- School of business and management
- Research
- Research Centres, Groups and Clusters
- Marketing Insights & Digital Societies (MINDS)
Marketing Insights & Digital Societies (MINDS)
The Marketing Insights & Digital Societies (MINDS) research group conducts research, dissemination, engagement and scholarly activities related to marketing in a digital age. The topics we study are related to:
- Consumer Behaviour
- Digital Marketing & Digital Economy
- Marketing Education
- Sustainability & Social Marketing
- Strategic Marketing
- Service Marketing
Our collective contribution to theoretical and empirical research and scholarship is evidenced by publications in high quality journals such as the British Journal of Management; Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility; Ecological Economics; Industrial Marketing Management; International Marketing Review; International Journal of Information Management; Journal of Interactive Marketing; Journal of Public Policy and Marketing; Journal of Business Ethics; Journal of Business Research; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Journal of Consumer Behaviour; Journal of Service Research; Marketing Theory; PNAS; Production and Operations Management; Psychology & Marketing; Technological Forecasting and Social Change; Tourism Management as well as numerous books, conference presentations and classes taught.
For further information, please contact Dr. Zahra Sharifonnasabi, Sianne Gordon-Wilson, or Dr. Stephan Dickert.
Board of Directors
Judgment and Decision Making, Risk Perception, Charitable Giving
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Consumer Behaviour /Psychology, Sustainable Consumption/Living, Sustainable Messaging
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Consumer Behavior in Global Mobilities, Consumer Interactions with Smart Products, Brand Management and Cultural Branding
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Market Aesthetics, Ethics & Politics, Art Consumption, Creative Market(s), Market & the Body, Market / Marketing History, Social Marketing, Participatory Marketing |
User generated content, Text mining and natural language processing hashtags, Marketing analytics, Business Analytics and Data Science |
Sustainability Marketing and Sustainable Consumption, AI and Customer Experience |
Digital economy, digital labour, affective labour and the socio-cultural dimensions of user engagement with digital platforms. |
Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Computational social science, analysing online behaviours by using machine learning techniques. . |
Digital Economy, Data Capitalism, Digital Culture, Migration, Alterity, Inequalities
Inclusive marketing in multicultural marketplaces; transformative consumer research; brands and (cultural) branding
Brand storytelling, trust, purposeful leadership, creativity
New media; Digital platforms; Big data analytics |
Dr Haytham Siala Technology enhanced learning environments, digital and social media marketing, sustainable supply chain management and the application of responsible AI in digital healthcare |
Dr Mina Tajvidi Service Marketing, Social commerce, Social Media & Digital Marketing, Consumer behaviour and engagement, Big Data and AI, Consumer sustainable behaviour |
Services Marketing, Front-Line Employees, Occupational Health Psychology, B2B Marketing, Professional Services Firms |
Digital marketing communications including online harms, brand-related content, influencer marketing and social media engagement |
Dr Adèle Gruen Consumer culture; future of work; digital culture; sharing economy |
Sales-Service interactions, digital transformation, transformative consumer research, Indigenous people knowledge systems |
Dr Vignesh Yoganathan Service Robots; Finite Mixture Models; Predictive Modelling; Digital Marketing; CSR Communication |
Associate Professor at Stockholm Business School |
Current PhD Students
Fareeha Akhtar Topic: TBC |
Fozan Alfarshouty Topic: TBC |
Md Al Amin Topic: TBC |
Ali Al-Naama Topic: Consumer journey for a sustainable experience-based economy |
Yuetong Guo Topic: Brand's digital characters and user engagement |
Jiawei Huang Topic: Gamification in live video streaming e-commerce |
Mohd Adderly Bin Suhaimi Topic: Consumer movement identity |
Li Xiang Topic: CSR and Social media |
Filoumena Zlatanou Topic: Emotions in Business Relationships |
Peer Reviewed Articles
- 2023:
- Brokalaki, Z. (2024). Creativity in the Ancient Greek Philosophy: The Politics of Demiourgein, Journal of Creative Behavior.
- Chatterjee, S. (2023). Effect of construal level on the drivers of online-review-helpfulness, Electronic Commerce Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10660-023-09716-2.
- Chatterjee S, Kittur, P, Vishwakarma, P and Dey, A. (2023). What Makes Customers of Airport-lounges Satisfied and More? Impact of Culture and Travel Class. Journal of Air Transport Management, 109,
- Chatterjee S, Mandal P and Rakshit K. (2023). Exploring the antecedents for hospitality reviewers’ trustworthiness and its impact on business patronage. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 110.,
- Delgosha, M.S., Hajiheydari, N., Olya, H. (2023). A person-centred view of citizen participation in civic crowdfunding platforms: a mixed-methods study of civic backers. Information Systems Journal.
- Elhoushy, S., El-Said, O. A., Smith, M., & Dar, H. M. (2023). Gender equality: caught between policy reforms and manager beliefs. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1- 24.
- Elhoushy, S., & Jang, S. (2023). How to maintain sustainable consumer behaviours: A systematic review and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 1– 31.
- Elhoushy, S., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2023). Socially responsible consumers and stockpiling during crises: the intersection of personal norms and fear. Social Responsibility Journal.
- Erlandsson, A., Dickert., S., Moche, H., Västfjäll, D., & Chapman, C. (2023). Beneficiary effects in prosocial decision making: Understanding unequal valuations of lives. European Review of Social Psychology.
- Fruchter, G., Reutterer, T., Dickert, S., & Vacondio, M. (2023). Dynamic Formation of Quality Expectations: Theory and Empirical Evidence. Review of Marketing Science.
- Hajiheydari, N., and Delgosha, M.S. (2023). Investigating engagement and burnout of gig-workers in the age of algorithms: An empirical study in digital labour platforms. Journal of Information Technology & People.
- Hajiheydari, N., Delgosha, M.S., (2023) “Citizens' support in social mission platforms: Unravelling configurations for participating in civic crowdfunding platforms”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (in Production) Article no. 122366
- Kittur, P and Chatterjee, S. (2023). Role of B2B Reliance and Brand Image in Reducing Risk Perceptions: A Serial Mediation Model. European Journal of Marketing, 57(4), 1068-1098,
- Lan, H. and Sheng, J. (2023). Buffer against failing business during pandemic: The role of impression and earnings management. Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 355-367.
- Lee, Z., Gordon-Wilson, S., Davies, I., & Pring, C. (2023) Communicating about sustainability in fashion: A construal level theory approach. European Journal of Marketing.
- Mishra, T, Chatterjee, S and Thakkar, J. (2023). Effect of coronavirus pandemic in changing the performance barriers for textile and apparel industry in an emerging market. Journal of Cleaner Production,
- Moche, H., Erlandsson, A., Dickert, S., & Västfjäll, D. (2023) The potential and pitfalls of unit asking in reducing scope-insensitivity. Judgement and Decision Making 18,
- Pittarello, A., Motsenok, M., Dickert, S., & Ritov, I. (2023). When the poor give more than the rich: The role of resource evaluability on relative giving. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36, e2293.
- Priolo, G., Vacondio, M., Dickert, S., & Bonini, N. (2023). The influence of COVID-19 mortality rate formats on emotional reactions, risk perception, and self-protective behavioral intentions. Journal of Risk Research.
- Rajak, B., Chatterjee, S., and Upadhyay, A. (2023). Exploring the success factors influencing the adoption of the Internet of Things in port logistics: An inter-type and inter-domain analysis, IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3330912
- Ribeiro, M. A., Seyfi, S., Elhoushy, S., Woosnam, K. M., & Patwardhan, V. (2023). Determinants of generation Z pro-environmental travel behaviour: the moderating role of green consumption values. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-21.
- Rubaltelli, E., Dickert, S., Markowitz, D., & Slovic, P. (2023). Political ideology shapes risk and benefit judgments of COVID-19 vaccines. Risk Analysis.
- Sharifonnasabi, Z., Mimoun, L., and Bardhi, F. (2023). Transnational Market Navigation: Living and Consuming Across Borders. Journal of Consumer Research. DOI: 1093/jcr/ucad049
- Sheng, J., Li, Y. and Lan, H. (2023). Parasocial relationship with micro-influencer: Do sponsorship disclosure and electronic word-of-mouth disrupt? Internet Research.
- Yoganathan, V., & Osburg, V. S. (2024). Heterogenous evaluations of autonomous vehicle services: An extended theoretical framework and empirical evidence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 198, 122952.
- Yannopoulo, N; Manika, De; Chandrasapth, K; Tajvidi, M; Wells, V; (2023) What We Do Know and Don't Know about Mature Consumers: Marketing Communications Directions for Future Research; European Journal of Marketing, 57(8), pp. 1969-1995.
- 2022:
- Chatterjee S and Panamand M, "Explaining and predicting click-baitiness and click-bait virality: Role of language", Industrial Management and Data Systems
- Chatterjee, S; Ghatak, A; Nikte, R; Kumar, A and Gupta, S. (2022), Measuring SERVQUAL dimensions and their importance for customer-satisfaction using online reviews: A text mining approach, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Ahead of print
- ÇİFCİ, S., Japutra, A., Ekinci, Y., & Gordon-Wilson, S. (2022). Does Brand Concept Mapping Determine Destination Brand Associations and Image? Tourism Analysis, 27, 515-528.
- Delgosha, M. S., Hajiheydari, N., & Talafidaryani, M. (2022). Discovering IoT implications in business and management: a computational thematic analysis. Technovation, 118, 102236
- Deshpande, B., Pradhan, D., Sivakumaran, B., & Lyngdoh, T. (2022). The impact of advertising appeals on impulse buying. Marketing Intelligence & Planning.
- Elhoushy, S. (2022). To taste not to waste: Can exposure to TV cooking shows cultivate food waste reduction? Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1– 15.
- Flores, A., Cole, J., Dickert, S., Eom, K., Jiga-Boy, G., Kogut, T., Lori, R., Mayorga, M., Pedersen, E., Pereira, B., Rubaltelli, E., Sherman, D., Slovic, P., Västfjäll, D., & Van Boven, L. (2022). Politicians Polarize and Experts Depolarize Public Support for COVID-19 Management Policies Across Countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119, e2117543119.
- Galalae, C., Kipnis, E., Cui, C.C., Johnson, E., Licsandru, T.C., Vorster, L. et al. (2022). A multi-contextual lens on racism and discrimination in the multicultural marketplace. Just accepted in Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Special Issue on Race and Discrimination in the Marketplace.
- Gordon-Wilson, S., Modi, P., & Eastman, J. (2022). Values, Personality Traits, and Packaging-Free Shopping: A Mixed-Method Approach. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 31, 2, 546-561.
- Hagman, W., Tinghög, G., Dickert, S., Slovic, P., & Västfjäll, D. (2022). Motivated down-regulation of emotion and compassion collapse revisited. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:801150.
- Hajli, N., Saeed, U., Tajvidi, M. and Shirazi, F., 2022. Social bots and the spread of disinformation in social media: the challenges of artificial intelligence. British Journal of Management, 33(3), pp.1238-1253.
- Hajiheydari, N., Kargar Shouraki, M., Vares, H., & Mohammadian, A. (2022). Digital sustainable business model innovation: applying dynamic capabilities approach (DSBMI-DC). foresight.
- Hajiheydari, N., & Soltani Delgosha, M. (2022). How Crowdworkers Engage in the Age of Algorithms? An Empirical Study of On-Demand Service Platforms. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 11174). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
- Khalid, A.S., & Dickert, S. (2022). Empathy at the Gates: Reassessing its Role in Moral Decision Making. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:800752.
- Kittur, P., Chatterjee, S. and Upadhyay, A. (2022), Antecedents and consequences of reliance in the context of B2B brand image, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing,
- Kuanr, A., Lyngdoh, T., Guda, S., & Pradhan, D. (2022). Think Happy Be Happy: Salesperson’s Personal Happiness and Flourishing. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review
- Kuanr, A., Pradhan, D., Lyngdoh, T., & Lee, M. S. (2022). Why do consumers subvert brands? investigating the influence of subjective well‐being on brand avoidance. Psychology & Marketing, 39, 612-633.
- Lyngdoh, T., Chefor, E., & Lussier, B. (2022). Exploring the influence of supervisor and family work support on salespeople’s engagement and unethical behaviors. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
- Lyngdoh, T., El‐Manstrly, D., & Jeesha, K. (2022). Social isolation and social anxiety as drivers of generation Z's willingness to share personal information on social media. Psychology & Marketing.
- Nasr, A. K., Rashidirad, M., Yoganathan, V., & Sadaghiani, A. S. (2022). CSR marketing through social media and contextual effects on stakeholder engagement: a multinational cross-industry analysis. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-18.
- Osburg, V. S., Yoganathan, V., McLeay, F., & Diallo, M. F. (2022). (In)compatibilities in sustainable luxury signals. Ecological Economics, 196, 107430.
- Osburg, V.-S., Yoganathan, V., Kunz, W. H., & Tarba, S. (2022). Can (A) I Give You a Ride? Development and Validation of the CRUISE Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Services. Journal of Service Research.
- Pitardi, V., Bartikowski, B., Osburg, V. S., & Yoganathan, V. (2022). Effects of gender congruity in human-robot service interactions: The moderating role of masculinity. International Journal of Information Management, 102489.
- Ramos. J., Grant, M.D., Flores, A., Dickert, S., Eom, K., Jiga-Boy, G.M., Kogut, T., Mayorga, M., Pedersen, E., Pereira, B., Rubaltelli, E., Sherman, D.K., Slovic, P., Västfjäll, D., Van Boven, L. (2022). Structured Analysis of Personal Criteria Increases Intentions to Minimize Others’ Health Risks During the COVID-19 Pandemic. PNAS Nexus, 1, pgac218.
- Siala, H., & Wang, Y. (2022). SHIFTing artificial intelligence to be responsible in healthcare: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 114782.
- Yan, Y., Gupta, S., Licsandru, T. & Schoefer, K. (2022). Integrating machine learning, modularity and supply chain integration for Branding 4.0. Industrial Marketing Management, 104, 136-149.
- Zhao, C., Wang, X., Xiao, Y., and Sheng, J. (2022). Effects of online reviews and competition on quality and pricing strategies. Production and Operations Management, 31(10), 3840-3858.
Grants & Awards
- 2023:
- Mina Tajvidi. Seed-Corn Fund (2023), SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £4000.
- Mina Tajvidi. Global Women in Marketing Award 2023, Marketing Research and Education November 2023.
- Mina Tajvidi. Excellent scholarly work: “Travel Envy on Social Networking Sites”, Annals of Tourism Research, October 2022.
- Mina Tajvidi. Top Cited Article: “Towards an Understanding of Privacy Management Architecture in Big Data: An Experimental Research”, British Journal of Management. March 2023.
- Nastaran Hajiheydari. “Decoding the Emotion-Infodemic Nexus in COVID-19: A Situational Theory of Problem-Solving Perspective”. Strategic Partnership Research Funding, £5000 from QMUL and ¥50,000 from HUST, August 2023 – July 2024.
- Nastaran Hajiheydari. “Disease Stigma Analytics in the Case of Health Crisis: Investigating the Dynamics of Public Opinions”, Small Grant Fund (2023), SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £2300. April- August 2023.
- Sayed Elhoushy. Small Grant Fund, SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £2500.
- Sayed Elhoushy. Contract Research, East London Garden Society/Tower Hamlets. £3000.
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson. BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants (2023), £9,944.
- Swagato Chatterjee. Impact Fund for Research Collaboration. Queen Mary University of London. £1200.
- Swagato Chatterjee. The differential antecedents and consequences of the satisfaction of sales- vs non-sales-employees in B2B organizations: A text-mining-based time-series analysis. Queen Mary University of London. £1200.
- Tana Licsandru. “Exploring Marketplace Discrimination and Racism towards Roma in Romania: Understanding the Experiences of a Hyper-Marginalized Consumers”. Academy of Marketing Research Fund £5000.
- Tana Licsandru. “Exploring Marketplace Discrimination and Racism towards Roma in Romania: Understanding the Experiences of a Hyper-Marginalized Consumers”. Impact Fund, SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £1980.
- Tana Licsandru. “Growing diversity and inclusion-engaged marketing Research, Practice and Education”. Research Environment Fund, SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £2637.
- Zahra Sharifonnasabi (2023). Talent and Stabilization funding from Research England, £6810.
- Zahra Sharifonnasabi (2023). IHSS large grant Seed-corn, Queen Mary University of London, £4650.
- Zahra Sharifonnasabi (2023). Small grants fund, SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £2410.
- Zafeirenia Brokalaki. Impact Fellowship, SBM, Queen Mary University of London
- Zafeirenia Brokalaki. Small Research Grant (2023), SBM, Queen Mary University of London, £2500.
- 2022:
- Stephan Dickert. Top Cited Article Award, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Wiley.
- Tana Licsandru. Highly Commended for the Marketing Scientist Award at the 2022 Women in Marketing Awards – individual contribution to marketing research and education, 16th November 2022.
- Zahra Sharifonnasabi. Queen Mary University of London, Seed-corn grant (2022), £6,650.
- 2023:
- Costello, J. and Yesiloglu, S. (2023). ‘Is The Influencer A Fit Or Fit? An Exploration into Influencer Selection’. Academy of Marketing, June 2023. University of Birmingham.
- Cross, S.N.N., Galalae, C., Licsandru, T.C. (track co-chairs), Cui, C.C., Johnson, E., Kearney, S., Mari, C., Martin-Ruiz, V., Yoruk, I. (2023). Growing diversity and inclusion-engaged marketing (DIEM) Research, Practice and Education for consumer well-being in multicultural marketplaces. Track 2 at the 2023 Transformative Consumer Research Dialogical Conference, hosted by Royal Holloway, University of London, 18-20 June 2023.
- Galalae, C. & Licsandru, T.C. Roma identity in marketing representations. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Romani Studies “Gheorghianismul și fundamentele națiunii rome”, 11-12 November, 2023, Bucharest, Romania.
- Galalae, C. & Licsandru, T.C. Marginalized identities in market representations – a non-colonized perspective. Paper presented at the 2023 European Association for Consumer Research Conference, 6-8 July, 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Galalae, C. & Licsandru, T.C. Ethno-racial Representations in Non-colonized Territories: the Case of Roma Consumers in Romania. Paper presented at the 2023 Academy of Marketing Conference, 4-6 July, 2023, University of Birmingham, UK.
- Goswami, R, Chatterjee, S and Sakashita, M, “Impact of culture in Eastern world on sustainable consumption: A cross-cultural study of India vs Japan” at Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress 2023 at University of Kent, UK.
- Haytham Siala, Bernardi, R., & Zhang, M. Technostress: Social Comparison and Coping Strategies in Gamification-enhanced Learning Environments ICIS, Hyderabad, India, 10-12 December, 2023.
- Haytham Siala, Tajvidi, M., Hajli, N., Wang, Y., & Richard, M.-O. Connecting through virtual communications. The sixteenth Royal Bank International research seminar, John Molson School Of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 14-16 September, 2023.
- Jie Sheng, Huang, D.Y., and Lan, H. Behavioural or sentimental engagement? The impact of marketer-generated content on consumer engagement. China Marketing International Conference, June 2023, Chengdu, China.
- Jingjing Fu. "My 'friends' are valuable": interrogating social relations in the digital economic practices, Categories, Digital Reconfiguration and Mobility in China Conference, 18-20 May, 2022, Copenhagen, DK.
- Jingjing Fu. Sharing for more than the money: analysing digital labour in the context of gender, MeCCSA Postgraduate Network Conference 2022 "Mediating Gendered Identities: Articulations, Representations& Contestations", 21-22 July, 2022, London, UK.
- Licsandru, T.C. & Galalae, C. Racism and discrimination in the marketplace: the case of Roma consumers in Romania. Paper presented at the 2023 Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 27-30 June, 2023, Lund, Sweden.
- Licsandru, T.C., Kipnis, E., Galalae, C., Johnson, E., Mari, C., Cui, C.C., Cross, S.N.N., Kearney, S., Martín Ruiz, V., Vorster, L., and Yoruk, I. Building Marketing DEI Competence: University Faculty View on Student Training. Presentation at Marketing Science: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference @ SMU Cox, 24-25 March, 2023, SMU Cox – USA.
- Mal, C. & Licsandru, T.C. Acculturation strategies of stigmatized groups: a case of Romanian immigrants in the UK. Paper presented at the 2023 Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 27-30 June, 2023, Lund, Sweden.
- Mina Tajvidi. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Conference at the University of Kent, July 2023.
- Mina Tajvidi. British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference at the University of Sussex, September, 2023.
- Mina Tajvidi. Entrepreneurship for Sustainability and Impact (ESI) conference at Qatar University, October, 2023.
- Nastaran Hajiheydari. Algorithmic management and the experience of non-human manager: An exploratory analysis of crowdworkers' narratives presented in EGOS 2023, July 6–8, 2023, Cagliari, Italy.
- Sayed Elhoushy. Sustainability, Ethics, and Consumer. AMS World Marketing Congress, 2023, Canterbury, UK.
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson. “Meet the Editors Session – representing Journal of Consumer Behaviour”, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, University of Kent, July 11-14, 2023.
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson. “Anthropomorphic and Verbal Elements in Recycling Communications” Academy of Marketing, University of Birmingham, July 4-6, 2023.
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson. Jackie Eastman & Rajesh Iyer, “The Positive Impact of Others: Encouraging Donation Intentions and Satisfaction with Life” Academy of Marketing, University of Birmingham, July 3-6, 2023.
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson. Rajesh Iyer & Jackie Eastman, “Look at Me Giving: Luxury Motivations a Charitable Fundraisers,” Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, May 16-19, 2023.
- Stephan Dickert. “Joint Giving and Resource Evaluability”. Compassion Week, Decision Research & University of Oregon, Eugene, August 2023.
- Yesiloglu, S. and Costello, S. (2023). ‘A 360-degree view: Investigating Instagram influencers versus brands persuasiveness on consumers sustainable attitudes’. British Academy of Management, September 2023. University of Sussex.
- Zahra Sharifonnasabi. Product Liminality: A Complementary Approach to Product. Hybridity. Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC), Lund, Sweden, 2023.
- Zafeirenia Brokalaki. Heritage Consumption and Wellbeing. Transformative Consumer Research Conference, London, UK, June 18-20, 2023.
- 2022:
- Ben, Z., Liu, H., Osburg, V. S., & Yoganathan, V. (2022). Cultural Accommodation: Does Online Sensory Marketing Count? Examining the Effects of Fashion Brands’ Cultural Accommodation through Multisensory Website Design: An Abstract. In Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference-World Marketing Congress (pp. 453-454). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95346-1_151
- Cross, S.N.N.*, Cui, C.C., Demangeot, C., Galalae, C., Johnson, E, Kearney, S., Kipnis, E., Licsandru, T.C., Mari, C., Martin-Ruiz, V*., Vorster, L. (2022). Leveraging Diversity for Innovative Outcomes. Plenary Session on Managing Long-Term Teams for Impact in Research, Education or Practice. At 2022 TCR-AMA Impact Festival, Chicago, IL.
- Gruen A., and Mimoun, L. (2022) Liquid Intimacy, Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop, Liverpool, UK, June 8-9.
- Licsandru, T.C.*, Meliou, E., & Steccolini, I. (2022). Citizens’ preferences for digital vs human enabled public services: the role of ethnicity. In Proceedings of the 2022 Frontiers in Service Conference, 23-26 June 2022, Babson College, MA.
- Licsandru, T.C.*, & Cui, C.C. (2022). Brand-Triggered Inclusion – A Theoretical Framework. In Proceedings of the 2022 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 25-27 May 2022, Monterey CA.
- Mal, C.* & Licsandru, T.C. (2022) The role of British brands in reshaping Romanian immigrants’ identity. At the Association for Consumer Research 2022 Conference, 20-23 October, Denver, CO.
- Millard, R.*, Licsandru, T.C., Manika, D. & Gregory-Smith, D. (2022). Surprise gift giving subscription services: understanding influences on well-being of both senders and receivers. In: Humphreys, A., Packard, G. & Gielens, K. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2022 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, Vol. 33, virtual.
- Pirilä, T., Salminen, J., Osburg, V. S., Yoganathan, V., & Jansen, B. J. (2022, January). The Role of Technical and Process Quality of Chatbots: A Case Study from the Insurance Industry. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. DOI:
- Sharifonnasabi, Z., Trujillo Torres, L. and Barbu, M., (2022). Multi-brand Market Legitimation: The Case of ‘Din Inimă’ Sectorial Brand in Moldova, Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCTC).
- Sharifonnasabi, Z., Heirati, N., (2022). Retro-smart Products: When Paradoxes Enhance Evaluation of Incongruent new Products, 12th SERVSIG Conference.
Invited Talks
- 2023:
- Mina Tajvidi. Tianjin AI Forum Nankai University, China, October 2023.
- Mina Tajvidi. "Innovative Fusion (AIoT): How AI and IoT are Reshaping Industries Globally", Emerging Technology Hub for executive managers from the Middle East, November 2023.
- Mina Tajvidi. “Branding Co-Creation through Social Commerce Information Sharing: The role of Social Media”. University of Kent, the University of Bangor, and London South Bank University.
- Sayed Elhoushy. “Redefining the second-hand customer journey, consumer behaviour dynamics, and trust-building tools in digital marketplaces”. Workshop hosted by Sense Worldwide, 2023.
- Sayed Elhoushy. "Sustainability Management Simulation Challenge". NET ZERO hosted by QMUL and sponsored by the Westfield Fund, 2023.
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson. TMT Law Institute and QMUL’s Digital Environment Research Institute event on Data Driven Marketing: Opportunities, Challenges and Ethic. Panel Speaker on ‘Technology, Challenges and risks’ and presented ‘Data, Technology, Influencer Marketing and Regulatory Challenges’ on March 17th, 2023.
- Stephan Dickert. “Graphical depictions of humanitarian crises: Effects of political orientation on the acceptance of refugees”. CAIDe Lab, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA, July 2023.
- Swagato Chatterjee. "Consumer insights from User Generated Content" at Quirks Event, London, UK, July, 2023.
- Tana Licsandru. “Taking Action! – A Film Fashion Forum on Brand Activism”. Invited panellist at the Queen Mary University of London, Centre for Commercial Law Studies. London, UK, 4th July 2023.
- Tana Licsandru. “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Marketplace”. Invited panellist at the University of Leicester School of Business. An event supported by the British Academy. Leicester, UK, 23rd June 2023.
- 2022:
- Stephan Dickert. “Perception and processing of information in charitable giving. Keynote talk given at the Austrian Psychology Society Conference (ÖGP), Klagenfurt, Austria, 5th Sept 2022.
- Gordon-Wilson, S., The PEER (processing, evaluating, executing, reflecting) in peer reviewing, University of Manchester, 7th November 2022, 9.30am – 4:30pm.
- Adele Gruen. Invited speaker at the forum "Reconsidering Social Class in Consumer Research", Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2022, Corvallis, Oregon, July 9-10.
- Tana Licsandru. “Diversity and Inclusion in Business and Marketing”. Invited speaker at the American Institute for Foreign Study, London, UK, 11th April 2022.
- Tana Licsandru .“Let’s talk about… collaborative working: Some reflections from TCR”. Research seminar at University of Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, UK (online), 18th March 2022.
Books and Book Chapters
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Galalae, C. & Licsandru, T.C. (2023). A post-socialist reading of displaced images from the Global South: the case of Roma, Eastern Europe’s oriental Other. In press in Das, A., Chauduri, H., Sandikci Turkdogan, O. (Eds.). Postcolonial Marketing Communication: Images from the Global South. Springer Nature. |
Gordon-Wilson, S. (2023). How Do Fashion Brands Communicate About Sustainability? In Henninger, C. E., Alevizou, P., Ryding, D., and Goworek, H. (Ed.). The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. |
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Elhoushy, S. (2022). Chapter: Outsourcing. |
Ibrahim, Y. (2022). |
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Ibrahim, Y. (2022). |
Licsandru, T.C. & Cui, C.C. (2022). Chapter 3: Ethnic Marketing: the good, the bad and the unknown. |
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Moin, S M A (2022). |
Sharifonnasabi, Z., Luedicke, M, Bardhi, F. and Veresiu, E. (2022). Chapter 12: Global Mobilities. |
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Ibrahim, Y. (2022). |
Licsandru, T.C. (2022). Chapter 6: Brand and value. |
Nov 23, 2023 - Online data scraping by Dr Vignesh Yoganathan | ![]() |
1 Nov, 2023 - “Distaste”and other consumer studies by Dr. Maria Frostling | ![]() |
June 21, 2023 - Research seminar on Consumer Engagement by Professor Linda Hollebeek | ![]() |
June 21, 2023 - Panel discussion on Leveraging Research Networks for inclusive impact | ![]() |
June 8, 2023 - Interactive Workshop: Contributing to Academic Debates by Professor Alexander Leischnig | ![]() |
June 7, 2023 - Research Seminar on Putting the ‘Social’ Back in Society & Research Seminar on Visual Data Collection & Analysis by Professor Jessica Lichy | ![]() |
June 6, 2023 - Research Seminar on How Configuration Theory can Contribute to Innovation in research by Professor Alexander Leischnig | |
June 2, 2023 - Research seminar on Digital Financial Inclusion by Professor G Shainesh | ![]() |
May 24, 2023 - Experimental Design Research Workshop by Professor Irene Scopelliti | ![]() |
May 2, 2023 - MINDS research group members away day | ![]() |
April 11, 2023 - Eye tracking research seminar by Dr. Andrea Pittarello | ![]() |
April 5, 2023 - MINDS research group official launch and research seminar by Professor Giampaolo Viglia | ![]() |
March 22, 2023 - Hofstra Student visit | ![]() |
March 15, 2023 - Research seminar by Professor Varsha Jain on the metaverse. | ![]() |
February 6, 2023 - Research seminar by Professor Justin Paul on publishing in high impact journals. | ![]() |