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Human Resources

Service Feedback

Occupational Health at Queen Mary, University of London is constantly striving to improve the service it offers to its clients. As someone who has used our service, we would be grateful for feedback from you.


Feedback for staff and students who have attended an Occupational Health appointment and wish to tell us about their experience:

General appointment feedback


General Feedback Questionnaire [PDF 195KB]

Feedback from Management following an Occupational Health referral report:

Management feedback following a referral report


Management Referral Feedback Questionnaire [PDF 30KB]

Feedback from staff who attended a staff health check appointment 

Staff health check feedback


VSHC Feedback Questionnaire [PDF 305KB]


Many thanks for taking the time to comment. 


Occupational Health aims to provide high-quality services to all of its service users and welcomes comments to help us achieve this. However there may be occasions when we fail to meet expectations and you feel that a complaint is justified.

Complaints can be emailed to 
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