News from the School of Law 2015
Standardised packaging and the right of intellectual property
10 December 2015
QMUL School of Law hosts Annual Pre-Graduation Reception
8 December 2015
QMUL School of Law hosts London Postgraduate Law Alumni Meet-up
30 November 2015
Claire Green awarded a Leverhulme funded PhD in Law and History
26 November 2015
ISCI wins Public Engagement Award 'Inform' 2015
20 November 2015
Seminar draws together lessons from the Lloyd’s crisis
20 November 2015
Dr Prakash Shah on Caste discrimination fears as Modi visits UK
19 November 2015
Dr Remy Gerbay will be speaking at Charles University in Prague
13 November 2015
Professor Stavros Brekoulakis speaks at ICC conference in Athens
13 November 2015
LAC hosts SPITE Conference: Educating the Educators
5 November 2015
qLegal featured in Twenty Ten Club blog
30 October 2015
International Arbitration Confirmed As Dominant Form Of Global Dispute Resolution
6 October 2015
London and Paris lead the way as the most popular venues, with Asian cities closing the gap.
Dr Prakash Shah interviewed on BBC Radio Leicester
5 October 2015
Merris Amos to speak at Battle of Ideas 2015 on 18 October
2 October 2015
QMUL fifth best university in London, according to Sunday Times
22 September 2015
Dr Del Mar to speak on Neil MacCormick at St. Andrews
17 September 2015
QMUL PhD students Awarded 'Modern Law Review Scholarships
17 August 2015
Three QMUL PhD students, Shane Burke, David Andrew Foster and Angeliki Papantoniou, have been awarded scholarships by the Modern Law Review.
10 academic lawyers, including Dr Ruth Fletcher, publish IHR-compliant abortion legislation for Ireland
31 July 2015
New abortion legislation for Ireland has been drafted by legal experts and published by the open access journal Feminists@law on 29 June. The model law is intended to be a contribution to public discussion of abortion law reform in Ireland and internationally.
Global Antitrust Review (GAR) - Call for Submissions
30 July 2015
QMUL PhD students take part in global event to promote in-depth study of legal issues
7 July 2015
Six PhD students from Queen Mary University of London joined doctoral students from across the globe to take part in the ATLAS Agora 2015, a series of workshops designed to foster the study of legal issues in a global context.
QMUL law academics advise House of Lords Committee on future direction of its scrutiny work
3 July 2015
Academics from the School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, took part in the seminar on the EU Agendas on Migration and Security, organised by the Home Affairs Sub-Committee of the House of Lords EU Committee on 1 July 2015.
Professor Julia Hornle 'Think you're just a face in the crowd? Not necessarily'
19 June 2015
In this article, Professor Julia Hörnle, of QMUL's School of Law, considers the impact and rapid development of face recognition techniques on privacy.
Holding the Government to Account for England's Housing Crisis through the ICESCR Parallel Reporting Process
16 June 2015
The United Kingdom is approaching its 6th Periodic Report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), which will assess its performance and compliance with its obligations under ICESCR. Reading the Government’s Report, there is no acknowledgement of the housing crisis unfolding across England.
Can the European Parliament save us from TTIP?
15 June 2015
In this article, Sam Fowles, researcher in international law and politics at Queen Mary University of London, asks whether the European Parliament will 'save us' from the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
QMUL Postgraduate Legal Research Conference 2015
12 June 2015
PhD students and early career researchers from across Europe came to Queen Mary University of London on 4 June 2015 to share their research at the annual Postgraduate Legal Research Conference.
Individualised approach to merit will not deliver equality in public and working life
5 June 2015
If we want more diversity in our courts, boardrooms, and parliaments, then our individualised approach to merit may “now require quite a serious rethink”, according to Baroness Brenda Hale of Richmond.
Dr Costanza Russo: Law and Ethics in Finance Project group respond to Fair and Effective Markets Review
29 May 2015
The Law and Ethics in Finance Project, co-founded by Dr Costanza Russo, responded to the Bank of England consultation on Fair and Effective Markets Review.
QMUL Law ranked 3rd in the UK and 1st in London by Guardian University Guide 2016
26 May 2015
The School of Law at Queen Mary University of London has once again been ranked 3rd in the UK and 1st in London by The Guardian University Guide.
TTIP and CETA: the trade deals threatening British democracy
21 May 2015
In this post, Sam Fowles, postgraduate research student at QMUL's School of Law, argues that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a threat to British democracy, and should not be ratified.
Closer controls needed to combat 'under the radar' UK Mafia
19 May 2015
High profile speakers from the police and counterintelligence, financial services and academia, will come together at an event in London this Tuesday to highlight to the new government the potential threat and possible responses to ‘under the radar’ problems associated with organised crime and money laundering in the UK.
EFILA and School of International Arbitration at QMUL respond to the criticism against ISDS
19 May 2015
A response to the criticism against the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) has been published by the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA), which is a non-profit think tank based in Brussels.
Persecution of the Rohingya minority by the Myanmar government amounts to genocide, according to field research from the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI), based at Queen Mary University of London.
Time for binding United Nations rules on violence against women and girls
12 May 2015
The United Nations must adopt binding international rules to help eliminate violence against women and girls, according to Professor Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women.
Law at QMUL ranked in top 50 worldwide
29 April 2015
The School of Law at Queen Mary University of London is now among the top 50 in the world, according to a highly-regarded analysis of more than 3,400 universities.
Dr Jessie Hohmann's report and quote in The Guardian 'UK housing crisis 'in breach of human rights'
28 April 2015
The UK is in breach of its own United Nations human rights commitment to provide people with adequate homes because the housing crisis is so serious, according to a report authored by QMUL’s Dr Jessie Hohmann.
More than just a game: Interactive entertainment and intellectual property law
27 April 2015
On 24 April 2015, QMUL's Centre for Commercial Law Studies convened a group of legal experts to consider and examine issues around gaming an intellectual property law. In this article, Dr Gaetano Dimita, Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law, sets out the many legal challenges that emerge from this growing and dynamic sector.
Clinic Collaboration: qLegal soon to be registered as a trademark by Northumbria Student Law Office
24 April 2015
On 15 April 2015, two students from Northumbria University in Newcastle (Charlotte Stapleton and Joseph David Muir) came to London to advise on the registration of 'qLegal' as a trademark.
QMUL law student develops digital receipt app
22 April 2015
Fed up with keeping paper receipts a QMUL law student has developed an app which stores them electronically.
QMUL leads Europe-wide network of free legal advice services for start-ups
21 April 2015
A European network of legal advice clinics, led by Queen Mary University of London, is helping to deliver affordable legal services for Europe’s burgeoning start-up community, including those working in the sharing economy.
Bottom 50 per cent of UK authors made less than £10,500 in 2013
21 April 2015
The median earnings of authors in the UK has fallen below the minimum wage, according to a survey of 2,500 writers, published by researchers at Queen Mary University of London.
The Business of Being an Author - A Survey of Author’s Earnings and Contracts - report published
20 April 2015
Queen Mary University of London has published its final report on a research project funded by the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) into the business of being an author.
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London launch app to match voters with parties
8 April 2015
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) has launched a new voting advice application to help people make an informed choice on polling day. More than 10,000 people have already used the app since it went live on 1 April.
Legal stars of the future compete in annual QMUL 'George Hinde Moot'
2 April 2015
The quality of contributions from finalists in the annual QMUL mooting competition was “nothing short of astonishing”, according to Sir Christopher (Lord Justice) Pitchford, who judged the final at Queen Mary University of London on 24 March.
qLegal Blog Post: 'FutureFest - Shaping Things to Come'
25 March 2015
In this blog post, qLegal Student Adviser, Alessandro Pallavicini, describes his experience of 'FutureFest - Shaping Things to Come' a weekend event of immersive experiences, performances and speakers to excite and challenge perceptions of the future.
QMUL students win law equivalent to University Challenge
24 March 2015
QMUL and Norton Rose Fulbright LLP announce new Energy scholarship programme
18 March 2015
The Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS) at Queen Mary University of London has announced details of a scholarship and internship programme with legal practice Norton Rose Fulbright LLP.
QMUL and White and Case LLP launch sixth global arbitration survey
11 March 2015
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) today announced details of the sixth International Arbitration Survey, sponsored by global law firm White and Case LLP.
Report on impact of terrorist listing launched at QMUL
4 March 2015
A major report into terrorist listing and conflict transformation was launched at an event at QMUL’s School of Law by the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI).
QMUL Law Students Visit the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal
23 February 2015
Report calls for radical overhaul of how the court service handles low value claims
16 February 2015
A new system of online justice would revolutionise the court system of England and Wales, according to a report from the Civil Justice Council’s Online Dispute Resolution Advisory Group. The group includes Julia Hörnle, Professor in Internet Law at QMUL.
Professor Eric Heinze 'MP exploits defamation law to sue journalist'
12 February 2015
UK Judge on European Court of Human Rights says Court must change to remain effective
6 February 2015
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) must continue to change if it is to remain effective, according to Judge Paul Mahoney, the UK Judge on the ECHR. Judge Mahoney was speaking at an event organised by the Human Rights Collegium at Queen Mary University of London.
New initiative from QMUL offers free legal advice to victims of revenge porn
3 February 2015
Victims of revenge porn can apply for free legal advice through a new service offered by the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). As part of the service, victims will receive legal advice from a team of trained student advisors – under the supervision of experienced, qualified lawyers - at QMUL’s Legal Advice Centre.
Passenger tracking in the EU will be as invasive as it is in the US
30 January 2015
In this comment article, Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas - head of QMUL's Department of Law - considers the implications of the increasingly heated debate around the collection and retention of information from air passengers.
7th Issue of the Global Antitrust Review published
28 January 2015
Torture Allegations, Racial Conflicts… and Leadership on Human Rights?
21 January 2015
In this article, Professor Eric Heinze of QMUL's School of Law, argues that the United States, whose government has "has committed grave violations" in the area of human rights, has placed its leadership role in question.
qLegal announces partnership with Cooley LLP
15 January 2015
Energy companies must repair relationship with society, says former CEO of BP
15 January 2015
Businesses and extractive industries should communicate openly and engage more effectively with society, according to the former CEO of British Petroleum (BP), who was speaking at the launch of QMUL’s Energy and Natural Resources Law Institute.
Reed Smith and Queen Mary University of London first in Russell Group to offer 'degree with apprenticeship in law'
13 January 2015
A new practice-based undergraduate law degree with placements at a City law firm.
Queen Mary Postgraduate Law Scholarship Winners 2014
9 January 2015