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T4 Support


How to delete your content in T4
22 April 2024

Done right, deleting content means our site stays fresh and provides the best user experience. It's also important because pages that have not been deleted properly may still show up in Google. When you think about how large the Queen Mary site is, and how many new pages are created and old ones 'deactivated, this amounts to a lot of old content still showing up online. To avoid this, we need to ensure the deletion process is followed correctly. To do this, there are a few key steps to follow.

Adding a 2024 folder to your news or events listing
1 December 2022

With the new year fast approaching, it's time to create a folder for your 2024 news, events, or seminars.

Adding a 2023 folder to your news or events listing
18 November 2022

With the new year fast approaching, it's time to create a folder for your 2023 news, events, or seminars.

Adding a 2022 folder to your news or events listing
1 December 2021

With the new year fast approaching, it's time to create a folder for your 2022 news, events or seminars.

How to navigate the T4 site structure
22 September 2021

The blog post covers how to navigate the site structure in T4 when logged in and how to find a specific page to edit.

Featured research stories
15 December 2020

As part of the One Web Phase 3 project, we’ve developed a new content type called a ‘Research Feature’. The main impetus behind this is to adapt our REF case study submissions into more narrative, story-led articles suitable for a general audience.

Using the Organisational Unit list to tag news stories and staff profiles
15 December 2020

The 'Organisational Unit' field appears in the 'News story - basic' and 'Staff Profile' content types. It’s an alphabetical, fixed, comprehensive list of School, Institutes, Research groups and Research Themes and their subgroups.

Accessibility deadline is almost here
15 July 2020

Our accessibility deadline is Friday 31 July – we need you to check your websites for accessibility issues and report any problems to us by then.

Most common T4 Web Support queries
16 June 2020

We've looked at the most frequently asked questions in your emails to and picked out the five most popular ones. We hope that these answers will help you when you next log in to T4 to update your content.

Attention-grabbing content using T4 content types
14 May 2020

How can you use T4 content types effectively to make sure you're grabbing the attention of visitors to your website and leading them further into their user journey?

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