

Angela Merkel was ready to offer Theresa May a post-referendum deal on freedom of movement in exchange for a UK commitment to the single market, said Nick Clegg at the Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

Yvette Cooper with Philip Cowley MPs must respect the referendum result – even if it leads to hard Brexit, says Yvette Cooper
23 January 2017

Labour MPs should respect the result of the EU referendum even if the outcome is a hard Brexit, according to Yvette Cooper, MP for Pontefract and Castleford. She was speaking at the Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

The Future of Socialism sixty years on
11 January 2017

Anthony Crosland’s The Future of Socialism still offers the left a compelling account of equality and liberty, says Simon Griffiths, but lacks a convincing account of how we achieve those values without economic growth.

Anthony Crosland: the future of social democracy?
9 January 2017

Following our conference on the Crosland Legacy, Professor Steven Fielding considers how Anthony Crosland's ideas could influence current Labour thinking.

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