Research Staff
Dimitra Kamarinou
Research Assistant, Cloud Legal Project
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0) 20 7882 7319 Mercadante
Research Assistant
BA, MA (UFRJ); MRes, PhD (LSE) His PhD thesis investigates the role of patent examination in promoting the balanced private and public incentives that underpin the rationale for pharmaceutical patenting, using Brazil as a case study of the challenges of implementing this policy in a developing country.
Dave Michels
Research Assistant (Cloud Legal Project)
020 7882 3886 Cloud Computing Law
Jeremmy Okonjo
Postdoctoral Researcher
+44 (0)20 7882 6068 Fintech and ICT Law & Regulation, International Trade, Finance and Investment Law & Regulation, Constitutional & Administrative Law
David M. Scott
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Expertise: International law, international legal history, historiography, temporality, human rights law