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Wolfson Institute of Population Health

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Reporting of early symptoms of dementia varies across ethnic groups
26 February 2025

People from different ethnic backgrounds may report physical symptoms, rather than purely cognitive difficulties, leading to delays in the diagnosis of dementia. 

Clinically effective NIDUS-Family support programme would save the NHS and social care £9000/yr per person with dementia
18 February 2025

Results from a randomised controlled trial show that NIDUS-Family, a remotely delivered personalised care and support intervention for people with dementia, is cost-effective, and would save the NHS and social care an average of £9000 a year for each person with dementia. Researchers say that the intervention, already shown to be clinically effective from the perspective of the quality of life of people with dementia, should be part of routine dementia care.

One year on: Impact of the NHS Jewish BRCA testing programme
16 January 2025

In the first year since its launch, the ground-breaking BRCA gene testing programme has delivered over 25,000 saliva test kits across England to men and women with Jewish ancestry, with 11,000 tests returned and 2.1% of those who have received their results testing positive for the BRCA gene mutation.

Late-life depression could be an early indicator of dementia
13 January 2025

A new WIPH study shows that, while having depression is known to increase the risk of developing dementia, depression is also an early indicator of dementia, particularly in older people.

WIPH Professors recognised in 2025 New Year Honours
1 January 2025

Emeritus Professor Jack Cuzick and Professor Peter Sasieni, both from the Wolfson Institute of Population Health Centre for Cancer Screening Prevention and Early Diagnosis, have been recognised in The King’s New Year Honours list 2025. Jack has received a Knighthood for services to cancer prevention, and Peter has been awarded a CBE for services to cancer early detection and prevention in the 2025 New Year Honours list, which recognises the achievements and service of extraordinary people across the UK. Professors Cuzick and Sasieni have worked together for over 25 years, particularly on HPV testing for cervical cancer screening, with Peter’s clinical trials unit running Jack’s trials on tamoxifen and anastrozole in breast cancer prevention.

New protocol to test self-collected cervical samples could reduce recalls to clinician screening
13 December 2024

A new protocol for the analysis of self-collected cervical samples could reduce the need for follow-up clinician screening for many women, and result in more rapid referral for gynaecology assessment for others, improving NHS cervical cancer screening procedures. 

First participants join landmark BEST4 Screening trial
28 November 2024

The first participants have joined a pivotal clinical trial to determine whether a capsule sponge test will become the basis for a new screening programme for oesophageal cancer. The BEST4 Screening trial will investigate whether the test can be used to screen people with heartburn for Barrett’s oesophagus (a condition that can lead to oesophageal cancer), and whether it can reduce the need for cancer treatments and prevent deaths from oesophageal cancer.

Study reveals genetic drivers of early onset type 2 diabetes in South Asians
26 November 2024

A genetic predisposition to lower insulin production and less healthy fat distribution are major causes of early-onset type 2 diabetes (T2D) in British Asian people, according to new research published in Nature Medicine. The study also shows that these genetic factors lead to faster development of health complications, earlier need for insulin treatment, and a weaker response to some medications. The results reinforce the need to understand how genetic variation across different population groups can influence the onset of diseases, treatment responses, and disease progression.

Researchers call for inclusive cancer trials and treatments to address overlooked source of structural racism
25 November 2024

Researchers from Harvard University and WIPH have proposed policy changes in cancer care to take into account a common genetic variation.

NHS DigiTrials launches search for participants for WIPH-led cancer trials
15 November 2024

The NHS has launched a search for nearly 150,000 volunteers to take part in four research trials, two of which are led or co-led by WIPH researchers, that could transform cancer treatment. The two projects, Best4 Heartburn Health (co-led by Peter Sasieni) and PROTECT-C (led by Ranjit Manchanda) have been selected as part of the NHS DigiTrials initiative to sign up volunteers over the next 12 months to help improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.

DHSC announces HPValidate study cervical screening self-sampling results
8 November 2024

The Department of Health and Social Care has announced publication of the final results from the HPValidate study, commissioned and funded by Public Health England to evaluate the accuracy and acceptability of self-sampling for HPV in comparison with standard clinician-taken cervical screening tests.

Offering choice of self-sampling or clinician-sampling in HPV cervical screening
10 October 2024

Results from a WIPH-led study reveal that 85% of women would welcome the option to choose between self-sampling and traditional screening performed by a clinician for human papillomavirus (HPV)-based cervical screening. 

Self-reported health may lead to underestimation of health inequalities in England
18 September 2024

An analysis of data from the annual Health Survey for England shows that among people who report their health as ‘poor’, those living in areas of high deprivation are likely to have worse health than those living in the least deprived areas. The study  results suggest that using self-reported health as a proxy for health status could underestimate health inequalities, and could have implications for public health practice and policy informed by self-reported health data. 

Population-based BRCA testing would be cost effective in Canada
13 September 2024

An economic evaluation led by WIPH authors shows that population-based BRCA genetic testing would be cost effective compared with current family history-based testing in Canada. The study results show that that population-based BRCA-testing could potentially prevent an additional 2,555 breast and 485 ovarian cancer cases in the Canadian population, averting 196 breast cancer deaths and 163 ovarian cancer deaths per million population.

Patients of African and Middle Eastern descent disadvantaged in clinical trials and treatments due to common benign trait
11 September 2024

A new study finds that clinical trials, including trials of new cancer drugs, may inappropriately exclude some people with a common benign trait (Duffy-null phenotype) found predominantly in people of African or Middle Eastern genetic ancestry, that results in lower neutrophil counts. Failure to account for Duffy-null phenotype also means that recommendations for many standard cancer drugs inappropriately call for less-effective doses for some individuals. Authors call for revision of neutrophil criteria for clinical trials and dose modifications, to reflect expected and normal differences in neutrophil levels and to ensure that Duffy-null patients are not disadvantaged.

Statins “highly likely” to be cost effective and improve health for vast majority of over-70s
11 September 2024

Statin use is cost effective and linked to improved health outcomes in people aged over 70 with and without previous cardiovascular disease, according to results from a study published in Heart.

In the foreground, a mammographer views a breast screening image on a computer monitor, while in the background, a woman is having a breast screening in a mammogram machine. AI-based risk stratified breast screening interval regimens would reduce costs and add health benefits
6 September 2024

Research evaluating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based risk-stratified screening interval regimens in comparison with the current United Kingdom National Breast Screening Programme shows that the yearly net monetary benefit of introducing the optimal regimen within the NHS would range from approximately £60.4 to £85.3 million.

Reduced salt intake significantly lowers blood pressure in people already on hypertension treatment
6 September 2024

Using pooled evidence from 35 clinical trials, researchers have found a dose-response effect of sodium intake reduction on lowering blood pressure among individuals already taking blood pressure lowering medication. The analysis, published in Hypertension, showed that for every 3 grams of salt reduction, there was an average decrease of ≈3.5 mmHg in systolic blood pressure and ≈2 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure, findings that are consistent with studies conducted on individuals not taking blood pressure treatment. The results provide strong evidence that salt reduction remains an effective strategy for managing blood pressure in those on treatment.

London Children switch to walking and cycling to school after ULEZ introduction
5 September 2024

Four in ten children in Central London who usually travelled to school by car switched to walking, cycling, or public transport following the introduction of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), according to a new study from a team led by QMUL and University of Cambridge researchers. In a comparison area with no ULEZ, two in ten children made this switch over the same period.

Alzheimer’s Society funds new Doctoral Training Centre for Integrated Care
2 September 2024

The Alzheimer’s Society has awarded £3.1million to fund a Doctoral Training Centre, based at WIPH and co-led by Professors Nathan Davies and Claudia Cooper.

Addressing the environmental impact of haematology care
22 August 2024

An In-Focus analysis in Lancet Haematology calls for greater understanding of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, to inform effective and prudent health practice in haematology care. Authors propose the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to address environmentally unsustainable practices in haematology.

Guidelines to improve healthiness in out of home food sector products
12 August 2024

A study examining provision of nutritional information at point of choice in the out of home (OOH) food sector makes recommendations to guide international policy in improving healthiness in OOH food environments.

The logo of the National Institute of Health and Care research, consisting of blue text on a white background underneath a logo of white, red and blue concentric circles on a blue background. £2.2million NIHR-funded trial for disease management in Thailand
9 August 2024

Work has commenced on a £2.2 million NIHR-funded trial aiming to prevent deaths from high blood pressure, diabetes and chronic kidney disease in Thailand. The WIPH-led international collaboration includes teams from Chiang Mai University, the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand, and LSHTM, and will run till July 2027.

Long term protective effects of once-only flexible sigmoidoscopy screening
21 July 2024

Results from the largest trial with the longest follow up of the effects of once-only flexible sigmoidoscopy (flex-sig) screening show that a single screening test can reduce the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 24% and the chance of dying from colorectal cancer by 25%, for up to 21yrs after screening.

No advantage to time lapse imaging of embryos in IVF pregnancies
19 July 2024

Results from the largest international trial of time-lapse imaging (TLI) for embryo incubation and selection in IVF show no differences in pregnancy rates or losses, compared with standard care.

UKRI Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund award
16 July 2024

A project to tackle youth loneliness in urban areas, led by Jennifer Lau, has received a UKRI Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund award as part of a £9.7million package for 17 projects to tackle regional disparities across the UK. The award will fund a collaboration with The Great Friendship Project to explore the impact their intervention can have on the lives of young adults, in terms of well-being, community connectedness and loneliness.

Ministerial visit to WIPH Stop Smoking Service
16 July 2024

On his first ministerial visit, Andrew Gwynne met with staff and patients at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health Stop Smoking Service on 11 July. 

Hospital dental extractions in North-East London three times more likely among children from deprived areas
16 July 2024

A study of 600,000 children in North-East London finds that those living in areas with high deprivation levels are three times more likely to require a dental extraction in hospital than children living in more affluent areas.

Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes measured using AI predict long term outcomes for DCIS
10 July 2024

New research confirms the role of Tumour Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs), measured using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tool (CPath TILs), in predicting long-term outcomes for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS), a pre-invasive stage of breast cancer.

Preparing for a world where Alzheimer’s disease is treatable
12 June 2024

Healthcare services may need to change to ensure that all patients have equitable access to new drugs with the potential to change the course of Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research from WIPH in collaboration with University College London (UCL) partners. The modifying anti-amyloid therapies are expected to be approved imminently in the UK.

New test predicts dementia up to 9 years before clinical diagnosis
6 June 2024

A new test, developed by a WIPH-led research team, is able to predict dementia up to nine years before a clinical diagnosis. With >80% accuracy, this method is a more reliable test for predicting dementia than commonly used methods of dementia diagnosis, such as memory tests or measurements of brain shrinkage. 

HPV vaccine programme in England reduces cervical disease in all socioeconomic groups
16 May 2024

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme in England has not only been associated with a substantial reduction in cervical disease, but has done so in all socioeconomic groups, according to a WIPH-led CRUK-funded study published in the BMJ. 

Dementia Action Week: Celebrating WIPH dementia research
13 May 2024

For Dementia Action Week, WIPH is showcasing the work being undertaken by our new NIHR Dementia and Neurodegeneration Policy Research Unit (DeNPRU-QM) to improve understanding of how we diagnose and provide care and treatment to people living with dementia.

New £42 million screening trial to improve efficacy of prostate cancer screening
1 May 2024

The plan of work and lead researchers for the £42million TRANSFORM trial to find the best way to screen men for prostate cancer and prevent  prostate cancer deaths have been announced by Prostate Cancer UK. TRANSFORM will be the biggest prostate cancer screening trial for 20 years, bringing together six of the world’s leading prostate cancer researchers and their teams, with the Queen Mary team led by Professor Rhian Gabe. Recruitment of hundreds of thousands of men from across the UK will begin next year, with first results expected in as little as three years.

New NICE Guideline on familial and genetic risk for ovarian cancer
22 March 2024

A new guideline published by the National Institute for Care and Excellence (NICE) on 21 March, ‘Ovarian cancer: identifying and managing familial and genetic risk’, is the product of painstaking work by the topic lead and WIPH Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist Professor Ranjit Manchanda, and an expert committee including Dr Adam Brentnall (WIPH).

PREDICT-PD trial exceeds goal to enrol 10,000 participants
14 February 2024

PREDICT-PD, a groundbreaking research project to identify people at higher risk of Parkinson’s disease before symptoms appear, has surpassed its goal to recruit 10,000 unaffected participants. PI for the project at Queen Mary University of London, Professor Alastair Noyce, said: ‘We are another step closer to understanding who in the general population might be more likely to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s and expedite the discovery of improved treatments and, ultimately, a cure for this debilitating condition’. It is estimated that Parkinson’s will affect 14 million people worldwide by 2040.

Improving type 2 diabetes diagnosis and monitoring among ethnic minority groups
12 February 2024

Work has begun in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health at Queen Mary University of London on an 8-year project to study health inequalities in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes among Black African, Caribbean, and some South Asian people, for whom the standard HbA1c diabetes blood test works less well than in other populations.

UK Parliament Committee told vaping has ‘substantial potential’ to solve the problem of the harms caused by smoking
6 February 2024

In an evidence session for the UK Parliament Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry into prevention of harms and ill health caused by smoking, alcohol, drugs, and gambling, expert advisor WIPH Professor Peter Hajek told the Committee that, to prevent harm caused by smoking, ‘Alternative products have substantial potential to solve the problem for us’.

‘Rare positive trial result' for new support intervention for people with dementia
2 February 2024

Research led by WIPH Professor of Psychological Medicine Claudia Cooper shows that a new therapy, NIDUS-Family, helps people with dementia and their family carers attain their personal goals. The therapy has the potential to be rolled out to support consistent, evidence-based personalised dementia care across the NHS.     

National NHS BRCA gene testing to identify cancer risk early for people with Jewish ancestry
1 February 2024

NHS England have announced a new screening programme to provide genetic testing for tens of thousands of people with Jewish ancestry, who are more likely to carry BRCA gene faults that can increase risk of breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancers. The introduction of the new programme is testimony to the extensive body of published research evidence from Ranjit Manchanda, WIPH Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, who for 15 years led the Genetic Cancer Prediction through Population Screening Study (GCaPPS).

CCSPED Showcase photo New QMUL Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis
18 January 2024

The launch of the new Queen Mary Centre for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis on 16 January heralds a step forward for world leading cancer research and education. Located in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, CCSPED is being co-led by Professor Stephen Duffy with Professor Peter Sasieni, who has transferred his research team and the Cancer Research UK-funded Cancer Prevention Trials Unit to Queen Mary from King’s College London.

Photo for Pregnant Smokers Story E-cigarettes help pregnant smokers quit without risks to pregnancy
17 January 2024

A new analysis of trial data from over 1100 pregnant smokers, led by WIPH researchers, finds that the regular use of nicotine replacement products during pregnancy is not associated with adverse pregnancy events or poor pregnancy outcomes.  

Oestradiol levels identify which women will benefit most from anastrozole to prevent breast cancer
7 December 2023

Research led by Jack Cuzick shows that blood hormone levels are an important indicator of whether women will benefit from recently licensed medication, Anastrozole, for the prevention of breast cancer. The study results have been presented by Professor Cuzick in his William L. McGuire Memorial Lecture at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), and simultaneously published in Lancet Oncology on 6 December.

Effect of four risk factors on years of life lost to cancer
16 November 2023

The impact of alcohol consumption, smoking, excess body weight, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on cancer mortality and years of life lost (YLLs) are calculated across seven countries in new study. Researchers found that in 2020 in the UK, US, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, YLLs attributable to these preventable risk factors were 5.9 million for alcohol, 20.8 million for smoking, 3.1 million to excess body weight, and 4 million to HPV.

10-point plan for a UK Cancer Strategy
15 November 2023

A policy review paper calls for a UK Cancer Strategy to address gaps left by the integration of the National Cancer Control Plan into a ‘Major Conditions Strategy’ in England and Wales, and the closure of the National Cancer Research Institute, which authors call a major misstep at a time when the NHS is facing multiple challenges.

WIPH research leads to approval of Anastrozole for breast cancer prevention
8 November 2023

Based on research led by Jack Cuzick, John Snow Professor of Epidemiology at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, Anastrozole has been authorised for preventive use in post-menopausal women at high risk of breast cancer.

Society of Apothecaries Galen Medal awarded to Jack Cuzick
2 November 2023

In recognition of his work ‘transforming identification of women at high risk of breast cancer and pioneering modern prevention cervical screening strategies that have been adopted worldwide’, Jack Cuzick has been awarded the Society of Apothecaries Galen Medal in Therapeutics for 2024.

Higher than expected cancer risk after ‘all clear’ at referral for suspected cancer
1 November 2023

Patients referred for urgent suspected cancer, but who are found not to have cancer at that time, have a higher risk of subsequent cancer in the 1-5 years following the ‘all clear’ than those not seen in urgent referral pathways. The results suggest that there are unmet needs in the cancer referral pathway for better support on reducing the risks of cancer.

Sugar Pollution: Curbing sugar supply for health and the environment
31 October 2023

A new report, Sugar Pollution: Curbing sugar supply for health and the environment has been released by the Research and Action on Salt and Obesity unit. 

Peter Sasieni wins 2023 Don Listwin Award
12 October 2023

The 2023 Don Listwin Award for outstanding contribution to cancer early detection has been conferred on Peter Sasieni, Professor of Cancer Epidemiology at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health, QMUL.

2.2 million years of life lost due to cancer each year in the UK
11 October 2023

Over two million years of life are lost to cancer in the UK every year, according to a study by authors from WIPH, King’s College London, and Cancer Research UK. 

Global review of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Climate Commitments
10 October 2023

A Global review on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Climate Commitments, led by WIPH authors with colleagues from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), examines the climate plans of 119 countries to determine whether they integrate access to contraception, safe birthing, and protecting women and girls from gender-based violence into their adaptation goals. Results show that only a third of countries with climate crisis plans include access to sexual, maternal, and newborn health services. The report is being launched today at a UNFPA/QMUL collaborative event in Westminster.

Photo of N2O Know the Risks Event QMUL and Tower Hamlets unite to reduce risks of nitrous oxide misuse
4 October 2023

A new joint QMUL-Tower Hamlets community project, N2O Know the Risks, was launched on 28 September at the Tower Hamlets town hall, with around 120 students from local schools participating in interactive workshops.

Photo of Prof. Jack Cuzick 2023 William L. McGuire Memorial Lecture Award
27 September 2023

Professor Jack Cuzick will receive the William L. McGuire Memorial Lecture Award at the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS).

A person holding a vape on one hand and cigarettes on the other hand E-cigarettes are not a gateway into smoking
21 September 2023

The most comprehensive study to date investigating whether e-cigarettes are a gateway into or out of smoking finds that, at the population level, there is no sign that e-cigarettes and other alternative nicotine delivery products promote smoking.

nitrous oxide Clinicians say criminalising nitrous oxide possession will not address the rise in neurological harm
21 September 2023

A letter from clinicians, published in The Lancet Neurology, asserts that criminalisation of nitrous oxide possession is not the answer to the concerning rise in neurological harm from nitrous oxide abuse, and calls on the UK government to prioritise legislative efforts to effectively curb the sale of nitrous oxide destined for recreational use.

salt intake -  graph data Increased salt intake in England from 2014-18
19 September 2023

An assessment of changes in salt intake in England shows that, following a reduction of 19% from 2003-2014 (from 9.38 to 7.58 grams per day), intake increased to 8.39 grams per day by 2018.

Photo showing the staff members of the Centre for Preventive Neurology New WIPH Centre for Preventive Neurology
4 September 2023

We are proud to announce the establishment of the new WIPH Centre for Preventive Neurology (CPN), the only Centre for Preventive Neurology in the UK.

Photo of Cells COVID-19 pandemic effects on Cancer Prevention
29 August 2023

A WIPH-led review of the international effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer prevention finds that prevention services were severely affected in the early months, and in some places are still recovering. Some specific screening service responses to the possible impending crisis in cancer cases may have begun to turn the tide.

The logo of the National Institute of Health and Care research, consisting of blue text on a white background underneath a logo of white, red and blue concentric circles on a blue background. New NIHR Policy Research Unit to improve Dementia prevention, diagnosis and care
1 August 2023

A new NIHR Dementia and Neurodegeneration Policy Research Unit is to be co-led by Queen Mary University of London and the University of Plymouth. Funded by a £3million NIHR grant, the DeNPRU will produce research on prevention, diagnosis and treatment, care service, and workforce needs. Work will commence in January 2024, under co-directors Professors Claudia Cooper and Sube Banerjee.

Photo for Pregnant Smokers Story HTA Report: E-cigarettes may be better than nicotine patches to help pregnant smokers quit
1 August 2023

A Health Technology Assessment led by WIPH authors finds that e-cigarettes are probably more effective than nicotine patches in helping pregnant smokers quit, and that using e-cigarettes may also reduce the incidence of low birthweight in babies born to pregnant smokers. Advice to smokers already includes a recommendation to switch from smoking to e-cigarettes, but this research shows that the recommendation can now also be extended to pregnant smokers.

Photo of Lung Cancer Screening - The Conversation article How England’s new lung cancer screening could save thousands of lives
13 July 2023

In an Expert Q&A Sammy Quaife tells The Conversation that the rollout of the NHS England National targeted lung cancer screening programme is expected to detect lung cancer in about 9000 people each year, with most of them found to have early-stage disease.

Photo of Blood Cancer Awareness Measure New tool pinpoints gaps in awareness of blood cancer symptoms
7 July 2023

A new tool to identify gaps in public knowledge about symptoms of blood cancer could help to shape future awareness campaigns, potentially saving countless lives. Blood cancer (including leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma) is the third leading cause of cancer death in the UK, but symptoms are often vague and non-specific.

The logo of the National Institute of Health and Care research, consisting of blue text on a white background underneath a logo of white, red and blue concentric circles on a blue background. WIPH team to represent QMUL in new NIHR Research Support Service
4 July 2023

A new National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research Support Service will launch in October across four Universities, with the QMUL team based at the Wolfson Institute of Population Health. QMUL will collaborate with colleagues at Imperial, UCL, and King’s, to establish new pre- and post- application support for researchers. The RSS, which replaces the previous NIHR Research Design Service, has been awarded funding of £8.7million for five years, £1.7million of which will come to QMUL.

New NHS-QMUL Violence Reduction Academy Launched
9 June 2023

A new Violence Reduction Academy to help tackle interpersonal violence in London has been launched, with the aim of bringing together practitioners and experts from different sectors to improve wellbeing in our communities and provide a health-orientated, partnership approach to reducing violence in society. The NHS-QMUL initiative will build an evidence base by mapping existing interventions within health and social care, and evaluating the success of these interventions in reducing harm. This evidence will enable the academy to share best practice for reducing violence, and support the health system to implement appropriate initiatives across the capital.

Predominance of young Asian men in UK clinical case series of Nitrous Oxide users
31 May 2023

The largest clinical case series to date of young people presenting with probable or confirmed nitrous oxide induced myeloneuropathy at hospitals in London, Birmingham, and Manchester shows a predominance of young men of Asian ethnicity (57%). When compared with census ethnicity data, this group appears to be over-represented relative to the proportion of the population that is Asian or Asian British in each region. Authors say this may indicate genetic susceptibility, or dietary or nutritional predispositions to neurological damage from nitrous oxide exposure, but also may indicate social circumstances predicating use.

Jon Kennedy’s Pathogenesis: BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week
30 May 2023

Jon Kennedy’s hugely successful book, Pathogenesis, has been selected for serialisation by BBC Radio 4 as their Book of the Week, starting on 29 May. The book has had splendid reviews across all major media outlets, and Jon has been appearing at a range of literary and other festivals across the country.

Salt content in pizzas
18 May 2023

To coincide with salt awareness week, a new report on the nutritional quality of pizzas in both the retail and the out of home sectors has been released by the WIPH Research and Action on Salt and Obesity team.

New computer model addresses inequity in selecting clinical trial participants
25 April 2023

A new computer model to select who is invited to clinical trials will ensure that participants are more diverse than usual. 


Two WIPH Professors appointed as 2023 NIHR Senior Investigators
16 April 2023

WIPH is proud to announce that two of our outstanding researchers, Professors Claudia Cooper and Steph Taylor, have been appointed as NIHR Senior Investigators.

Salt in sliced bread: Call for mandatory salt reduction targets
4 April 2023

New research published in an Action on Salt report shows that popular packaged sliced bread sold in UK supermarkets contains unnecessary amounts of salt, with 3/4 containing as much or more per slice than a packet of ready salted crisps.

NIHR awards £1.8 million to develop digital hearing tests for dementia diagnosis
28 February 2023

The NIHR has awarded £1.8 million to fund the DIADEM (Digital assessment of auditory perception in dementia) project, led by Dr Charles Marshall of the WIPH Preventive Neurology Unit

Impact of multiple COVID-19 waves on UK gynaecological cancer services
24 February 2023

A WIPH-led study published in Cancers assesses responses to surveys of staff in UK cancer hospitals after the 2020, 2021 and 2022 Covid waves, and quantifies the impact of multiple COVID-19 waves on UK-wide gynaecological cancer service provision.

Surge in nitrous oxide abuse: New guidelines to help clinicians recognise cases and prevent spinal cord damage
23 February 2023

Recommendations from a research paper on the diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord damage caused by nitrous oxide abuse have been simultaneously adopted as official clinical practice guidelines by the Association of British Neurologists. The unprecedented speed in translating research into practice is necessary as medical cases of nitrous oxide abuse surge in parallel with increased use of what is now the second most popular recreational drug among young people in the UK.


Logo for the Cochrane Library, including the tagline Cochrane Review: Taking vitamin D does not reduce risk of asthma attacks
6 February 2023

Taking vitamin D supplements does not reduce the risk of asthma attacks in children or adults, according to an updated Cochrane Review.

An extract from the periodic table showing the elements of arsenic, cadmium and lead. MRC awards £863k for study to investigate whether toxic metal exposure is contributing to ethnic and social inequalities in young people
4 January 2023

The Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded a grant of £863k to Seif Shaheen, WIPH Professor of Respiratory Epidemiology, to lead a three year epidemiological project to determine whether exposure to toxic metals is contributing to ethnic and social health inequalities in children and young adults in England.

A picture of a brain scan, showing the head in profile Link between anti-epileptic drugs and increased risk of Parkinson’s
3 January 2023

New research identifies an association between commonly used UK anti-epilepsy drugs and increased risk of Parkinson’s. The risk increased with the number of different anti-epileptic drugs prescribed, and with the number of anti-epileptic drug prescriptions issued. Authors believe this is the first study to identify the link.

A toddler sits on his mother's lap, whilst receiving a vaccination in his arm. Pandemic impact on timeliness and equity of MMR vaccinations in NE London
5 December 2022

The proportion of children receiving the Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine on time in North East London fell from 79% to 72% during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study by WIPH researchers.

Three broken cigarettes sit alongside an e-cigarette Cochrane Review: E-cigs more effective than traditional NRT to quit smoking
18 November 2022

The latest Cochrane Review has found “high certainty” evidence that nicotine e-cigarettes (or vapes) are more effective than traditional nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT) such as patches and chewing gums in helping people quit smoking.

The photo shows a mural painted on the walls either side of a shop doorway. On one side is painted the flag of the indigenous people of Latin America, which consists of diagonal stripes in many colours with a view of the Earth in the centre of the flag, showing the continent of Latin and South America. The mural continues on the other side of the door with a painting of a toucan. Bags and jewellery are visible through the shop door. £7 Million NIHR award for new Global Health Research Centre
26 October 2022

Professor Vicky Bird (Centre for Psychiatry and Mental Health) has been awarded a £7 million grant by the National Institute for Health and Care Research to co-direct a new Global Health Research Centre with partners across Latin America. The Centre will work with communities to develop innovative, low-cost solutions to improve healthcare for non-communicable diseases, with a key focus on indigenous populations.

The logo of the Ministry of Justice, with a coat of arms and text in white, on a black background Psychologically Informed Planned Environments in prisons
14 October 2022

The Ministry of Justice has published a major report, authored by WIPH researchers, on the use of Psychologically Informed Planned Environments (PIPEs). The report shows that, within prisons, the intervention can lead to improved social and relational functioning, associated with improving social climate and positive staff disposition.

In the foreground, a mammographer views a breast screening image on a computer monitor, while in the background, a woman is having a breast screening in a mammogram machine. Using timed breast screening appointments in London could have detected 100 more cancers during Covid-19 recovery period
12 October 2022

Results from a new study suggest that an additional 100 breast cancers could have been detected by screening in London between September 2020 and March 2021 if timed appointments, rather than open invitations, had been used throughout.

Two older men, a married couple, sit closely together on their sofa, in conversation. One is reassuring the other by putting his arm around him. Suicide risk almost seven times higher after diagnosis of young onset dementia
3 October 2022

A study of nearly 600,000 people in England shows that suicide risk in the first three months following a dementia diagnosis for patients aged under 65 is nearly seven times higher than in patients without dementia.

A nurse wearing mask and gloves fills up a syringe from a vial of COVID-19 vaccine. Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection after primary and booster vaccinations
29 September 2022

A prospective population-based study of over 25,000 UK adults vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 up to February 2022 has found that vaccine type, socioeconomic status, age, and behaviours affect risk of breakthrough infection after primary and booster vaccinations.

Four boxes of statins, displaying various types of packaging Lifelong benefits of statin therapy
30 August 2022

Findings from a modelling study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2022 in Barcelona show that stopping statin treatment early could substantially reduce lifetime protection against heart disease, as a large proportion of the benefit occurs later in life.

A toddler sits on her mother's lap, as a nurse swabs her arm in preparation for giving a vaccination injection. Providing resources for urgent response to polio threat in London
30 August 2022

The WIPH Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) is collaborating with the NHS to provide software tools and intelligence to inform the logistics of the polio booster campaign and ease the burden for GPs in North East London.

How to reduce pressure on the English NHS Bowel cancer screening programme
17 August 2022

As bowel cancer screening in England recovers from pandemic suspensions of service, new research suggests that the best option for clearing the backlog of patients awaiting colonoscopy appointments is to raise the blood level on the test that triggers a colonoscopy invitation.

Cutting adult daily salt intake in China by 1g could save 4 million lives by 2030
16 August 2022

Estimates from a modelling study suggest that a reduction of just 1g in individual daily salt intake in China could ward off nearly 9 million cases of heart disease and strokes and save 4 million lives in by 2030.

A doctor inspects a patient's mammograms NHS Breast Screening Programme in England shows little evidence of overdiagnosis
20 July 2022

The NHS Breast Screening Programme in England has shown little, if any, evidence of overdiagnosis, according to a new NIHR-funded study.  

A pregnant woman cradles her bump, while sitting on a hospital bed New ABN guidelines for Anti-CD20 therapies in pregnancy and when breastfeeding
11 July 2022

A new evidence review presents Association of British Neurologists guidelines for the use of Anti-CD20 therapies for women of childbearing age, concluding that it is safe to conceive and breastfeed whilst taking anti-CD20 therapy.

Staff stand in front of the Leeds Lung Health Check mobile screening unit. Participation in the Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial
6 July 2022

The Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial, a randomised controlled trial of low dose computed tomography (CT) screening conducted in Leeds, has found that a telephone risk assessment followed by a community-based Lung Health Check with immediate access to a mobile CT scanner is an effective screening strategy, but participation appears to be lower among current smokers and the socio-economically deprived.

Four young children in a lecture theatre listening to a talk at QMUL's Festival of Communities Socioeconomic status and dietary sodium intake in UK children
21 June 2022

Results from a study of children’s salt intake suggest that the UK salt reduction programme may help reduce health inequality, particularly benefitting the more socially deprived, who are at greater risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

Logo for the Cochrane Library, including the tagline New Cochrane Review shows digital tools may cut asthma attacks by half
13 June 2022

Digital interventions, such as ‘smart’ inhalers or text messages that help people to administer their asthma medication more appropriately, may cut the risk of asthma attacks by half, according to a new Cochrane Review.

The logo of the UNFPA above the title of the evidence brief Achieving climate justice: Child marriage and environmental crises
30 May 2022

A partnership between QMUL and the UN sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA) has produced a scoping review, an evidence brief, and a set of infographics showing that environmental changes have profound negative impacts on sexual and reproductive rights, and on women’s and girl’s bodily autonomy.

A smiling older woman pulls open the top of her shirt to show the small, black CUE1 device on her sternum. Industry Partnership to test the CUE1 medical device for alleviating Parkinson’s symptoms
19 May 2022

A 24 month Knowledge Transfer Partnership project between WIPH Preventive Neurology Unit researchers and industry partner, Charco Neurotech, will test the feasibility of CUE1, a novel medical device to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The Innovate-UK funded project will investigate the tolerability of the device and its effect on clinical outcome measures, assessing optimal stimulation settings and positioning in patients with Parkinson’s, with a goal to design a formal clinical trial.

An illustration of the human bowel, with a tumour shown as a red mass growing in the bowel. NHS bowel screening programme significantly reduces risk of advanced stage colorectal cancer
17 May 2022

The first national evaluation of the English bowel cancer screening programme’s effect on stage of colorectal cancer has shown that the programme significantly reduced the risk of advanced stage colorectal cancer, and is therefore likely to achieve its aim of reducing mortality from the disease. Results suggest that people who are screened are 32% less likely to be diagnosed with advanced stage colorectal cancer than those who are invited to screening but do not attend.

A pregnant woman cradles her bump, while sitting on a hospital bed Helping pregnant smokers quit: E-cigarettes as safe as nicotine patches and may be more effective
16 May 2022

Results from a randomised controlled trial of pregnant smokers who received either nicotine patches or refillable e-cigarettes suggest that e-cigarettes might be more effective for quitting than patches, and that e-cigarettes are as safe as patches in pregnancy.

The logo of Yorkshire Cancer Research, with a woman wearing a hijab standing in a residential street £3.1 million for PROTECT trial: population-based genetic testing for cancer risk in women
4 May 2022

Yorkshire Cancer Research has announced a £3.1 million grant for research led by Ranjit Manchanda to investigate the risks, benefits, and feasibility of introducing population-based genetic testing for all women to find out if they are at high risk of cancer. Thousands of women living in Yorkshire and other parts of the UK will be offered tests as part of the PROTECT (Population based germline testing for early detection and cancer prevention) clinical trial.

A service user gets support in a local healthcare setting. Co-locating welfare services in healthcare settings benefits participants and demonstrates clear financial gains
2 February 2022

Co-locating welfare advice services in healthcare settings demonstrates clear financial gains and improved mental health and wellbeing, according to results from a newly published systematic review.

A person breaks a cigarette to show their determination to quit smoking ‘Delayed quitters’ more likely to relapse than smokers who quit on target date
31 January 2022

Most smokers who initially succeed in quitting return to smoking within the first few months, but identifying sub-groups at higher risk of relapse could help in relapse prevention efforts.

Logo for the study African Awareness of Cancer and Early Diagnosis AWACAN-ED Project receives £2.99million NIHR Global Health Research Award
18 January 2022

A £2.99 million NIHR Global Health Research Award has been made to fund the AWACAN-ED (Advancing Early Diagnosis of Cancer in Southern Africa) programme.

A busy market in an ethnically-diverse part of London Gaps in antihypertensive and statin treatments and benefits of optimisation in an ethnically diverse socio-economically deprived urban UK population
30 December 2021

Researchers from the Centres for Evaluation and Methods and Primary Care have worked together on a cross-sectional population study to characterise gaps in blood pressure and statin treatments among people at high cardiovascular disease risk in a large urban UK population, and to quantify the health and economic impacts of treatment optimisation.

A person measures their waistline Randomised trial of the 5:2 diet
14 December 2021

The first randomised evaluation of the 5:2 diet, a popular intermittent energy restriction method of weight management, has been carried out among 300 adults, followed up for a year.

A photo of multiple world globes, symbolising our global impact Role of non-governmental organisations in achieving universal health coverage
14 December 2021

A systematic review of 78 studies of non-governmental organisation (NGO) interventions in public health-related activities has shown that NGOs can play a significant role in progress towards universal health coverage.


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