The Childhood, Law, and Policy Network (CLPN) has nearly 600 members across dozens of countries all over the world. Our members are researchers working on various social, political, and legal issues relating to children and childhood.

Professor Ziba Vaghri
University professor, Research chair in Child Rights & Child Development, and Director, GlobalChild Program, University of New Brunswick, Canada

Dr Karen Vallgårda
Associate Professor of History, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Ms Marijke Van Buggenhout
Doctoral researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Dr Kate van Doore
Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of School (Learning & Teaching), Griffith Law School, Griffith University, Australia

Professor Gonda Van Steen
Koraes Chair of Modern Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature, Dept. of Classics, King’s College London + Director, Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London, United Kingdom
Professor Wouter Vandenhole
Professor of human rights and children's rights law, Law and Development Research Group, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Professor Bruno Vanobbergen
Guest Professor, Ghent University, General Director, Flemish Agency Growing Up, Belgium

Ms Despoina Vasilaki
DPhil Candidate, Law Faculty, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Dr Philip Veerman
Independent health-psychologist and expert in children's rights, Senior psychologist at the Youth Intervention team (JIT) The Hague, Netherlands
Dr Silvia Rodriguez Vega
Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), United States

Dr Valerie Verdoodt
Postdoctoral researcher; Faculty of Law and Criminology at Ghent University, Law and Technology Research Group, Belgium

Ms Alexandra Vincent
Research assistant and part-time professor, School of Social Work, University of Ottawa, Canada

Professor Yvonne Vissing
Professor of Healthcare Studies, Salem State University, United States

Dr Hedi Viterbo
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Law, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Professor Monique Voltarelli
Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Brasília, Brazil

Dr Basia Vucic
Visiting academic fellow, UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair, Maria Grzegorszewska University, Warsaw, Poland