Events Archive
An archive of events involving staff and students from the School of English and Drama.
December 2015
Postgraduate Taught (MA, MSc) Open Evening
01 December 2015
April 2015
'Interpolar London: Between the Extremes of the Nineteenth-Century Metropolis'
24 April 2015
December 2014
QUORUM: Jamie Lewis Hadley, Artist's Talk
10 December 2014
PG Seminar: Roger Woods (University of Nottingham), 'Autobiography, Memory and the Subjective Experience of History'
04 December 2014
November 2014
PG Seminar: Lisa Gitelman (New York University), 'The Envelope, Please: Seeds, Catalogs, and Knowledge'
27 November 2014
QUORUM: Diana Damian (RHUL), 'Criticism as a Political Event in the Public Sphere: Resistance, Affect and the Construction of Political Subjectivity'
26 November 2014
Postgraduate Taught (MA, MSc) Open Evening
26 November 2014
Postgraduate Research Open Evening
24 November 2014
PG Seminar: Benjamin Schaper (Oxford), '"It's all a magic trick": Self-Reflexivity in BBC's 'Sherlock' and the Works of Daniel Kehlmann'
20 November 2014
How We Read: A Sensory History of Books for Blind People
15 November 2014
PG Seminar: Anthony Ossa-Richardson (QMUL), 'The Invention of Ambiguity'
13 November 2014
QUORUM: Joslin McKinney (Leeds), 'Contraptions and assemblages: performance experience from the perspective of scenography'
12 November 2014
October 2014
PG Seminar: Richard Walsh (York), 'Beyond Fictional Worlds: Narrative and Spatial Cognition'
30 October 2014
QUORUM: Helen Nicholson (RHUL), 'Affective Geographies of the Ballot Box: Voting as a Performative Practice'
29 October 2014
PG Seminar: Scarlett Baron (UCL)
23 October 2014
Shahidha Bari on 'Women, Fashion and Power'
21 October 2014
Poetry Reading and Discussion by Michael Horovitz and Peter Lawson
16 October 2014
English Annual Lecture - Dame Gillian Beer
16 October 2014
Rita Barnard, 'Relocating Gordimer: Modernism, Postcolonialism, Realism'
14 October 2014
Nelson Mandela Roundtable
10 October 2014
PG Seminar: Rita Barnard (University of Pennsylvania)
09 October 2014
QUORUM: 'Making Verbatim Theatre: A Discussion between Lloyd Newson, Alecky Blythe, and Chris Goode'
08 October 2014
PG Seminar: Maggie Humm (University of East London), 'Virginia Woolf and the Arts'
02 October 2014
QUORUM: Aoife Monks (QMUL), 'Dancing Machines: Virtuosity, Nostalgia and Modernity'
01 October 2014
September 2014
PG Seminar: Andrew van der Vlies (QMUL), 'Bad Feelings in the Provinces of History'
25 September 2014
Postgraduate Admissions Information Afternoon for 2014 entry
03 September 2014
July 2014
The Edition as Argument, 1550-1750
16 July 2014
June 2014
Modernism Now! Conference
26 June 2014
Peopling the Palace(s)
02 June 2014
May 2014
Unamerican Activities presents Peter Manson (at QMUL) and Susan Howe (in New York)
25 May 2014
Migrant London in the Age of Neoliberalism
22 May 2014
Postgraduate Taster Evening
15 May 2014
Andrew Lincoln, 'Civil Society Goes to War: an eighteenth-century conundrum'
14 May 2014
QUORUM: Alexandrina Hemsley and Jamila Johnson-Small, 'Benz Punany: A Lecture'
07 May 2014
April 2014
Virtual Cabaret II: Live from London and New York
13 April 2014
March 2014
QUORUM: Julia Bardsley (Queen Mary), 'Inside Medea’s Lab_(i)our'
26 March 2014
PG Seminar: Michelle Liu Carriger (QML), 'tbc'
20 March 2014
Performance: Bobby Baker in 'Mad Gyms and Kitchens'
15 March 2014
PG Seminar: Lara Atkin, Helena Goodwyn and Helen Tyson (Queen Mary University of London), 'Queen Mary Graduate Panel'
13 March 2014
QUORUM: Heike Roms (Aberystwyth University), 'Speaking of Performance'
12 March 2014
PG Seminar: Simon Jarvis (University of Cambridge), 'The bells: rhyme in the broken middle'
06 March 2014
February 2014
PG Seminar: David Ferris (University of Colorado Boulder), 'The Tearing of Time and the Tragic Affect of Oedipus in Shelley, Hölderlin, and Benjamin'
27 February 2014
QUORUM: Cass Fleming (Goldsmiths), 'Genealogies of Actor Training'
26 February 2014
PG Seminar: James Procter (Newcastle), 'The Short Space'
20 February 2014
PG Seminar: Nicolette Zeeman (University of Cambridge), 'Debate and its Contradictions: Medieval Debate Poetry'
13 February 2014
QUORUM: Dan Rebellato (Royal Holloway University of London), 'Is the theatre a Zombie?'
12 February 2014
PG Seminar: Matvei Yankelevich, 'Ephemera, Efficiency, Excess: The Chapbook in 21st Century North America'
11 February 2014
January 2014
QUORUM: Ella Finer (Syracuse University London Program), 'Records: Playing Out, Falling Apart and Beginning (and Ending) Again'
29 January 2014
PG Seminar: Farah Mendlesohn (Anglia Ruskin University), 'The Bitterness of Adulthood'
23 January 2014
QUORUM: Michelle Liu Carriger (Queen Mary University of London), 'Tea Time: Japanese Tea Ceremony, performance, history, nation'
15 January 2014
PG Seminar: Rachael Gilmour (QMUL), '“Ah’m the man ae a thoosand tongues”: reading multilingualism in contemporary writing’
09 January 2014
December 2013
PG Seminar: Katherine Newey (Exeter), 'History of the Pantomime'
12 December 2013
QUORUM: Brian Lobel (University of Chichester), 'Mourning Glory: Sex, Death and Technology'
11 December 2013
PG Seminar: Cathy Shrank (Sheffield), '“Delightfull discourses to sundry purposes”: Sixteenth-century answer poetry in manuscript and print'
05 December 2013
Postgraduate Open Evening
04 December 2013
November 2013
PG Seminar: Anna Bernard (Kings College), 'International Solidarity and Culture'
28 November 2013
PG Seminar: Peter Boxall (Sussex), 'The Novel Voice'
21 November 2013
Conference: Altered Consciousness
16 November 2013
PG Seminar: Helen Small (Oxford), 'The Value of the Humanities'
14 November 2013
QUORUM: Jennifer Doyle (University of California/University of the Arts, London), 'The Sex of a Star and Other Sports Problems'
13 November 2013
Arthur Morrison and the East End
02 November 2013
October 2013
QUORUM: Jane Taylor (University of Leeds), 'After After Cardenio: an unnatural moment in the history of Natural Philosophy'
30 October 2013
PG Seminar: Sandeep Parmar (Liverpool), 'Under Her Breath: Helen of Troy and the Archival Impulse'
24 October 2013
PG Seminar: Christiania Whitehead (Warwick), 'Regionalism and Asceticism: Explorations within the Textual Afterlife of St Cuthbert'
17 October 2013
Reading of 'Face Up', by 3rd Year English Student, Yvonne Ossei
11 October 2013
PG Seminar: Tom Wright (Sussex), 'Proclaiming the War News in Herman Melville and Richard Caton Woodville'
10 October 2013
QUORUM: Dominic Johnson (Queen Mary University of London), 'Naked Hitchhikers: The Outsider Pornography of William A. Rhoads'
09 October 2013
PG Seminar: Natalie Pollard (Reading), 'Some Versions of Rudeness in Contemporary Poetry'
03 October 2013
One Day Conference in Creative Arts and Mental Health
01 October 2013
September 2013
PG Seminar: Clair Wills (QMUL), 'Pink Witch: Women, Modernity and Urbanisation in Post-War Ireland'
26 September 2013
Launch Event for 'Pleading in the Blood: The Art and Performances of Ron Athey', ed. by Dominic Johnson
21 September 2013
August 2013
Conference: Modernist Studies Association annual conference
29 August 2013
Kim Solga introduces 'Macbeth' at Shakespeare's Globe
27 August 2013
Jerry Brotton at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
22 August 2013
Conference: The Aesthetics of Elsewhere
11 August 2013
Performance: Leaving Home, Being Elsewhere
10 August 2013
July 2013
Symposium: News and the Shape of Europe, 1500-1750
26 July 2013
Victorian Science Spectacular with Katy Price
23 July 2013
Conference: Psalm Culture and the Politics of Translation
15 July 2013
June 2013
Conference: The Art of English
21 June 2013
Seminar in Dissenting Studies: Chris Reid on a Unitarian at Trinity
12 June 2013
Footage - A Freshly Scratched Performance, by Martin Welton and Clare Whistler
08 June 2013
Hay Festival: Jerry Brotton and the 'Mappa Mundi'
01 June 2013
May 2013
Performance: 'The Falsettos', by Stacy Makishi, directed by Lois Weaver
24 May 2013
Talk: Prof. Richard Begam, 'Modernism after Poststructuralism'
23 May 2013
Performance: Lois Weaver in 'What Tammy Found Out'
22 May 2013
Jacob Dlamini, ‘The Tragic Face of Counter-Insurgency’
22 May 2013
QUORUM: Fintan Walsh (Birkbeck), 'Iris Robinson, Sodomy and Reparation''
15 May 2013
QM Alumni Directs Two Plays for 'A Taste of Catalan Contemporary Theatre'
15 May 2013
Annual Conference of the Dr Williams's Centre for Dissenting Studies
11 May 2013
April 2013
Public Lecture: Katy Price, The popular reception of relativity in Britain
26 April 2013
March 2013
PG Seminar: Stephanie Trigg (University of Melbourne), 'As if to say… The Face that Speaks'
28 March 2013
QUORUM: Juliet Rufford (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Space Acts: Architecture, Mimesis and Performative Critique'
27 March 2013
PG Seminar: Lyndsey Stonebridge (UEA), 'Messengers of Ill-Tidings: Refugee Testimony'
14 March 2013
QUORUM: Kira O'Reilly 'Touché/Techné, Untitled Techné No 2 (we keep our biologies intimate)'
13 March 2013
February 2013
PG Seminar: Martin Conboy (University of Sheffield), 'Geoff Hurst’s Ball: Popular Tabloids and Humour on the Dark Side'
28 February 2013
QUORUM: David Wiles (Royal Holloway, University of London), 'Theatre and Time: In Search of a Methodology'
27 February 2013
PG Seminar: Laura Ashe (University of Oxford), 'The Cniht and Chivalry: The Formation of Knighthood in English Culture'
14 February 2013
PG Seminar: Lisa Appignanesi (King's College, University of London), 'Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know: Mind Doctors, Patients and Trials of Passion'
07 February 2013
January 2013
PG Seminar: Maud Ellmann (University of Chicago), 'Psychoanalytic Animal'
31 January 2013
PG Seminar: 'Writing Women's Lives'
24 January 2013
PG Seminar: Mark Ford (University College, University of London), 'Thomas Hardy’s London'
17 January 2013
PG Seminar: Markman Ellis (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Diurnal and Indexical Form in The Spectator (1711-1712)'
10 January 2013
December 2012
PG Seminar: Alison Joseph (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Crime at Christmas'
13 December 2012
QUORUM: Dr Emer O'Toole (Royal Holloway, University of London), 'Intercultural Capital: Reading Tim Supple’s Pan-Indian and Pan-Arabic Spectaculars'
12 December 2012
November 2012
PG Seminar: Anna Snaith (King's College, University of London), 'Modernism on the Move: Colonial Women Writers and London'
29 November 2012
PG Seminar: Kate Campbell (University of East Anglia), 'Henry James and a “Charlatan governing class”: Scandal and Politics in “The Papers”'
22 November 2012
PG Seminar: Gavin Weightman (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Writing Non-Fiction: How Creative Can You Be?'
15 November 2012
QUORUM: Dr Emily Orley (University of Roehampton), 'Between Land and paper: An Experiment in Place-Writing'
14 November 2012
October 2012
QUORUM: Theron Schmidt (Kings College London), 'Outsider Theatre: Back to Back’s Hell House'
31 October 2012
PG Seminar: Michael Levenson (University of Virginia), 'Habit, Desire, Work, Imagination'
25 October 2012
PG Seminar: Richard Serjeantson (University of Cambridge), 'Francis Bacon and the “Interpretation of nature” in the Late Renaissance'
18 October 2012
PG Seminar: John Schad (Lancaster University), 'Our Lives, Mrs Dalloway'
11 October 2012
PG Seminar: Abigail Williams (University of Oxford), 'Home Improvements: Learning to Read Aloud in the Eighteenth Century '
04 October 2012
QUORUM: Tony Fisher (Central School of Speech and Drama), 'Revolts of Conduct on the Restoration Stage'
03 October 2012
September 2012
PG Seminar: Paul Hamilton (Queen Mary, University of london), 'Schmitt, Agamben, Rancière: Political Romanticism Revisited'
27 September 2012
June 2012
QUORUM: Asad Raza, 'The Future will be Socratic'
13 June 2012
May 2012
March 2012
PG Seminar: Jan Montefiore (University of Kent), 'Sylvia Townsend Warner In and Out of the Canon'
29 March 2012
PG Seminar: Josh Cohen (Goldsmiths, University of London), 'Scenes from Private Life'
22 March 2012
PG Seminar: John Mullan (University College London), 'Jane Austen’s Tricks'
15 March 2012
PG Seminar: William Watkin (Brunel University), 'Giorgio Agamben and the Poetics of Indifference'
08 March 2012
PG Seminar: Queen Mary Graduate Panel #2 (Queen Mary, University of London)
01 March 2012
February 2012
QUORUM: Lara Shalson (Kings College London), 'All Together Now: On Group Shows and Durational Performance'
29 February 2012
PG Seminar: Ziad Elmarsafy (University of York), 'Reflections on the Arab Spring'
16 February 2012
PG Seminar: Ros King (University of Southampton), 'Beyond Words: Community Theatre in Early Stuart England'
09 February 2012
PG Seminar: Tamara Atkin (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Character Lists in Early Printed Drama'
02 February 2012
January 2012
PG Seminar: Ana Parejo Vadillo (Birkbeck), 'Living Art: Michael Fields and Aesthetic Dress'
26 January 2012
PG Seminar: Francis O'Gorman (University of Leeds), 'Coleridge and Keats Breathing'
19 January 2012
PG Seminar: Julia Boffey (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Publish or Perish, In Script or In Print? Robert Fabyan’s Chronicles'
12 January 2012
December 2011
PG Seminar: Timothy Bewes (Brown), 'Against Exemplarity: W.G. Sebald and the Novel'
15 December 2011
QUORUM: Tom Cantrell (University of York), 'Verbatim Theatre: The Actors’ Perspective'
14 December 2011
PG Seminar: Laleh Khalili (University of London), 'Counterinsurgency Fictions'
08 December 2011
QUORUM: Siddhatha Bose (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Practicing the Grotesque: The Artist-Critic and the Global City'
07 December 2011
PG Seminar: Queen Mary Graduate panel #1 (Queen Mary, University of London)
01 December 2011
November 2011
PG Seminar: Laura Doan (University of Manchester), 'Normal Soap? The Case of Nurse Harley'
24 November 2011
QUORUM: Graham Saunders (Reading University), '‘The Freaks Roll Call’: live Art and the Arts Council 1968-1973'
23 November 2011
PG Seminar: Darian Leader, 'Mourning'
17 November 2011
PG Seminar: Matthew Dimmock (University of Sussex), 'Faith and Fables: Writing the Prophet Muhammad in Early Modern England'
03 November 2011
QUORUM: Broderick Chow (Brunel university), 'Solidarity and the Orange Alternative: The Problems of Performing Resistance'
02 November 2011
October 2011
PG Seminar: Claire Lees (King's College London), 'Early Medieval Literature in the Atlantic Archipelago '
27 October 2011
PG Seminar: Marina Warner (University of Essex), 'Inscribing Power: Word Magic, Talismans and Modern Credit'
20 October 2011
QUORUM: Catherine Boyle (Kings College London), 'Translating and Performing Theatre of Cultural Extremity from Latin America'
19 October 2011
PG Seminar: Jennie Batchelor (University of Kent), 'Gaining a “footing in the inclosure”: The Lady’s Magazine and Women’s literary Histories'
13 October 2011
PG Seminar: Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Laughter and the Renaissance Ideal of Civile Conversazione'
06 October 2011
September 2011
PG Seminar: Rachel Bowlby (University College London), 'A Child of One’s Own: Parental Stories'
29 September 2011
March 2011
QUORUM: Aoife Monks (Birkbeck, University of London), 'The Secret Life of Actors'
30 March 2011
QUORUM: Rachel Zerihan (University of Sheffield), 'One-to-one: A Strange Duet'
16 March 2011
QUORUM: Bobby Baker (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Durational Sit Down Chit Chat'
10 March 2011
PG Seminar: Margaret Reynolds (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Foundling Myths: Oedipus and Moses'
10 March 2011
PG Seminar: Regenia Gagnier (University of Exeter), 'Global Perspectives on the Literatures of Decadence'
03 March 2011
February 2011
PG Seminar: Nicholas Royle (University of Sussex), 'Veering: A theory of the Novel'
17 February 2011
QUORUM: Laura Cull (Northumbria University), 'Theatre of Immanence: Deleuze and the Ethics of Performance'
16 February 2011
PG Seminar: Andrew McRae (University of Exeter), 'Tree-felling in Early Modern England: Michael Drayton’s Environmentalism'
10 February 2011
PG Seminar: Sue Zlosnik (Manchester Metropolitan University), 'Whatever Became of the Gothic Heroine?'
03 February 2011
QUORUM: Erini Kartsaki (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Repeat Repeat: Endings'
02 February 2011
January 2011
PG Seminar: Jerry Brotton (Queen Mary, University of London), 'The Cartographic Rhetoric of Globalism'
27 January 2011
QUORUM: Silvija Jestrovic (Warwick University), 'City-as-body: Waiting for Godnot in Sarajevo and Beyond'
19 January 2011
PG Seminar: Mark Currie (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Maximum Peripeteia: The Narratology of Surprise'
13 January 2011
December 2010
PG Seminar: Tim Bell (Queen Mary University of London), '“Our Lady of Perpetual Succour”: David Lodge, John Braine and Marilyn Munroe'
16 December 2010
PG Seminar: Beth Brunton (Queen Mary, University of London), '“No mark, no trace, nothing”: The Importance of the Mannequin in Good Morning Midnight'
16 December 2010
QUORUM: Michael McKinnie (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Performance Sites, Cultural Heritage, and the Spatial Imaginary of Public Policy'
15 December 2010
QUORUM: Lourdes Orozco (University of Leeds), 'Never Work with Children and Animals: Risk, Mistake and the Real in Performance'
01 December 2010
November 2010
PG Seminar: Greg Garrard (Bath Spa University), 'How Marijuana Domesticated Man, and Other Parables of Ecocriticism'
25 November 2010
PG Seminar: Bonnie Greer (The British Museum), 'The New Age of nice: Dickens, the Coalition and Philanthropy in the Twenty First Century'
18 November 2010
QUORUM: Peter Boenisch (University of kent), 'The Act of Spectating. Some Thoughts on the Audience’s Experience in Contemporary Theatre'
17 November 2010
October 2010
PG Seminar: Andrew Thacker (De Montfort University), 'Modernist Periodical Codes'
28 October 2010
PG Seminar: Matt Rubery (Queen Mary, University of London), 'The Case Against Talking Books'
21 October 2010
QUORUM: Peter Fleming (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Recalibrating Resistance in the Bio-Political Workplace'
20 October 2010
PG Seminar: Gabriel Gbadamosi (Goldsmiths, University of London), 'Title of Paper'
14 October 2010
PG Seminar: Tiffany Stern (University College, University of Oxford), 'A New Shakespeare Play? The Story of Cardenio’s Double Falsehood'
07 October 2010
QUORUM: Dominic Johnson (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Signs of Life: Live Art and Body Modification'
06 October 2010
September 2010
PG Seminar: Jacqueline Rose (Queen Mary, University of London), 'Endgame: Beckett and genet in the Middle East'
30 September 2010