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Queen Mary Academy

AI for student learning and research

A portrait photo of Nick Fisher

Nick Fisher

Lecturer in Medical Education (Digital design)

Project team: Nick Fisher, Dr Pedro Elston, Rofique Ali (Institute of Health Sciences Education); Dr Cassandra Lewis (Institute of Dentistry); Paula Funnell, James Soderman, Chenee Psaros, Sharlin Ahmed, Rosella D'Alesio (Library); Dawn Buzzard, Catherine McLean (TELT) with Graeme Hathaway (Queen Mary Academy) and student collaborators

This project is funded by the President and Principal’s Fund for Educational Excellence.

This multi-disciplinary project aims to explore and support the use of Al tools in innovative, constructive and ethically sound ways for student learning and research. The initiative addresses issues including: 

  • How can students best use Al tools in learning and research?
  • How can staff support students in this learning?
  • What are the ethical issues surrounding Al in education and research?

The team are collaborating to create a new interactive QMplus module, co-created with students, covering the following key areas:

  • An introduction to AI
  • Finding information using AI
  • Using AI effectively to help with writing
  • Critical evaluation of AI output
  • AI as a tool for learning and revision
  • Case based learning using AI

The module is designed for students to use as a self-guided learning tool, and for educators to use in their teaching to facilitate student learning about Al.

The most useful thing was finding out the advantages and limitations of AI, and when to realise that it's not reliable.
— Student feedback
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