Research Centres
Our research activities are organised around the following Centres:
Centre for Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
Led by Professor Steffen Petersen the research objective of the Centre is:
- to support research activities requiring non-invasive cardiac imaging in our NIHR Barts Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)
- to use cardiac imaging to support stratified healthcare through optimal diagnosis, risk stratification, guidance of management and monitoring of treatment
- to develop new cardiac imaging biomarkers from method development to testing the impact on cardiovascular outcomes
- to support economic evaluations of non-invasive cardiac imaging in various clinical settings
- to collaborate on machine learning, deep learning and other artificial intelligence approaches to improve image acquisition, analysis, and reporting
- to collaborate closely with clinical and clinical academic partners at Barts Heart Centre Department of Cardiac Imaging.
Principal Investigators
Professor Steffen Petersen; Dr Francesca Pugliese
Further information
Centre for Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology
The Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology is successfully investigating key aspects of innate and adaptive inflammation, as well as the mechanisms by which the inflammatory process is resolved published in Immunity, Nature Medicine, Science Translational Medicine amongst others. The Centre has attracted major investments from Research Councils, Charities and EU funding agencies, including 1 MRC and 2 ARUK intermediate and senior fellowships, 3 BHF Intermediate Fellowships, a prestigious Sir Henry Dale Fellowship, and a BHF Chair and Programme Grant.
Principal Investigators
Professor Federica Marelli-Berg; Dr Dianne Cooper; Professor Mauro Perretti; Professor Nicholas Goulding; Professor Ahuva Nissim; Dr Sadani Cooray; Dr Ezra Aksoy; Dr Paula Longhi; Dr Lucy Norling; Professor Jesmond Dalli; Dr Suchita Nadkarni; Dr Dunja Aksentijevic
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Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology
Centre for Cardiovascular Medicine and Devices
This Centre for Cardiovascular Medicine and Devices has been created to bridge the gap between academics and clinicians; with a strong emphasis on innovation. We encourage collaborations between our academic and scientific knowledge base to test new ideas and treatments.
This Centre houses a productive transatlantic relationship with Yale University, which focuses on research and innovation. Our projects include next-generation stent technology and big data consolidation. Our Yale colleagues include one of the Centre’s research leads, Prof. Alexandra Lansky, alongside Prof. Carlos Mena-Hurtado, Prof. John Forrest and Prof. Eric Velasquez. Similarly, the Centre has a strong working relationship with Prof. Bernard Gersh, based at the Mayo Clinic.
Principal Investigators
Professor Anthony Mathur; Professor Amrita Ahluwalia; Professor Andreas Baumbach;Professor Alexandra Lansky
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Centre for Cardiovascular Medicine and Devices
Centre for Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine
William Harvey Research Institute offers one of the largest Centres for Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine in the UK led by Professor Patricia Munroe. Research in Clinical Pharmacology and Precision Medicine focuses on improving the understanding and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Our strategy combines basic science, ranging from vascular biology, large-scale genetic epidemiology to innovative clinical trials as a route to potential new therapies for cardiovascular disease, prevention of transplant rejection and pain management.
Principal Investigators
Professor Patricia Munroe; Dr Ajay Gupta; Professor Michael Barnes; Dr Christopher Bell; Professor Morris Brown; Dr Claudia Cabrera; Dr Pilar Cacheiro; Professor Michelangelo Campanella; Dr Livia Carvalho; Professor Sir Mark Caulfield;Dr Rebecca Charles; Dr Valentina Cipriani; Dr David Collier; Professor Panos Deloukas;Professor Phillip Eaton; Professor Atholl Johnston; Dr Stavroula Kanoni; Professor Nikolas Lemos; Dr Eirini Marouli; Professor Patricia McGettigan; Dr Manish Saxena; Dr Damian Smedley;Dr James Timmons; Professor Andrew Tinker; Dr Arianna Tucci; Professor Peter Vanezis;Dr Helen Warren; Dr Qingzhong Xiao; Professor Qingbo Xu; Dr William Young
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Centre for Clinical Pharmacology
Centre for Endocrinology
Led by Professor Márta Korbonits, research activity in the Centre for Endocrinology spans between clinically applied research in endocrinology to basic research in endocrine signalling pathways. The Centre remains one of the leading centres in clinical endocrine research and practice worldwide and has been responsible for many of the current protocols for investigation and management of endocrine disease.
Principal Investigators
Professor Márta Korbonits; Professor Paul Chapple; Professor Peter McCormick; Professor Carol Shoulders; Professor Leo Dunkel; Dr Lou Metherell; Dr Helen Storr; Professor Maralyn Druce; Professor Li Chan; Professor Leonardo Guasti; Dr Carles Gaston-Massuet
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Centre for Endocrinology
Centre for Experimental Medicine & Rheumatology
Led by Professor Costantino Pitzalis, the Centre for Experimental Medicine & Rheumatology (EMR) is focused on the development of innovative therapeutic and diagnostic approaches to inflammatory and degenerative arthropathies, particularly rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
Principal Investigators
Professor Constantino Pitzalis; Dr Michele Bombardieri; Professor Francesco Dell'Accio;Dr Mohey Eldin El Shikh; Dr Frances Humby; Dr Dylan Morrissey; Professor Rizgar Mageed
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Centre for Experimental Medicine & Rheumatology
Centre for Microvascular Research
Led by Professor Sussan Nourshargh, the research objective of the Centre for Microvascular Research (CMR) is:
- To investigate the molecular and cellular events within the microvasculature focusing on mechanisms associated with leukocyte trafficking (Nourshargh, Rot & Voisin).
- Regulation of vascular morphology, integrity and function (e.g. permeability) (Nourshargh & Nightingale).
- Vascular generation such as angiogenesis (Whiteford) and myocardial repair and stem cell therapy (Suzuki & Lewis).
Principal Investigators
Professor Sussan Nourshargh; Professor Ken Suzuki; Professor Antal Rot; Dr James Whiteford; Dr Tom Nightingale; Dr Fiona Lewis; Dr Mathieu-Benoit Voisin; Dr Neil Dufton
Further information
Centre for Microvascular Research
Centre for Translational Medicine & Therapeutics
Translational Medicine aims to improve human health and longevity by moving new preclinical discoveries e.g. of new drugs or other interventions to their evaluation in man (‘bench-to-bedside’). Translational Medicine also seeks to use new knowledge gained in clinical practice and to incorporate clinical observations into scientific hypothesis in the laboratory (‘bed-to-benchside’). The evaluation of new treatments in man will not only inform us about their efficacy but may also lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of action of a drug or lead to the development of new concepts that improve the quality of our preclinical disease models.
Principal Investigators
Professor Christoph Thiemermann; Professor Adrian Hobbs; Professor Magdi Yaqoob; Professor Roger Corder; Dr Egle Solito; Professor Charles Hinds; Dr Rupert Pearse; Professor Adam Timmis; Professor Richard Schilling; Dr Sian Henson; Dr Gareth Ackland
Further information
Centre for Translational Medicine & Therapeutics