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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Rebecca Charles


BHF Intermediate Research Fellow

Centre: Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine

Telephone: +44(0) 20 7882 6865


Rebecca gained a BSc in Biochemistry from The University of Birmingham in 2002 before working at Unilever for 3 years, where she was involved in a variety of different skin ageing and skin health projects including a number of clinical trials. Rebecca then undertook her PhD studies within the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences at King’s College London. In 2017, Rebecca received a BHF Intermediate Fellowship to investigate activation of soluble Epoxide Hydrolase by intra-protein disulfide formation. In 2019, she moved to the William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London where her group studies the molecular basis of redox sensing and signalling in soluble epoxide hydrolase and its importance to the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems.

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