Centre for Genomics and Child Health

Mohsin Badat
Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Haematology
+44 (0)207 883 2205

Miguel Branco
Professor of Genome Regulation; Centre Lead (Genomics and Child Health)
020 7882 2355

Inderjeet Dokal
Chair of Child Health, Emeritus Professor, Honorary Consultant in Haematology
0207 882 2205

Jonathan Grigg
Professor of Paediatric Respiratory and Environmental Medicine
020 7882 2206

Jürgen Groet
Director of Education; Head of Intercalated Degrees; Reader in Molecular and Cellular Biology
020 7882 2271

Thomas Millner
Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Molecular Neuropathology

Dean Nižetić
Principal Investigator, Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology
020 7882 8864

Andrew Prendergast
Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow, Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunology
020 7882 2269

Vardhman Rakyan
Professor of Epigenetics; Deputy Director of Research
020 7882 8140

Burak Salgin
Consultant Neonatologist & Programme Lead to MSc Advanced Neonatal Practice

Abigail Whitehouse
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Children's Environmental Health and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine