Academic Staff
John Adenitire
Senior Lecturer in Law
Mile Public law, legal theory, freedom of conscience and religion, comparative public law, anti-discrimination law, animal rights law and theory
Stephen Allen
Senior Lecturer in Law
Mile International Law and Legal Theory
Alexis Alvarez-Nakagawa
Senior Lecturer in Law and IHSS Fellow
Laws, Mile Jurisprudence, critical legal theory, law and humanities, human rights law, international law
Merris Amos
Professor of Human Rights Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3938 Human rights and civil liberties, Public law
Lizzie Barmes
Professor of Labour Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3941 Constitutional law, European Union law, Equality and discrimination law, Human rights and civil liberties, Jurisprudence and legal theory, Labour law, Public law
Rebecca Bates
Lecturer in Environmental Law
Mile International Water Law, International Environmental Law, Environmental Governance, Environmental Rights, Trade and the Environment
Bernard Schneider
Senior Lecturer in International Tax Law
Lincoln's Inn International Tax Law, Tax Policy, Comparative Tax Law, Chinese Taxation, US Taxation
M. Mohsin Alam Bhat
Lecturer in Law
Mile The Law of Democracy and Political Process; Law and Religion; Minority Rights and Discrimination; Citizenship, Migration and Statelessness; Hate Crime Law and Policy
William Blair
Professor of Financial Law and Ethics
Lincoln's Inn FieldsExpertise: Law of domestic and international banking and finance
Matthieu Burnay
Reader in Global Law, Dean for International, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 2150 Global Law and Governance, Chinese Law, International Law
Tanzil Chowdhury
Senior Lecturer in Public Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 7232 Public Law, Public International Law, British Overseas Territories Constitutional Law
Theodora A Christou
Convenor of Transnational Law and Governance
Lincoln's Inn Globalisation, Human Rights, EU law, international law, energy and natural resources law
Apostolos Chronopoulos
Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 2948 Intellectual Property Law
Roger Cotterrell
Anniversary Professor of Legal Theory
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3946 Comparative law, Jurisprudence and legal theory, Sociology of law
Eyad Maher Dabbah
Professor of Competition Law and Policy
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 8122 Competition law and policy; trade disputes; anti-dumping; Middle East politics
James Dallas
Executive Director of the Energy and Climate Change Law Institute
Expertise: Energy Law, Climate Change Law
Daniele D'Alvia
Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law
Expertise: Corporate Finance Law, Mergers, Acquisitions and Takeovers, Regulation of Financial Markets, Comparative Law, International Finance Law
Gillian Davies
Professor of International and EU Intellectual Property Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7404 0404 International and EU Intellectual Property Law
Kamala Dawar
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor
Expertise: Global economic governance; International trade law; public procurement; competition; sustainable development
Debbie De Girolamo
Professor of Law
Lincoln’s Inn Dispute Resolution Processes
Maksymilian Del Mar
Professor of Legal Theory and Legal Humanities
Mile Jurisprudence and legal theory, Legal education, Sociology of law, Law and Literature, History of legal thought
Alan Dignam
Professor of Corporate Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 8123 Company law / Corporate law
Gaetano Dimita
Reader in Interactive Entertainment and Intellectual Property Law
Expertise: Intellectual Property, Interactive Entertainment Law
Angelos Dimopoulos
Senior Lecturer in Law
Mile EU law, Foreign Investment Law, EU external relations, International Economic Law
Janet Dine
Professor Emerita
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8209 Company law / Corporate law, Human rights and civil liberties, International economic law, International trade law
Sionaidh Douglas-Scott
Anniversary Chair in Law
Mile Constitutional Law, EU Public Law, Human Rights, Legal and Social Theory
Laura Edgar
Reader in Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8069 Electronic commerce, Taxation
Rod Edmunds
Senior Lecturer
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3948 Land law, Trustees' and Directors' fiduciary duties, Rights of victims to participate at the ICC
Gail Elizabeth Evans
Reader in International Trade and Intellectual Property Law
+44 (0)20 7882 8065 International Trade, Intellectual Property Law
Malgosia Fitzmaurice
Professor of Public International Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3949 Indigenous people, International environmental law, International water law, Public international law, Treaties
Anne Flanagan
Professor of Communications Law
+44 (0)20 7882 8066 Communications law, Competition law, Internet law, Intellectual property law, Privacy and data protection, Telecommunications
Ruth Fletcher
Reader in Medical Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3955 Medical law, Jurisprudence and legal theory, Sociology of law, Health and Human Rights, Feminist theory and practice
Garry A. Gabison
Reader of Law, Economics and Regulations
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 2947 Law and Economics, Competition Law, Intellectual Property, Innovation Policy
Norah Gallagher
Reader and Jean Monnet Chair
Expertise: public international law, investment dispute resolution, international commercial arbitration, energy and natural resources
Andromachi Georgosouli
Reader in Financial Law and Regulation
1.9, Lincoln's Inn Fields+44(0)20 7882 3852 Regulation, Banking Law and Finance, Jurisprudence
Remy Gerbay
Lecturer in Arbitration and International Commercial Law
Lincoln's Inn Arbitration
Johanna Gibson
Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8068 Intellectual Property Law, Legal Theory & Philosophy, Fashion Law, Traditional Knowledge, IP & Medicine
Elizabeth Gillow
Professor of Law and Dean for Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Expertise: Employment Law
Miriam Goldby
Professor of Shipping, Insurance and Commercial Law
Lincoln's Inn Shipping Law, Insurance Law, Commercial Law
Manuel Gonzalez
Lecturer in Law
Mile Comparative Private Law, Contract Law, Torts, Property, Equity & Trusts
Neve Gordon
Professor of International Law and Human Rights
Mile International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law
Penny Green
Professor of Law and Globalisation
Mile State Crime Theory, Civil Society Resistance, Genocide, Myanmar/Rohingya, Forced Eviction Israel/Palestine
Jonathan Griffiths
Professor of Intellectual Property Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 8121 Copyright law, Information technology, Intellectual property law, Torts
Berna Akcali Gur
Convenor of Outer Space Law Outer Space Law, Public International Law, Information and Communications Law, World Trade Law
Noam Gur
Senior Lecturer in Law
203, Law Building, Mile Jurisprudence and legal theory, political philosophy, tort law and medical malpractice
Koray Güven
Lecturer in Law (Teaching & Research)
Expertise: Intellectual Property Law, Comparative Law
Jeevan Hariharan
Lecturer in Private Law
Expertise: Private Law, especially Torts; Privacy and Media Law; Jurisprudence and Legal Theory; Intellectual Property
Michael Harker
Head of the Department of Law
Expertise: Media Law, Competition Law, Regulation, Political Advertising
Eric Heinze
Professor of Law and Humanities
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3951 Jurisprudence and legal theory, Law and literature, Human rights and civil liberties
Christiana HJI Panayi
Professor in Tax Law
+44 (0)20 7882 8105 Taxation, International tax law, European tax law
John Hull
Teaching Fellow
Lincoln's Inn Intellectual Property - Contentious and Transactional; Information Law; Data Privacy; Dispute Resolution; Law of Higher Education Institutions and Research Institutes
Julia Hörnle
Professor of Internet Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8064 ADR and dispute resolution, Communications law, Competition law, Conflict of laws, Electronic commerce
Maria Ioannidou
Reader in Competition Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields020 7882 2724 Competition Law, EU Law
Davor Jancic
Senior Lecturer in Law
Mile End+44 (0) 20 7882 3166 EU Law, Public Law, Contract Law
Sarah Keenan
Senior Lecturer (Land Law)
Expertise: Property Law, Legal Geography, Race and Law, Feminist Legal Theory, Sociolegal Studies
Eleni Kaprou
Lecturer in Business Law
Expertise: Commercial Law, Consumer Law, European Private Law, Private law and New Technologies
Ioannis Kokkoris
Professor of Competition Law and Economics; Director of CCLS
Lincoln's Inn Law and economics, Comparative competition law/economics and policy, Intellectual property, Banking law, Financial regulation
Camillia Kong
Reader in Law and Philosophy and IHSS Fellow
Mile Mental Capacity Law, Health Law, Philosophy of Law
Vasiliki Koukoulioti
Lecturer in Tax Law
Expertise: International tax law, tax policy, technology law and sustainability
Rosa María Lastra
Sir John Lubbock Chair in Banking Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8070 Banking and finance law, European Union law, International economic law, Regulation, Development
Constantina Lazaridou
Lecturer in Law
Expertise: EU Law; EU Trade Law; EU fundamental human rights law; Family Law; Criminal Law
Kate Leader
Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law
Expertise: Criminal Law, Law and Performance, Criminal Justice, Access to Justice, Litigants in Person, Conspiracy Theories and Pseudolaw
Julian DM Lew
Professor of International Arbitration Law and Head of the School of International Arbitration
Expertise: ADR and dispute resolution, Foreign investment law, International arbitration
Antigoni Lykotrafiti
Senior Lecturer in Transport, Energy and the Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 5327 Transport Law, Energy Law
Thomas MacManus
Senior Lecturer in State Crime
Room 608, Queen Mary Graduate Centre, Mile End Crime, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Corporate Crime, State Crime, State-Corporate Crime
Raul Madden
Lecturer in Law
111B, Laws, Mile Private Law; Equity & Trusts; Human Dignity; Legal Education and Artificial Intelligence
Kate Malleson
Professor of Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 8120 Comparative law, Constitutional law, Courts, access to justice, Equality and discrimination law
Amber Marks
Lecturer in Criminal Law and Evidence and Co-Director of the Criminal Justice Centre
Mile End+44(0) 20 7882 3964 Forensic science and expert witnesses, Police powers, Prostitution, Drug laws, Olfactory surveillance
Mary Mitsi
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Commercial Law and International Arbitration
Lincoln’s Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8061 International Arbitration, ADR and Dispute Resolution, International Commercial Law, International Investment and Trade Law
Duncan Matthews
Professor of Intellectual Property Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8074 Intellectual property law, Patent law
Seán McConville
Professor of Law and Public Policy
+44 (0)20 7882 3957 Law and Public Policy (including penal and criminal history), contemporary and comparative issues in criminology, peace process in Ireland and the UK
Mario Mendez
Professor of Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3958 Constitutional law, European Union law, Public law
Christopher Millard
Professor of Privacy and Information Law
Lincoln's Inn Information technology, Internet law, Privacy and data protection
Loukas Mistelis
Clive M Schmitthoff Professor of Transnational Commercial Law and Arbitration
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8075 ADR and Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration, Energy and Natural Resources, Foreign Investment Law, International Economic Law
Lilian Moncrieff
Lecturer in Law
Expertise: Regulatory Theory, Law and Political Economy, Corporate Governance, Corporate Responsibility
Katrien Morbee
Senior Lecturer in Banking and Finance Law
Lincoln's Inn Corporate finance, corporate governance, financial regulation, systemic stability
Violeta Moreno-Lax
Professor of Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 7040 EU Law, International Refugee Law, European Immigration, Borders and Asylum Law, Human Rights
Tibisay Morgandi
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Energy and Natural Resources Law
Lincoln’s Inn International energy and climate change law, international economic law, international environmental law, territorial and maritime delimitation, human rights
Caroline Morris
Professor of Constitutional Law
Mile End+44 (0)207 882 5915 Public law, Electoral law, Administrative law, Parliamentary law, Law of direct democracy
Rachael Mulheron
Professor of Tort Law, Civil Justice and Honorary King’s Counsel, and Fellow of the British Academy
110, Law Building, Mile End Torts, Class actions, Civil Procedure, Medical Negligence law
Daragh Murray
Senior Lecturer and IHSS Fellow
Mile International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance
David Musker
Professor of International Design Law
Lincoln's Inn Intellectual Property Law, Design Law, Patent Law
Eva Nanopoulos
Reader in Law
Mile EU Law, International Law, Human Rights Law and Critical Legal Theory
Nicola Georgiou
Lecturer in Criminal Law
Laws, Mile Law of Evidence, Law and Pharmacology, Criminal Law
Phoebe Okowa
Professor of Public International Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3961 Criminal law, International humanitarian law, Public international law
Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal
Professor of Banking and Finance Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44(0)20 7882 8097 International Finance
Shalini Perera
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 8062 Banking and finance law, Company law / Corporate law
Nicola Piper
British Academy Global Professor Fellow
Graduate Centre, Mile End020 7882 6853 Human Rights, International Labour Migration
Chris Reed
Professor of Electronic Commerce Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8078 Electronic commerce, Information technology, Internet law, Intellectual property law
Frances Ridout
Director of the Legal Advice Centre (Clinical Legal Education), Barrister & Professor of Clinical Legal Education and Pro Bono
Mile EndExpertise: Clinical Legal Education; Criminal Law and Procedure; Law of Evidence
Bernard Rix
Professor of International Commercial Law
Lincoln's Inn International Commercial Law
Katy Robinson
Supervising Solicitor, Legal Advice Centre
Expertise: Public law, asylum support, immigration detention, community care, migrant rights
Isobel Roele
Reader in Law
204A, Laws, Mile Law and Humanities, International Law, Critical Theory, International Organisations
Costanza Russo
Senior Lecturer in International Banking Law and Business Ethics and Deputy Dean for Research (PGR), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8102 Banking Law, Financial Supervision and Regulation, Company Law, Corporate Social Responsibility
Sanmeet Kaur Dua
Professor of Legal Education, Deputy Head of Department, Director of Education
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3984 Contract Law, Tort Law, Legal Skills and English Legal System
Maxi Scherer
Professor in International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution and Energy Law
Lincoln's Inn International Dispute Resolution, International Commercial Arbitration, International Investment Arbitration, International Litigation, Conflicts of Law
Rupert Seal
Senior Lecturer in Property Law
Mile Land Law, Equity and Trusts
Prakash A Shah
Reader in Culture and Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3971 Legal Pluralism, Religion and Law, Cultural Diversity and Law, Immigration, Refugee and Nationality Law
Noam Shemtov
Professor of Intellectual Property and Technology Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8063 Intellectual Property and Technology Law
Nigel Spencer
Professor of Education Innovation and Professional Practice
Mile EndExpertise: Legal leadership development, legal career development, coaching and mentoring, Edtech
Hilton Staniland
Honorary Professor
Lincoln’s Inn Maritime law, regulation of international shipping, safety of life and ships, protection of the marine environment
Uma Suthersanen
Professor of Global Intellectual Property Law
1.4, Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8081 International IP law, Comparative copyright law, Comparative design Law
Gavin Sutter
Senior Lecturer in Media Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8082 Media law
Guan H. Tang
Reader in Commercial Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 6186 Comparative intellectual property and technology, Chinese business law, rule of law in China
Jasem Tarawneh
Senior Lecturer in Commercial and Intellectual Property Law and Specialist IP Programmes Director
Expertise: Intellectual Property Rights, International Arbitration & Mediation, International Trade & Investment, Law & Economics
Lucas Taylor
Lecturer in Law
Expertise: Medical Law, Surrogacy Law, Tort Law, Criminal Law, Social Reproduction Theory
Timothy Macklem
Professor of Law and Philosophy
Mile Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
Dimitri Van Den Meerssche
Senior Lecturer in Law and IHSS Fellow
Expertise: International Law, Border Control, Critical AI Studies, Infrastructure, International Organisations, Counterterrorism
Niovi Vavoula
Senior Lecturer in Migration and Security
Mile EU immigration, criminal and privacy law
Hedi Viterbo
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Law
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 6831 Child law, human rights law, international humanitarian law, law and society, critical theory
Ian Walden
Professor of Information and Communications Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8086 Electronic commerce, General media law, Information technology, Internet law, Telecommunications
George Walker
Professor of International Financial Law
Lincoln's Inn Fields+44 (0)20 7882 8087 Banking and finance law
Guido Westkamp
Professor of Intellectual Property and Comparative Law
+44 (0)20 7882 8096 Copyright law, Intellectual property law
David Whyte
Professor of Climate Justice
Expertise: Political economy, Sociology of law, Regulation, Criminalisation
Karen Watton
Senior Lecturer, Clinical Legal Education and Director of qLegal
4th Floor, qLegal Area, CCLS+44 (0)20 7882 5023 Yeats
Senior Lecturer (part-time)
Mile End+44 (0)20 7882 3967 Tort, Constitutional, Administrative Law
Yan Kai (Tony) Zhou
Lecturer in Private Law
Expertise: Private law, tort law, medical law, legal theory