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The William Harvey Research Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry


A unique feature of endocrinology research at WHRI is our focus on life-course consequences of endocrine and metabolic diseases from conception to old-age and their biological-bases.



Clinical and research collaboration between paediatric and adult endocrinologists is delivering ground-breaking discoveries and an international patient referral base, providing access to unique patients and families.

Our Discovery Science and Experimental Medicine successes include achieving major advances in understanding the nature and causes of Familial Pituitary Adenoma and identifying six novel genes causing Familial Glucocorticoid Deficiency, thereby providing new insights into the cellular processes regulating steroidogenesis. Adrenal and pituitary development, mitochondrial and stem cell physiology, and intracellular trafficking are complementary ongoing research interests at Endocrinology, as is the study of novel genes underlying the timing of puberty, the risk of dyslipidemia and rare bone diseases.

The translational aspects of our work are both inspired and supported by our clinical and basic research collaboration, which continues to serve us well in attracting high-quality clinical and non-clinical PhD students and more senior investigators to this truly international centre of excellence. 

Key research areas

Endocrine tumours
Lead researchers: Korbonits, Chapple, Drake, Brown, Gaston-Massuet, Gevers, Guasti, Thakker

Genetics and pathophysiology of adrenal insufficiency
Lead researchers: Metherell, Guasti, Chan, Prasad

Development of hypothalamus and pituitary and disease 
Lead researchers: Gaston-Massuet, Gevers, Korbonits, Guasti, Chan, Howard

Puberty and growth disorders
Lead researchers: Howard, Storr, Gaston-Massuet, Gevers, Metherell, Dunkel

Immuno-metabolic traits of ageing and obesity
Lead researchers: Chan, Czibik

Cellular Stress and Signalling
Lead researchers: Chapple, Korbonits, Chan  

Stratified medicine, clinical trials and stem cell therapies
Lead researchers: Brown, Korbonits, Metherell, Guasti, Storr, Chan, Howard


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