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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Centre for Microvascular Research

The Centre for Microvascular Research was established in 2007 under the leadership of Professor Sussan Nourshargh.


The overall research objective of this internationally acknowledged grouping is:

  • To investigate the molecular and cellular events within the microvasculature focusing on mechanisms associated with leukocyte trafficking (Nourshargh and Voisin).
  • Regulation of vascular morphology, integrity and function (e.g. permeability) (Nourshargh and Nightingale).
  • Vascular generation such as angiogenesis (Whiteford) and myocardial repair and stem cell therapy (Suzuki and Lewis).

These fundamental inflammatory and cardiovascular responses are investigated under both physiological and pathological conditions. The Centre employs a multi-disciplinary approach for addressing its research objectives, including the use of molecular and cellular biology techniques and numerous in vivo inflammatory models. In addition, the Centre has a strong and acknowledged expertise in the application of specialised imaging methods, such as confocal intravital microscopy (see the CMR Advanced Bio-imaging Facility for more info, which is available to all QMUL and external researchers).

The Centre has an excellent track record of training post-doctoral researchers and PhD students many of whom have been awarded prestigious prizes at national and international conferences, have been successful in acquiring independent Fellowships and have obtained academic positions in prominent laboratories.

We are an international team of researchers and welcome informal enquiries from talented individuals who would like to work with us.

Principal Investigators 


For all enquiries please contact: 

Joana Mateu - PA/Administrator 
+44(0) 207 882 2083

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