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BTEC Entry Requirements

Queen Mary University of London welcomes applications from students currently studying Level 3 BTEC qualifications and will consider you for entry to the majority of our undergraduate courses. The typical entry requirements will vary according to the course you are applying for.

Some of our programmes require specific subject knowledge which you may not be able to cover as part of a Level 3 BTEC qualification and we may therefore require an additional A-Level qualification to ensure that you are suitably prepared for relevant courses.  A small number of our courses do not accept BTEC qualifications for entry, either as a standalone qualification, or in combination with other Level 3 qualifications. We don’t currently consider any International BTEC qualifications for entry.

Information on our typical entry requirements and guidance for applying can be found below. If you are at all unsure about the acceptability of your BTEC qualification for entry, please contact the Admissions team for individual advice. 

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (QCF from 2010)

We will consider this qualification for entry to most courses and expect the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma to be in a subject area relevant to the course being applied for.

Applicants may be expected to achieve an additional A-level or acceptable qualification at Level 3, relevant to the course being applied for.

BTEC Level 3 Diploma (QCF from 2010)

We will consider this qualification for entry to most courses.  Applicants will be expected to achieve at least one additional A-level or acceptable Level 3 qualification, relevant to the course being applied for.

BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma (QCF from 2010)

We will consider this qualification for entry to most courses.  Applicants will be expected to present two additional A-levels or acceptable Level 3 qualifications, relevant to the course being applied for.


For more detailed guidance and advice, please contact our Admissions team ensuring that you state the full name of the BTEC qualification you are taking as well as the additional Level 3 qualifications you are taking concurrently, and the undergraduate course that you are considering applying for.


We will consider applications from applicants taking any of the following BTEC (RQF) qualifications, but in each case, will require additional Level 3 qualifications such as A-levels:

  • BTEC National Diploma (equivalent to 2 A-levels)
  • BTEC National Foundation Diploma (equivalent to 1.5 A-levels)
  • BTEC National Extended Certificate (equivalent to 1 A-level)
  • BTEC National Certificate (equivalent to 0.5 A-level)

Please note that our offers are always based on a minimum of three full A-levels or equivalent qualifications.


For more detailed guidance and advice, please contact our Admissions team ensuring that you state the full name of the BTEC qualification you are taking as well as the additional Level 3 qualifications you are taking concurrently, and the undergraduate course that you are considering applying for.

The BTEC National Extended Diploma is not considered for direct entry to our MSci or MEng programmes.  Applicants may apply to the respective BSc/ BEng programme and then transfer to the corresponding MSci/ MEng, subject to successfully meeting the academic progression requirements.  Offers are at the discretion of the academic School.  If you have questions regaring this process please contact the relevant School directly.  Contact details for each School are listed on the relevant Course Finder entry for each programme. 

For most courses we will consider applicants who have studied BTECs alongside other qualifications such as A Levels or as part of the International Baccalaureate Careers Diploma.

Applicants applying with a combination of different BTEC qualifications or similar should be aware that in most cases you will also need to be taking at least 1 A Level to supplement the qualifications that you are taking.

Please note that our offers are always based on a minimum of three full A-levels or equivalent qualifications.

For more detailed guidance and advice, please contact our Admissions team ensuring that you state the full name of the BTEC qualification you are taking as well as the additional Level 3 qualifications you are taking concurrently, and the undergraduate course that you are considering applying for.

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (RQF) (first teaching 2016)

We consider the reformed BTEC National Extended Diploma (RQF) for entry onto many of our Undergraduate programmes.  Applicants will typically be expected to achieve a minimum overall score and we may also specify grades in the mandatory and optional units, depending on the BTEC subject you are taking and the course you are interested in. 

Specific BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma Entry Requirements for your chosen course of study can be found below under each School.

School of the Arts

For all programmes within the School of the Arts, candidates with BTEC qualifications are considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

R900 - BA Modern Languages

All BTEC subjects are considered




Q200 - BA Comparative Literature

RQ12 - BA French and Comparative Literature

QR22 - BA German and Comparative Literature

QR24- BA Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature

QR72 - BA Russian and Comparative Literature

RQ11 - BA French and Linguistics

RQ21 - BA German and Linguistics

RQ41 - BA Hispanic Studies and Linguistics

QR71 - BA Russian and Linguistics

All BTEC subjects are considered



RW17 - BA Film and French

RW27 - BA Film and German

RW47 - BA Filmand Hispanic Studies

All BTEC subjects are considered



QQ21 - BA Comparative Literature and Linguistics

VQ12 - BA History and Comparative Literature

VR11- BA French and History

RV21 - BA History and German

QQ13 - BA English Literature and Linguistics

LR21 - BA French and Politics

LR22 - BA German and Politics

 LR24 - BA Hispanic Studies and Politics

 RL72 - BA Russian and Politics

R1N1 - BA French with Business Management

R2N1 - BA German with Business Management

R4N1 - BA Spanish with Business Management

R1N7 - BA Russian with Business Management

All BTEC subjects are considered

Grade B in A-Level History is required for programmes in combination with History



P304 - BA Film

QP24 - BA Comparative Literature and Film 

QW37 - BA English and Film

All BTEC subjects are considered



WW47 - BA Film and Drama 

Performing Arts or Creative Media Production

Alternative BTEC subjects are considered on a case by case basis


QQH1 - BA English Language and Linguistics

All BTEC subjects are considered



W400 - BA Drama

Performing Arts

Alternative BTEC subjects are considered on a case by case basis from applicants with a commitment to studying Drama at degree level



Q300 - BA English Literature

QW11 - BA English with Creative Writing

QQ13 - BA English Literature and Linguistics

Arts subjects are preferred

Grade B in A-Level English Literature or English Language and Literature is required in addition to the BTEC


QW34 - BA English and Drama

Performing Arts

Alternative BTEC subjects are considered on a case by case basis from applicants with a commitment to studying Drama at degree level

Grade B in A-Level English Literature or English Language and Literature is required in addition to the BTEC


Q300 - English

QV31 - BA English and History

All BTEC subjects are considered

Grade B in A-Level English Literature or English Language and Literature required in addition to the BTEC



School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

Please note where BTEC qualifications are accepted, entry will be to the BSc or BEng only.   Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.

Programmes 'with a Year Abroad' or 'with Industrial Experience' have the same BTEC requirements as the main degree listed below.

We do not consider the BTEC National Extended Diploma for direct entry onto our MSci programmes.  Applicants may apply to the respective BSc programme and then transfer to the corresponding MSci, subject to successfully meeting the academic progression requirements.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

C100 - BSc Biology

C300 - BSc Zoology

Applied Science: 
Analytical and Forensic Science

Applied Science: 
Physical Science




Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Principles & Applications of Science I
  • 5: Principles & Applications of Science II

Merit from two optional units:

  • 8: Physiology of Human Body Systems
  • 9: Human Regulation & Reproduction
  • 10: Biological Molecules & Metabolic Pathways
  • 11: Genetics & Genetic Engineering
  • 12: Diseases & Infection
  • 17: Microbiology & Microbiological Techniques
  • 20: Biomedical Science

Applied Science: 
Biomedical Science


Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Principles & Applications of Science I
  • 5: Principles & Applications of Science II

Merit from two optional units:

  • 8: Physiology of Human Body Systems
  • 9: Human Regulation & Reproduction
  • 10: Biological Molecules & Metabolic Pathways
  • 11: Genetics & Genetic Engineering
  • 12: Diseases & Infection
  • 17: Microbiology & Microbiological Techniques
  • 20: Biomedical Science
  • 21: Medical Physics Applications

BTEC Level 3 National Award or CTEC Level 3 Introductory Diploma/Extended Certificate with two A levels.

Must include A level Biology

D with two A levels at grade BB   

C300 - BSc Zoology

Animal Management with Science


Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Animal Breeding & Genetics
  • 2: Animal Biology

Merit in any two optional units

C10Y - BSc Biology with Year Abroad and C30Y -  BSc Zoology with Year Abroad

BTEC Level 3 National Award or CTEC Level 3 Introductory Diploma/Extended Certificate with two A levels.

Must include A level Biology

D with two A levels at grade BB    

CCX2 - Biological Sciences with Foundation

Applied Science



C700 - BSc Biochemistry and C70Y - BSc Biochemistry with Year Abroad

BTEC Level 3 National Award or CTEC Level 3 Introductory Diploma/Extended Certificate plus 2 A Levels

Must include A level Chemistry.

D with two A levels at grade AB  

C431 - BSc Medical Genetics and C43Y - BSc Medical Genetics with Year Abroad

BTEC Level 3 National Award or CTEC Level 3 Introductory Diploma/Extended Certificate plus 2 A Levels

Must include A level Biology.

D with two A levels at grade AB   

BTEC qualifications are not considered for entry to these programmes:

B990 - BSc Biomedical Science

3W45 - BSc Biochemistry with a Year in Industry

C701 - MSci Biochemistry

B140 - BSc Neuroscience

B211 - BSc Pharmacology and Innovative Therapeutics

C800 - BSc Psychology

B213/B214 - BSc Pharmacology and Drug Discovery

School of Business and Management

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

NN12 - BSc Business Management

 4G44 - BSc Marketing and Management

 NM11 - Business with Law

N134 - BSc International Business Analytics

All BTEC subjects are considered.  Please contact the Business and Management Admissions team for details of specific unit requirements.


None specified 

N400 - Accounting and Finance

 4P20 - BSc Accounting and Management

N403 - Accountancy (Flying Start Degree Apprenticeship)

All BTEC subjects are considered.  Please contact the Business and Management Admissions team for details of specific unit requirements.

Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics also required.


None specified

School of Economics and Finance

For all programmes within the School of Economics and Finance, candidates with BTEC qualifications are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Programmes 'with a Year Abroad' or 'with Industrial Experience' have the same BTEC requirements as the main degree listed below.

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

L100 - BSc Economics

LN13 - BSc Economics and Finance

LN12 - BSc Economics, Finance and Management

L13N - BSc Economics and International Finance

L2L1 - BSc Economics and International Relations

LG11 - BSc Economics, Statistics and Mathematics

LL12 - BSc Economics and Politics

L10D - BSc Finance


All BTEC subjects are considered

Grade A in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC


Three Distinctions and a Merit

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Please note where BTEC qualifications are accepted, entry will be to the BSc or BEng only.  Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.

Programmes 'with a Year Abroad' or 'with Industrial Experience' have the same BTEC requirements as the main degree listed below.

We do not consider the BTEC National Extended Diploma for direct entry onto our MSci or MEng programmes.  Applicants may apply to the respective BSc or BEng programme and then transfer to the corresponding MSci or MEng, subject to successfully meeting the academic progression requirements.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

G400 - BSc Computer Science

I9N1 BSc Computer Science with Management (ITMB)

I400 BSc Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

RQF Computing only

Grade B or 5 in GCSE Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC



HI62 - BSc Computer Systems Engineering

H163 - BEng Computer Systems Engineering

 H600 - BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering

 H610 - BEng Electronic Engineering

Engineering or Computing

Grade B in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC



HHX0 - BEng Electronic Engineering with Foundation 


RQF Engineering only

Grade B in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC



School of Engineering and Material Sciences

Please note where BTEC qualifications are accepted, entry will be to the BSc or BEng only.  Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.

Programmes 'with a Year Abroad' or 'with Industrial Experience' have the same BTEC requirements as the main degree listed below.

We do not consider the BTEC National Extended Diploma for direct entry onto our MSci or MEng programmes.  Applicants may apply to the respective BSc or BEng programme and then transfer to the corresponding MSci or MEng, subject to successfully meeting the academic progression requirements.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

4A33 - BEng Design, Innovation and Creative Engineering

H421 - BEng Aerospace Engineering

H812 - BEng Chemical Engineering

H300 - BEng Mechanical Engineering

HBF2 - BEng Biomedical Engineering

H67A - BEng Robotics Engineering

J511 - BEng Materials Science and Engineering

RQF Engineering only

Grade B in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC


Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Engineering Principles
  • 3: Engineering Product Design & Manufacture
  • 6: Microcontroller Systems for Engineers

HHX3 - BEng Engineering with Foundation  


Grade C in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC



 JJX3 - BEng Materials Science with Foundation 


Grade C in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC


School of Geography

For all programmes within the School of Geography, candidates with BTEC qualifications are considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

L700 - BA Geography

F800 - BSc Geography

L720 - BA Human Geography

FVN1 - BSc Geography with Business Management

F850 - BSc Environmental Science

F8N2 - BSc Environmental Science with Business Management

All BTEC subjects are considered on a case-by-case basis



School of History

For all programmes within the School of History, candidates with BTEC qualifications are considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry. 


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

V101 - BA History

V140 - BA Modern and Contemporary History

LV21 - BA History and Politics


All BTEC subjects are considered

Must include one Humanities-based subject taken at A-Level in addition to the BTEC



QV31 - BA English and History

Arts subjects are preferred

Grade A in A-Level English Literature or English Language and Literature required in addition to the BTEC


School of Law

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.

For all programmes within the School of Law, candidates with BTEC qualifications are considered on a case-by-case basis. 


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

M100 - LLB Law

M105 - LLB Global Law

ML13 - LLB Law and Politics

M120 - LLB English and European Law

M1L1 - LLB Law and Climate Justice

M1N1 - LLB Law with Business

All BTEC subjects are considered on a case by case basis


Distinctions in four externally assessed units

School of Mathematical Sciences

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.

Programmes 'with a Year Abroad' or 'with Industrial Experience' have the same BTEC requirements as the main degree listed below.

We do not consider the BTEC National Extended Diploma for direct entry onto our MSci programmes.  Applicants may apply to the respective BSc programme and then transfer to the corresponding MSci, subject to successfully meeting the academic progression requirements.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

G100 - BSc Mathematics

GG31 - BSc Mathematics and Statistics

G12N - BSc Mathematics with Management

G1N4 - BSc Mathematics with Finance and Accounting

G1I4 - BSc Mathematics with Computing


Other BTEC subjects may be accepted in combination with grade A in A-Level Mathematics


Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Engineering Principles
  • 7: Calculus to Solve Engineering Problems
  • 8: Further Engineering Mathematics

GGX2 - BSc Mathematics with Foundation 

All BTEC subjects are considered on a case-by-case basis

Grade C in A-Level Mathematics is required in addition to the BTEC 



School of Medicine and Dentistry

BTEC qualifications are not considered for entry to our undergraduate Medicine and Dentistry programmes (including BSc Global Health programmes) with the exception of BSc Oral Health below.  For further information, please contact the School of Medicine and Dentistry Admissions Office directly on +44 (0)20 7882 8478 or email


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

A910 - BSc Oral Health

Applied Science



School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.

We do not consider the BTEC National Extended Diploma for direct entry onto our MSci programmes.  Applicants may apply to the respective BSc programme and then transfer to the corresponding MSci, subject to successfully meeting the academic progression requirements.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

F300 - BSc Physics

RQF Engineering only


Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Engineering Principles
  • 7: Calculus to Solve Engineering Problems
  • 8: Further Engineering Mathematics

We strongly advise applicants to take

  • 28: Dynamic Mechanical Principles in Practice

FFX0 - BSc Physics with Foundation 

BTEC considered on a case by case basis     

FFX2 - Chemical Sciences with Foundation

Applied Science DDD  

I401 - BSc Applied Artificial Intelligence 

All BTEC subjects are considered on a case-by-case basis

Grade B in A-Level Mathematics or Physics or Computer Science is required in addition to the BTEC 


Distinctions in Units:

  • 1: Engineering Principles
  • 7: Calculus to Solve Engineering Problems
  • 8: Further Engineering Mathematics

We strongly advise applicants to take

  • 28: Dynamic Mechanical Principles in Practice

BTEC qualifications are not considered for entry to these programmes:

  • F100 - BSc Chemistry
  • F103 - MSci Chemistry
  • 9A32 - BSc Chemistry with a Year in Industry
  • F154 - BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • 2L22 - BSc Pharmaceutical Chemistry with a Year in Industry

School of Politics and International Relations

For all programmes within the School of Politics and International Relations, candidates with BTEC qualifications are considered on a case-by-case basis.   Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the GCSE academic requirements for entry to their chosen programme, found under the 'Entry Requirements' tab of the respective Course Finder entry.


BTEC Subject


Unit Requirements

L202 - BA Politics

L250 - BA International Relations

L240 - BA Politics and International Relations

L2NF - BA Politics with Business Management


Relevant BTEC subjects are considered



L20Y - BA Politics with a Year Abroad

L25Y - BA International Relations with a Year Abroad

Relevant BTEC subjects are considered



LV21 - BA History and Politics

Relevant BTEC subjects are considered

Grade B in A-Level History is required in addition to the BTEC

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