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School of Law

Wei-Shun Hsu


PhD Student



Thesis Title

The Regulations of Shadow Deposits: A Comparative analysis between the US, the EU and China



Professor Rosa María Lastra and Professor Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal

Summary of Research

Wei-Shun’s research focuses on exploring the background of the emergence of the shadow deposits, and their impact on the stability of the financial markets. In addition, the regulatory issues arising from the shadow deposits and the series of reforms in the US, the EU and China and their impact on the industrial development will be addressed as well. Wei-Shun’s research aims to conduct a comparative analysis to understand the similarities and differences of regulatory reforms between the US, the EU and China, in order to design a set of internationally applicable regulatory guideline frameworks. By following these frameworks, countries around the world will be able to prevent the regulatory arbitrage arising from the different degrees of the supervisory mechanisms, in hope of reducing the systemic risks of shadow deposits and enhancing investor’s protection.


Wei-Shun is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London and awards a scholarship from Ministry of Education of Taiwan (R.O.C.). He holds an undergraduate degree in law from Soochow University in Taiwan in 2014 and completed a master’s degree in MSc Law and Finance at Queen Mary University of London with distinction in 2017. Before moving into academia, he worked as a corporate lawyer at the top-tier law firm in Taiwan, Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-law. He specialises in banking and capital markets, and dealt with relevant matters such as IPO, M&A, issuance of investment funds, and also provided the legal compliance for the banks and enterprises.

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