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HEAR extracurricular achievements

You can take advantage of the extracurricular opportunities offered by the University, Students' Union and your School and gain formal recognition in your HEAR.

You can take advantage of the extracurricular opportunities offered by the University, Students' Union and your School/Institute and gain formal recognition in your HEAR. All of the extracurricular activities, awards and prizes listed below are currently eligible to be recorded in your HEAR, unless specified otherwise. Each activity has a set of criteria that needs to be met and verified by the relevant School/Department that offers it in order for it to be added to your HEAR in time for the publication date. College Prizes are also recorded in the HEAR and are listed in full on our Academic Prizes webpage.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information recorded on these pages is up-to-date, Academic Registry cannot guarantee that changes have not been made by the activity organiser and therefore please check with them if you require confirmation of any details.

If you have any questions or concerns about the criteria/process for gaining HEAR recognition, you should speak to the activity organiser at the earliest opportunity so that they can help resolve your difficulty. Or, you can view our HEAR extracurricular achievements FAQs or our general HEAR FAQ page to see if your query has already been answered.





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