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School of Economics and Finance

Applied Microeconomics


Research in the Applied Micro group spans a number of areas, from labour economics to health economics, political economy and economic development. Studies in this area have addressed central issues in labour economics, examining the impact of migration, welfare systems, and development policies. Other work relates to a wide variety of applied topics, including education, health, crime, the media, and voting behaviour.

Research from group members has been published in leading economic journals including the American Economic Review; Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Economic Perspectives; Annual Review of Economics; Journal of European Economic Association; Review of Economics and Statistics; American Economic Journal: Applied, Economic Policy, Macro; Economic Journal; Journal of Public Economics; Journal of Development Economics. This research has also attracted considerable media attention and has been featured in a number of international media outlets, including the Economist, Financial Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Slate, Le Monde, Libération, The Lancet, Haaretz, The Atlantic, Al Jazeera, The Guardian, The Times and The Wall Street Journal.

A number of members are recipients of grants from international research bodies such as the ESRC, the Nuffield Foundation, and the IADB, among others. Members also hold editorial positions in journals like at the Economic Journal and Labour Economics and hold prominent positions in the CEPR (Barbara Petrongolo - Director of the Labour group).

The group has an extremely vibrant atmosphere with a number of joint research projects, weekly seminars and reading groups attended by both faculty and PhD students, 11 of which are currently studying under the supervision of members of the group.

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