Professor Noam Shemtov

Professor of Intellectual Property and Technology Law
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8063
Room Number: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Professor Noam Shemtov joined CCLS in September 2009 as a lecturer in Intellectual Property and technology Law. He is currently a Professor of Intellectual Property and Technology Law and Deputy Head of CCLS. He lectures in areas of intellectual property, creative industries and technology and his research interests are also focused in these fields.
Noam has led research projects and studies funded by UK Research Councils and by industry, national, supranational and commercial organizations, such as CreativeWorks London, CISAC, Microsoft, WIPO, European Patent Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the European Space Agency.
Noam also holds visiting appointments by Spanish and Dutch universities, where he lectures regularly in areas pertaining to intellectual property, creative industries and technology. He is a qualified solicitor both in the UK and in Israel.
- Beyond the Code: Protection of Non-Textual Features of Software, Oxford University Press (OUP 2017), ISBN: 9780198716792, sole author - monograph, 414 pages)
- European Patent Decisions, Sweet & Maxwell (ISBN: 9780952000723); Co-Author from 2006, annually recurring
- Free and Open Source Software: Law, Policy and Practice, Oxford University Press 2014, Co-Author (N. Shemtov and I.N. Walden ed.)
Book Chapters/Essays/Studies
- N. Shemtov and G. Gabison, The Inventive Step Requirement And The Rise of the AI Machines, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar (Ryan Abbott ed., forthcoming 2022)
- UKRAINE DFID/FCO IP COURT PROJECT – Final Report, N. Shemtov, O. Gurgula, M. Padamczyk, A Trapova, M. White, A. Shtephan, Queen Mary Law Research Paper No. 353/2021, February 2021, 209pp. My contribution comprises authorship in indistinguishable parts of the entire report and oversight of the entire publication.
- Protecting User Interfaces, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Digital Technologies, Tanya Aplin ed., Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd 2020, (ISBN-13: 978-1785368332), pp. 2 – 25
- A Study on Inventorship in Inventions Involving AI Activity for the European Patent Office, Dr Noam Shemtov - Academic Study (February 2019), 35pp
- A Study on Intellectual Property and Mobile Applications, as part of the World Intellectual Property Organisation Development Agenda, N. Shemtov, February 2018, 78pp
- The BeatWoven Project, in Cultural Policy, Innovation and the Creative Economy, Palgrave Macmillan 2016, (ISBN 978-1-349-95112-3), pp. 133-145
- Circumventing The Idea Expression Dichotomy: The Use Of Copyright, Technology And Contract To Deny Public Access to Ideas, in EMERGING ISSUES IN MODERN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: TRADE, TECHNOLOGY, MARKET FREEDOM ESSAYS, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2007, (ISBN 1 84542 775 0), pp. 88-108
Journal Articles
- N. Shemtov, O. Gurgula, Olga and M. Padamczyk, Specialised IP Judiciary: What Are the Key Elements to Consider when Establishing or Reforming an Effective IP Court?). Forthcoming 2022 in GRUR International - Journal of European and International IP Law, Queen Mary Law Research Paper No. 371/2021
- Software Patents and Open Source Models in Europe: Does the FOSS community need to worry about current attitudes at the EPO?.IFOSS L. Rev 2, (2) (2011)
- Mission Impossible? Search Engines ongoing search for a viable global keyword policy, Journal of Internet Law, (Aspen Publishers) September 2009.
- The characteristics of technical character and the ongoing saga at the EPO and the English Courts, Journal for Intellectual Property Law and Practice (OUP, July 2009)
- Searching for the Right Balance: Google, keywords advertising and trademark use, European Intellectual Property Review 30.11 (2008)
- Getting into shape, TrademarkWorld (May 2008) (Co-authored 50% with Gadi Oron, IFPI),
- Revisiting Arsenal in the Light of Opel and Picasso, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, OUP, 2007 2(8)
Research Grants as PI
- 2010 – Microsoft Corporation, A Study of Open Source Software Licences
- 2013 – CreativeWorks London, The Beatwoven Project
- 2014 - The International Confederation of Authors and Composers Societies (CISAC), Private Copying Exceptions and Levies
- 2015 – CreativeWorks London Boost, The Beatwoven Project Part II
- 2016 – World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), A Study on Intellectual Property and Mobile Applications
- 2018 – UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO), Supporting the Ukrainian Government in the establishment and operation of the new specialised IP Court
- 2018 - European Patent Office, A Study on Inventorship in Inventions Involving AI Activity
- 2020 – European Space Agency, Jointly with Argans Ltd, Building Trust in the Digital Economy
Public Engagement
- Director of the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute (QMIPRI)
- Member of the Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Institute
Selected Conference Presentations
- Intellectual Property Ecosystem and Mobile Applications, Keynote speaker at the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association Event, 2 October, 2020, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Patent Law Challenged: AI Activity in Invention Making Processes, IP Global Digital Encounters, 25 September 2020, Madrid, Spain
- European Commission Consultation Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence and intellectual Property in the EU, September 10, 2020, Brussels, Belgium
- Cohabitation or Collision; the challenge to patent law in AI activity in invention making processes, 5 March, 2020, Public Lecture at Centre for
Intellectual Property Policy and Management, Bournemouth University, UK - Patenting Fintech, in SIA – WIPO Joint Symposium, February 5, 2020, Zurich, Switzerland
- Globalization and FRAND: coming to grips with the interplay of IP and Competition law – OxFirst, 18 October 2019, St Cross College - Oxford, United Kingdom
- Entitlement in Inventions with AI Involvement, Artificial Intelligence – Challenges and opportunities for Organisations, September 13, 2019, University of Brunel – London.
- Inventorship in Inventions Involving AI Activity, in AI: Decoding IP, Exploring to Commercial, Economic and Legal Implications, UKIPO & WIPO joint international conference, June 18, 2019, London
- Entitlement to Inventions involving AI Activity: a Global Perspective, in Car Robots Create and Invent, March 14, 2019, Alicante Spain
- Presentation: A Study on Inventorship in Inventions Involving AI Activity, General Assembly of European Patent Office, February 20, 2019, Munich, Germany
- Protecting Interface Designs, AIPPI – November 9, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Protecting GUI in Interactive Entertainment Products, in More Than Just A Game, September 2018, Madrid, Spain
- When Innovation Innovates: Assessing Inventive Step in Autonomous Inventive Processes, Patenting AI – European patent Office International AI Conference, 30 May, 2018, Munich Germany
- AI and IP Legal Construction, China South Lake Forum on IP and Innovation, April 2018, Chongqing, China
- Protection of Graphical User Interfaces, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) & EUIPO Conference April 26, 2018, Alicante Spain
- Patent Protection for Computer Implemented Inventions – Current State of Play, AIPPI March 30, 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Open Standards and FLOSS, 10th Annual Standards, Patents & Competition: Law & Litigation’ Conference, 6 December 2016, London
- Collaborative Protection of GUIs, Intellectual Property Enforcement Forum, 5 October 2016, London
- Branding in China, Fashioning the Law, 23 April 2016, Athens, Greece
- Does IP law limit openness and information sharing and has openness of information changed IP significantly?, Science Summit: Strategy for Excellence 2015, 10 December 2015, London
- ‘Knowledge Exchange and Expansion’: The BeatWoven Project, Innovate UK 2015, 10 November 2015, London
- Branding in BRIC, Luxury Brand & Retail Conference Forum 2015, 23 September 2015, London
- The Growing Importance of RCD for the Fashion Industry, Fashioning the Law, 14 May 2015, Athens, Greece
- Close Encounters of the Odd Kind: When Music Meets Fabric, XVII EIPIN Congress, 31 January 2014, London
- Trade Marks and Innovation in Fashion Design, Law & Fashion Conference London 2013, 20 February 2013, London
- Reverse Engineering and Imitation in Software Law, XIV. EIPIN Congress, London, 22 April 2012, London
- The Creeping Harmonization of European Copyright Law, Public Lecture, Spanish Institute of Authors, 4 January 2012, Madrid, Spain
- Tweeting, Blogging, Messaging: Mobile Opinions, Mobile World Conference, 6 July 2011.
- What’s Fair About Apple’s ‘FairPlay’ DRM System? AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), 5 October 2007, Singapore
- Reverse Engineering, Roman Law, and the “Public”, Boston University, 10 Septemebr 2004, Boston, USA.
Related news
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31 July 2020 - CCLS partners with Argans Ltd to research IT infrastructure in Earth Observation
18 March 2020 - Dabus, AI inventor: Dr Shemtov interviewed by FT on AI and law
1 August 2019 - AI drives down cost and drudgery of routine patent work
9 July 2019 - QM speakers participating at the 7th International IP Congress
13 May 2019 - Dr Noam Shemtov to speak at Trademarks, Designs and more – AIPPI at the EUIPO
13 April 2018 - Dr Noam Shemtov to at China’s 15th South Lake Forum on Intellectual Property
13 April 2018 - CCLS awarded DFID/FCO Project to advise the Government of Ukraine on the Establishment and Operation of a specialised IP Court
9 March 2018 - Dr Noam Shemtov to speak at the 10th Annual Standards, Patents and Competition: Law and Litigation Conference
1 December 2016 - Dr Noam Shemtov is commissioned by the WIPO to carry out a study on intellectual property rights in the mobile app industry
10 August 2016 - Dr Noam Shemtov to speak at the annual Managing Intellectual Property Forum
1 August 2016 - CCLS hosts Greek Alumni Reunion in Athens
26 April 2016 - Dr Noam Shemtov takes part in Science Summit: Strategy for Excellence conference
10 December 2015 - Dr Noam Shemtov to speak at 'Fashioning the Law' conference, Greece
5 May 2015 - Dr Noam Shemtov to co-chair Fashion and IP Seminar held by Wragge Lawrence Graham and Co
24 February 2015 - Noam Shemtov invited to speak at Thai Embassy on Intellectual Property education
10 May 2012