News from CCLS 2016
CCLS launches the the biannual Commercial Law in China Series
22 December 2016
qLegal partners with QM Careers in their recent pitch-it event
12 December 2016
University of London and QMUL launch new Global MBA
3 November 2016
Professor Lastra to talk on the implications of Brexit at the IMF
27 September 2016
Sophie Colacicchi from Central Working in Interview with qLegal's Romain Bouteille
9 August 2016
Sophie Colacicchi has been manager of the Whitechapel Central Working club for now seven months. In this interview with Romain Bouteille, an Intern at QMUL's qLegal, she explains how the business works. She guides us into a collaborative world that precisely matches our world’s evolutions in terms of entrepreneurship and business.
QMUL hosts offer holder event in Taipei
27 July 2016
QMUL Postgraduate Legal Research Conference 2016
14 June 2016
PhD students and early career researchers from across the world gathered at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) on 3 June 2016 to share their research, present their ideas, engage with other researchers, and expand their understanding at the annual Queen Mary Postgraduate Legal Research Conference.
QMUL and Pinsent Masons launch 2016 Dispute Resolution Survey
6 June 2016
International law firm Pinsent Masons and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) are launching a research project to uncover how businesses can streamline their approach to technology dispute resolution.
CCLS hosts Greek Alumni Reunion in Athens
26 April 2016
qLegal Legal Update: Cybersecurity and Data Protection
29 February 2016
qLegal Legal Update: Thinking Smart - the Law and Smart Cities
22 February 2016
Professor Rafael Leal-Arcas spoke at the London Energy Forum
5 February 2016
Paris Agreement is a turning point for humanity, according to Sir David King
2 February 2016
The Paris Agreement, a global plan to tackle climate change, will go down in history as “a great turning point for humanity” according to the government’s permanent Special Representative for Climate Change.
QMUL jointly organises conference on Arbitration in Africa
12 January 2016
QMUL School of Law hosts Annual Pre-Graduation Reception
8 December 2015
QMUL School of Law hosts London Postgraduate Law Alumni Meet-up
30 November 2015